In this article, you can read about Orders, how they work, how to create them and how to use them as a basis for an invoice.
What is an order?
In RecMan, you can create an order. An order can be best described as a draft of an invoice. Throughout a project, you can register order lines and information, and in the end, this will form the basis for an invoice. In other words, you can start registering costs at the start of a project and invoice once the project is complete. You can also create orders based on the logged work of your employees and create invoices based on this with very few clicks. An order may be changed, deleted or merged until an invoice is created.
You can create orders from both the Economy module and directly on a project. You can read about the project order in this article.
The Order overview in Economy allows you to place an order to be subsequently invoiced to the customer, and you are also able to change the date and information from here.
Manually assembling an order
Creating an order manually can be done either from the project card or from the Order overview in the Economy module.
Here, we will go through the process of creating one from the Order Overview. Navigate to the overview and click +Create Order.
The next step is to do a search for the project the order should be connected to.
Every order must be connected to a project.
Now, go through the details of the order. You can change the connected department, the name, dates for the order and the invoice, credit, internal customer reference, customer contact, the number of the project, a note that will appear on the final invoice and a general description.
Once satisfied, press Save. These details may be changed at any time before an invoice is created.
When the order is created, you are able to create order lines. These lines will appear on the final invoice, and you also define the name, product and pricing from here. You can also add an invoice note, which will appear on the individual line.
When every line is created, the order is ready for invoicing. Simply select the order on the menu to the left, and a row of buttons will appear. Here, you have the ability to invoice, edit the order, download in pdf (one or several orders at once) or delete orders.
Press the Invoice button, and a final screen will appear with some general details. Please note that any order that is Red will not be invoiceable, and some changes must be made to the order or the customer before proceeding. If an order is Yellow, you will get an error regarding missing information, but there is sufficient information to create the invoice regardless.