In this article, you will learn how to create a new project in RecMan easily.
RecMan is built around projects. Whether you’re creating a request, a new staffing assignment, a recruitment assignment or a job posting, this requires a project in the end. This is to keep track of everything in the system.
The process for the creation of a new project is as follows:
Click the Plus button and select Create Project. You can find the button to create the project in several places in the system, including the customer card.
Name your project. It’s a good idea to give your project a unique name, as this will help you find it again later. Here you also select the type of project. There are several types of projects, and we have explained them in the article Projects module. You can change the type of project at a later time on the project card. Also, select the company the project will be connected to.
You can not change the company connected to the project after it has been created.
Press Create, and your new project is created.
To understand the project card, we recommend reading the Overview of the project card.