Learn how to book shifts efficiently and quickly as a customer in the RecMan customer portal.
Requires the RecMan Employee app to use
Accepting shift requests sent from the customer portal is only available using the RecMan Employee application. |
Using the booking function in the customer portal, your customer can create and send shift requests to employees. This feature enables your customers to:
- Simplify the booking process, request your employees directly.
- Select and request employees based on their availability.
In this GIF, see a simple demonstration of how a customer request is created in the customer portal. Going to the second tab, you will see how an employee can accept the shift in the RecMan Employee app.
Navigating the booking module
Logging in to the customer portal and navigating to the booking module, you have 3 views available:
- Request list: Shows each booking request created by the customer with a summary. You can also see which requests are "sent" or "not finished". For those that are "not finished", you can either delete or click edit to continue the booking process.
- Schedule: The schedule view shows the status of the booking request - for each shift that is proposed. Therefore, you will see which shifts have been confirmed, unconfirmed or declined by employees.
- Shifts: The shifts view will show the status of the shifts that an employee has accepted - based on whether they have logged hours or not. This means that a confirmed status will show if the employee has registered work on the shift or declined the work registration. Unconfirmed shifts will show if the shifts have not been assigned to an employee.
Sending a shift request as a customer
When you are in the booking module, you can also click "New booking" to start the shift creation process:
- Choose project
- Select the time
- Request employee
- Add a message (optional)
In the first step, you choose the project where you want to book in employees. In the second step, you can add more shifts and increase the number of employees (effectively creating multiple shifts for the same date). In the third step, you select which employees to request based on their set availability. Lastly, you can include a message regarding the shift if desired.
Setting availability
Employees can set their availability in their RecMan calendar, either in the web application or in the RecMan Employee app.
Accepting a shift request as an employee
Requested shifts sent to an employee will be received as a notification in the RecMan Employee app. Going to the app, the employee can view the requested shifts, select them and accept/decline.
A shift request can also be sent to multiple candidates, where first come, first served will apply for who gets the shift.
How to set up the booking functionality as a RecMan user
This section describes how a RecMan user creates the contact person, creates a login to the customer portal, and enables the correct permissions to enable the booking function. If you are familiar with this process, this part may be skipped.
To create a login for a customer, go to the company card in the CRM and create a contact person. Or, with an available contact person, go to their contact person card and find the "create login" button to select their language and set a password for the first time logging in. Note that the email account registered to the contact person will also be used to log in.
When the login is created, the customer may be informed of their new login information, where the first-time login will prompt them to set a new and secure password.
Secondly, when creating a customer login, the customer permissions window will be opened on the contact person's card. Here you will need to choose the permissions under the Staffing calendar section:
- "Company - Staffing calendar" OR "Project - Staffing calendar"
- "Book shifts"
- "Self-service booking"
Should I use the "Company" or "Project" permission?
Using the "Project" permission requires you to add the projects the customer is responsible for overseeing to the "Projects" field on the contact person card. By using the "Company" permission instead, you make all the projects on the company available.
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