Tripletex (Invoicing file export)

Turn on Tripletex as an option for invoice export

Go to System Settings → Economy → Invoice Export, and select Tripletex as the option for invoice export. Then, Tripletex will appear as a choice in the invoice overview when you have ticked the relevant invoices.


Unlike several other of our invoice export options, you do not need to enter additional information for the products in the product overview in RecMan to connect this to Tripletex. The only thing that is included from RecMan is the product number, and it will be matched automatically inside Tripletex.

When exchanging for the first time, make sure that the customer numbers match in the two systems. When creating customers later, it is important that RecMan is used as a master so that you do not sit in both systems and create customers with different customer numbers.

File export to Tripletex

When exporting to Tripletex, it can be good to have an understanding of which fields from RecMan are included in the file export. We will explain this in more detail in this part of the article. The first thing to do is to generate the Tripletex files, this is done by selecting the relevant invoices and pressing the Tripletex button. Then, you will get a CSV file you can download (shown in the image below).


We do not send over attachments for Tripletex.


This file can be opened in Excel to look at the included information. It is important to keep in mind that when saving in Excel, some formatting changes may appear that look strange. For example, a number of hours "7.5h" appears as "Jul 5" (i.e., date) or on social security numbers that start with «0» Excel removes «0» and starts on the next number with value.

Below, we have made a table that shows what information is included in the file exported from RecMan and from where in RecMan it retrieves the information.

Column Column name Information (where / what is included from the RecMan export)
A Invoice number Which invoice the invoice line is linked to
B Invoice date Invoice date
C Due date Due date (from the number of days credit)
D KID KID (turn on in the system settings)
E Payment type Not in use
F Amount paid Not in use
G Invoice number Invoice number (see A)
H Invoice date Invoice date (see B)
IN Customer no. The customer number is retrieved from the customer card
J Customer name The customer's name is retrieved from the customer card
K Address Line 1 Address Line 1
L Address line 2 Address line 2
M Postnr. Postcode is retrieved from the customer card
N City The postal address is retrieved from the customer card
O Email Invoice e-mail address from the customer card
P Our invoice reference (surname) Our reference person (here is the full name, taken from the project card)
Q Our invoice reference (surname) Not in use
R Invoice reference customer (first name) The customer's reference person (here is the full name, taken from the project card)
S Invoice reference customer (surname) Not in use
T Project number Project number (taken from project card)
U Delivery date Not in use
V Place of delivery Not in use
W Comment The invoice note from RecMan is retrieved here
X   Not in use
Y   Not in use
Z   Not in use
AA   Not in use
AB   Not in use
AC   Not in use
AD Number The number of the product (e.g., 7.5 hours)
AE Unit price The price of the product
AF Discount Not in use
AG VAT type Mva type
AI Description Description of the invoice line, which appears on the invoice
AJ Product number Product no. retrieved from Economy → Products
AK Product name Product names are taken from Economy → Products
EEL Department number Retrieved from System settings → Departments → Invoice information
AM Department name Not in use
AN Project number The project number is retrieved from the project card
AO Project name The project name is taken from the project card
AP Currency Not in use

Import in Tripletex

You must first go to the area for importing invoices, as shown in that image, and you retrieve the file you have generated in RecMan. Then you choose that it should be the old file format, and then new choices appear - here, it is important that you remove the check mark that says Ignore the first row (heading row). See the image below of what it should look like in Tripletex.


Sample files

TripleTex has both an export and an integration with our system. The export works by downloading a CSV file that can be imported directly into TripleTex, while the API integration allows you just to press the envelope in RecMan, and it is transferred fully automatically.

You can read more about API integration here.

Authentication API: API key.

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