Learn how to combine Multi-Factor Authentication and Single Sign-On technologies to maximize security and convenience for users.

In RecMan, there are different methods for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and Single Sign-On (SSO). If you wish to set up such authentications for your user access, you are free to do so from My profile. Note that you will only be able to apply the methods that have been enabled in your RecMan.

System administrators may also create a so-called Authentication policy that may require you to apply a predefined method before you can log in for the first time.

No matter if you enable one or more methods from My profile or through an Authentication policy, the setup will be similar. You will be faced with an interface as shown below. From here, you click on the method you wish to implement, and from there on, follow the on-screen instructions.


You may at any time access the same interface from My profile to set up new ones, remove any of the ones you have active, and administer them in general. To update or remove an authentication, just click it again, and the following interface will enable you to manage it.


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