Use of BI in RecMan.

In RecMan, you will be able to generate a variety of reports as well as set up customized dashboards where you may even alternate their appearance for your preference. In this article, you will get a brief introduction to the report- and dashboard tool available in RecMan BI.



If your user has been given access to reports, you may find the reports in the RecMan BI module. Depending on your access, the content of the reports may be limited. If you do not have the appropriate access, please contact one of your system administrators.


Go to Reports to view articles for all the available reports in RecMan with more information about each of them.

How it works

When generating a report, depending on the report type, you will be able to download and open an Excel or PDF file. The content of each report can be modified by applying different criteria. Some criteria will enable you to include or exclude specific data (Data level, Criteria, and Period), whereas others will enable you to customize the report itself (Customize and Sort).

The reports in RecMan are often listing more information than what you would need, but they are built this way so that you and your co-workers can analyze the data in depth. In contrast, a few selected reports will hide columns and sheets that do not contain information, making them easier to read.

All reports have been grouped within their area of use with titles that will provide you with information on their appliance. The different search criteria are meant to be self-explanatory. Still, if the group, names, and descriptions are not informative enough, you may click the "i" button in the top right corner to be forwarded to an article with more information. You may also mark your favorites for quick access.


You will be able to access and re-generate your previously generated reports from History.

Criteria and selections are saved

When specifying criteria and options for reports, these selections are saved when a report is generated, which means that the same selections are present whenever you revisit the report. You may always be able to clear settings to restore them to their default by clicking the reset button next to the generate button.

For administrators

As a system administrator, you can manage what users (co-workers) have access to the report center and even limit the content of the reports that each user can generate. Go to System Settings → Co-workers to make changes to these permissions.

The permission for the Report center under Main areas (Menu) will give a user access to the report module, whereas the permissions for All reports, Corporation reports, Department reports, and My reports under Reports will limit the content of each report. Note that the "highest" level of permission will become the current access. The permission for Mailchimp will give the user access to the Mailchimp reports, which can be used to export contact information for candidates, companies, or contact persons. And the Report log will provide access to the History feature.

Order a new valuable report

If none of these reports are suitable for your needs, you may contact our support to set up a meeting with one of our experienced consultants, who can provide you with the necessary resources to develop what you need.


If your user has been given access to dashboards, you may locate the dashboards shared with you from the Dashboards page.


Depending on your access and the dashboard settings, the content of the dashboards may be alternated. If you do not have the appropriate access, please contact one of your system administrators.


Go to Dashboards to view articles for all the dashboards available in RecMan BI with more information about each widget.

How it works

When a system administrator has given you access to one or more dashboard(s), you may view them from your home screen and within the RecMan BI application. You may scroll through the available dashboards by clicking the name at the top of your screen. A dashboard consists of several widgets, and each widget is designed for a purpose. Note that one widget may be applied more than once with the purpose of displaying different data.

A widget may be interactive, meaning that you can click on it to extend more information.


A widget may have more features if you wish to, i.e., download it as an image to be included in a presentation, download a spreadsheet to analyze its content or inspect the settings to gain knowledge of what data each widget displays.


Edit dashboard

The Edit dashboard button and the possibility to customize dashboards are only available for system administrators.

For administrators

As an administrator, you can build and customize dashboards with countless widgets and choose which co-workers should have access to which dashboard. If you are a CEO who needs a total overview, a CTO who requires technical control, or a co-worker who needs insight into your own projects, everything will be possible! Dashboards can even be set up and displayed on TVs in your offices for visual management.

You may set up and share customized dashboards with all or specific co-workers in RecMan. See Setting up a dashboard for more information.

Order a new widget for your dashboard

If none of the widgets is suitable for your needs, you may contact our support at to set up a meeting with one of our experienced consultants, who can provide you with the necessary resources to develop new widgets to be implemented in your personal dashboards.

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