This is a guide made for the user to understand the recruitment process better. After reading this guide, you will have learned the steps from adding a company to hiring a candidate.
Create a company
Click on the Plus button in the upper left corner to start adding a company to your CRM.
The information you enter must be correct, so please review the information before creating the company. If the added data is wrong, you may encounter issues, for example, when you are sending out an invoice.
You can always go back to a company card and edit the information.
Follow the numbered steps in the picture below.
- Search RecMan CDB: When creating a company card, the first thing to do is to add the company. We use an integrated database that can help with auto-filling information. If some information is missing, you will have to fill it in manually.
- Company name: The only box that requires information for you to create a company.
- Create project: Once you have entered the information needed, you can decide if you want to make a project connected to the company to save time.
- With step 1-3 completed, you can click the Create button.
In the picture above, you can see the layout of the company card we created. To access the company card, you have to click the CRM icon in the navigation bar, search for your company, then click on the company name.
Create a project
The next step is to look at the project we created from the company card and see how the Projects module works. Click on the Projects icon on the company card, followed by clicking on the project name.
- Project card: From the previous step, we created this project card through the company card. You can also create new projects using the + button, and to access them, you can click the Projects icon in the navigation bar to get an overview of all the projects.
- Project type: It’s important that the project you create is set to the right Project type. In this example, we have created a Staffing Project, but if the project is created strictly for recruiting, you should set it as a Recruitment project.
- Edit: If you want to change the project type, click on the pencil icon. This is where you edit the other essential project information as well.
If you want to create a new project, you can click on the Plus button.
Adding information to the project card
- Here, you can edit Salary and project data.
- Salary matrix.
- Price list - collective agreement.
- Jobs.
- Ended jobs.
- Candidates in the pipeline. You can manually add Candidates to a project by clicking the +Candidate button. The candidates will be put in the candidate pipeline, with your chosen status, after being added.
- Pipeline categories.
- Split commission. Add a co-worker with whom the commission will be split.
- Hour bank.
- Directions.
- Select the industry category.
- You can write down notes relevant to the project. Text written here is visible to all your co-workers.
- Press the + button to add tasks. You can assign a task to yourself or pass it along to a co-worker.
- By pressing the +Add button, you can add attributes relevant to the project. Adding attributes to a project will make it easier to search for projects with the same attributes in the database. New attributes can be added by a system administrator.
- All activity within the project will be added to the log section of the project card. You can also write comments if you want to add something to the log.
- Budget.
- Under Orders, you can add orders for invoices by pressing +New order.
You can also add resources, look at the economy related to the project, upload files, and send out offers by clicking the buttons at the top of the project card (See picture above).
With all the project information in place, we are ready to post a job using the same Plus button.
Create a job post
- This is where you connect a project and department to the job post. You will not be able to publish a job post without doing this.
- In the General section, you add the relevant information for the job post.
- This shows which employee is the contact person for the job post. This person is the contact reference for the candidates that apply for the job post. You can also add co-workers as contacts. You can remove yourself as a contact, but this is not recommended unless you have added a co-worker as a contact.
- This shows the co-workers connected to the specific job post. Here you can add new co-workers to the job post or remove yourself from the job post. It is recommended to add a co-worker if you are to remove your connection to the job post.
- In the logo section, you can upload a logo to the job post. If added, the company logo will be set automatically.
Uploading another logo will make it visible as double on the job post. Remove the existing logo if you wish to add another logo.
- Under company information, you can click the cloud button to fill in the information available automatically or enter the information manually. To add the company description, you can click on Get from department to extract the information stored in the system or add the information manually. If you have a webpage or if the company has a URL connected to social media, this is where you add that information to the job post.
You will not be able to publish the job post without entering the Company name.
If we scroll down on the job posting page, we can see that we need to enter more information about the job.
- Job description: This is where you enter the information that describes the job and what kind of candidate you wish to apply for the job.
- Work location: This is where you enter the information about the work location. You need to choose the country and add a postal code to be able to publish the job post. In addition, a map will show the location of the address.
- Locations: You can also add additional locations if needed.
- Industry: Add information about the industry relevant to the job post.
- Keywords: Enter different keywords that are relevant to the job.
- Attributes: You can add attributes that will be connected to the job post. Adding attributes will ask the candidate to answer a set of pre-defined questions and add the information to the candidate’s profile (and the candidate card in the system) when answered. Candidate attributes are added by the system administrator.
- External application link: By adding an external application link, candidates will get redirected to the link put in this field.
- Specific emails to applicants applying for this job: This is where you write a specific email to applicants, which is automatically sent out to the persons applying for the job. This is a alternative to the general applicant email defined in the Corporation settings accessible for RecMan administrators.
- Required fields: Sets a requirement of options that the candidate has to meet. If these fields are not answered by the candidate, the application will not be shown as valid and can't be processed.
- Skills profile: Add different required skills.
- Post job to: This is where you choose which platforms you want to publish your job posts to. We strongly recommend that you check the box Publish to RecMan-page (your domain.recman, created in RecMan).
- Screening questions: You can also add a screening question for the job post. If you choose to add a screening question, the answer needs to be correct, or the application will not be sent.
- Video: Video URL to inform candidates about the company or project.
- Images: Upload images to the job post.
- Tags for sharing on social media.
- Files: Files that can be useful for candidates.
NB! Required fields
An application will not be made unless these requirements have been met by the applicant.
Some portals have a set cost to share a job post on their website. is an example.
To share a job post in a portal that has a fee, you have to set the right to do so in the system. This is done by the system administrator.
Applicants and the candidate process
In the picture above, you can see how the Job post looks for a candidate after applying for the job.
The picture above shows that the “New accountant” job post has been published on the RecMan-page. From the job post in the picture above, there is a lot of helpful information to extract. If you look to the right of the job post, you can see how many views, applicants, unread applications and untreated candidates you have connected to the job post. The job post will also be linked to relevant candidates already existing in the Candidate Database.
The next step is to click on the name of the job post.
- If you have many candidates and/or you want to search for a specific candidate, you can do it in this text field.
- This is how candidates who have applied will look like. It provides information about the candidate, it also gives you a way to contact the candidate (Look at the icons below the candidate’s name), and shows you the status the candidate is in concerning the job process.
- This shows the candidate pipeline. When you put candidates in the pipeline process, they will show up here.
We recommend using the pipeline when processing candidates. Using the pipeline process will result in a more effective workflow.
- Candidates can also be given a tag. The tagged candidates will show up in a new filter when clicking on the specific tag. Below, there is a filter for the candidates by the attributes connected to the job post. This way, you can see who has answered the questions from the attributes and categorize them.
- By clicking this button, you can add already existing candidates to include them in the process.
In this picture, we show that you can drag and drop the candidates through the pipeline process. Our first candidate has now been hired.