Credit check with Creditsafe

RecMan offers integration for credit check and monitoring via Creditsafe.


Creditsafe is the world’s largest credit information service and offers credit check and monitoring of Norwegian and international companies. Through Creditsafe, you can perform credit checks for customers in Norway, Sweden and Denmark in RecMan.

How to activate Credit check in settings

To activate the Creditsafe credit check, go to System Settings → Co-workers. Select the user you want to activate credit check on and tick Credit check under rights Priced services.



Please get in touch with for prices.

Activating Credit check for co-workers does not incur any costs by itself. The costs are just for each customer where a credit check is performed and for continuous monitoring. As for staying in the loop with monitoring, the associated co-worker will receive a notification in RecMan whenever a notable event causes the credit check to be updated. This will be noted in the notification module.

Credit check on existing customer

To carry out a credit check on a customer, go to the desired customer in CRM:


  1. Tap the Credit check icon at the top right of the customer card.
  2. When the credit check has been completed, you will find out which credit score the customer has; this follows international standards A-E and 0-99, where A-99 is the strongest and E-1 is the weakest. Furthermore, you can see the recommended credit limit and when the credit check was updated.


  3. When you make a credit check, the company is also added to monitoring automatically. When monitoring, credit checks will be automatically updated in the background. To stop monitoring, press Stop.
  4. The same information will also be visible in the invoice overview in RecMan by pressing the arrow next to the invoice number.

Credit check and see a score in CRM

In addition to seeing credit score on the Customer Card and Invoice overview, you can also see the score in the CRM customer overview.


To get an overview of the companies you monitor, you can use a Country filter and Credit Monitoring.


To perform credit checks of several companies simultaneously, you can tick the companies you want to check and click on the credit check icon, as shown below.



When a credit check has been completed, it will also be possible to obtain a more detailed report on the credit check.

From the customer card, this is retrieved by clicking on the PDF icon as shown in the picture here:


You can also retrieve the same report from the invoice overview, as shown below:


Example of credit report


Error message

If the company does not exist due to an incorrect org number or, for other reasons, cannot be credit checked, the following error message will be displayed.


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