This article describes the process of creating a salary based on the logged work.

Creating a salary

RecMan’s Payroll is where you create a salary basis (paycheck) and then export it to an external payroll system.

Payroll Functionality can be found by first accessing the Work module from the navigation bar and then selecting Paychecks → Create Paycheck. Or you can click a Plus button in the upper left corner and select Payroll.


You will now see an overview of employees and their salaries based on approved hours in the system. To the left, you can filter your view; it is suggested that you filter on a period to see only the relevant information for the current or last month. Here, you can choose only to set a To date in order to see all the approved work created before the date set.

After you have filtered your view, you select one or more rows of employees. In the example in the picture below, two employees were located in the payroll module when we filtered on work performed in the Month of December 2022. A button Create paycheck shows up after you have selected your employee(s). Click it to create the salary basis.


Once clicked, you will see a receipt with a summary of the salaries created.


Exporting the salary basis to an external payroll system

Once you have created a salary basis, it will appear in the Paychecks module of the system.

Here, you can apply filters on the left side. In order to view what you just created, apply the same filter as you had on the last screen. You can also filter on what is exported or not.

When you are ready, check the different rows you wish to export, and a row of buttons will appear on top of the image. Depending on which salary exports you have active in your system, a different number may appear. Excel export will always be available. You also have the choice to delete the salary basis, but this is not recommended.



You can select the different Salary Basis exports under System SettingsStaffingExports. Please note that our exports create a file that can then be imported into a salary system.

The salary process illustrated

Below, you can see the process of creating a salary basis illustrated. Click the image to get a larger version.


The top line illustrates how you would complete a process from an hour being recorded to the salary basis created. Any hour recorded must go through this process in order to create a salary basis.

The lower line shows how you would change the contents of a Salary Basis. The Salary Basis must be deleted, and the status of the recorded hour must be set to For approval. Once the changes have been made, you complete the top steps once more.

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