Welcome to RecMan!


Congratulations as a new user of RecMan, and welcome to the RecMan family! Most of them are ready to use, but there are a few things we would recommend you look at before you start using RecMan business intelligence tools to the fullest. In this article, we will go through the recommended points and refer to the articles that will be relevant to you, yours, your company and their own RecMan solution.

When entering into a customer relationship between you and RecMan, a technical contact person was appointed with you, and a responsible contact person with us. Dialogue between you and us should initially go exclusively through these appointed persons. It is also expected that the technical contact person, with or without the assistance of colleagues or a RecMan consultant, takes responsibility for setup in the system settings and reviews these articles. This ensures a good flow of information and knowledge sharing, in addition to the fact that any headaches in the start-up are considerably reduced.

We are here to make the total RecMan experience with you optimal and hope that you relate to the framework and expectations that are set. For information, you will also receive a form that is filled out as a checklist for what has been set up, what was excluded, and what needs clarification or more assistance. This checklist will serve as a receipt for the layout and can be used as a working document for both parties.

Should there be something you need a quick answer to, do not hesitate to contact our support for a quick clarification. If you want more assistance, we have more opportunities to assist with what you need. Training, consultation and technical assistance are something we can offer if desired. For more information, see Training and Consultation.

Before you get started with the points below, it would be very nice if you read through the Overview, Privacy Policy and Terms of Service on our websites. This is a good introduction to what and who RecMan is, which will probably make the understanding better and the setup easier.


When you move through the articles, you may want to open the links in new tabs so you do not have to jump back and forth.

General settings

Here you can read about general settings we recommend are in place in your solution, including setup to ensure good email deliverability and general security. You should go over these settings regardless of what your solution is to be used for.

Set up general settings

Examples of what this entails are security, general information, templates, career page, system architecture with companies and departments, e-mail settings, set up by and for individual users, available fields, rights and access control and last but not least - adjustments that can make flow and efficiency significantly better.


Here you can read more about the financial setup in RecMan. We strongly recommend that you complete this setup before creating your first invoice or payroll. This point is relatively high up on the list, as much here should be in place before proceeding with recruitment, staffing or anything else that involves financial aspects. If you are not going to use RecMan for something that is financially related, you can skip this setup.

Set up economy settings

Examples of what this entails are products, financial settings in general, data basis in general, data basis for reporting, the basis for invoicing, payment information, KID, EHF, number victory for invoicing and export of invoice basis to external systems.

Job advertisements

Here you can read about setting up job advertisements, including how to activate different job portals. You should go over these settings if job advertisements are to be published from your solution, regardless of whether your RecMan is a recruitment solutionstaffing solutionCRM or ATS for staffing companies.

Set up job ads

Examples of what this entails can be advertising portals, logos and preambles.


Here you can read about the recruitment settings we recommend you take a look at before you start. These settings will be relevant for both those who conduct recruitment, internal recruitment and staffing in the fact that the processing of candidates is done in a similar way regardless of what type of company you are.

Set up recruitment

Examples of what this will entail are settings for the candidate process, candidate presentation, tags etc.


Here you can read about different staffing settings that are critical before you start using RecMan as a staffing solution. This will also apply to those who use the solution as CRM with internal timekeeping. Staffing functionality in RecMan can be relatively complicated, and it would be wise to have a real review here.

Set up staffing

Examples of what this will entail are staffing settings, data basis in general, the basis for salary and invoice, articles, wage and collective agreements, settings and rights for employees and templates related to staffing.

API and integrations

Here you can read more about RecMan's open API. This is used by different companies for different reasons, where the procedure and documentation will be the same.

API information

Examples of what this will entail are whether you want to have job advertisements on your own website, export or import data or build your own application that talks to their RecMan solution.

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