Staffing calendar module

This article gives you a quick introduction to the Staffing calendar, as found in the RecMan Project module.

The staffing calendar gives you an overview of what employees you and your company have out in work at all times. The Staffing calendar can be found under the Calendar, and it is a useful module of the employee management system.



If you use the Staffing calendar a lot, it may be smart to create a shortcut. You can do it via the Plus button in the upper left corner of RecMan.

Search and filtering in Staffing Calendar

In the Staffing calendar overview, you have a variety of filtering options. Some of these are specific to the various views in the Staffing calendar (read more about these, with related links, at the end of the article). However, some of the search filters are universal (works across views), and we are going to look at them here:


Corporation Displays active employees who are affiliated with the selected company.
Department Displays active employees who are affiliated with the selected department.
Co-worker Displays active employees who are affiliated with the selected co-worker.
Customer Displays active employees who are affiliated with the selected customer.
Projects Displays active employees who are affiliated with the selected project.
Employee Displays selected employee.


To find a related company, department, employee, project etc., for the employee, you can go to the candidate card to see the person in the “Ownership” box.

The different views in the Staffing calendar


In the top right, you can choose the type of view you want in the Staffing calendar. This depends on the type of information you want to display and what tasks you should perform. There are six different views:

Name Function Help Center article
Work calendar – Week Shows which employees are out at work per chosen week. Sorted by weekday. Work calendar
Work calendar – Employee pr week Shows which employees are out at work per chosen week. Sorted by employee. Work calendar
Work calendar – Employee pr month Shows which employees are out at work (have project shiftwork) per selected month. Work calendar
Employee overview – Calendar Provides an overview of all employees, if available, whether they are at work, have a shift, or if there is logged work, etc. Employee overview
Project plan – Month Possibility to create project plans / project shifts. Project plan
Job overview – Week Provides an overview of the number of employees and information about the employee assignment.  Job overview


As you can see in the filtering list on the left side, the different search criteria are divided according to the different views. This means the search criteria under Employee overview only work in this overview.

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