On the 1st of July 2022, a new law went into effect in Denmark where recruitment systems cannot sort by age or date of birth. From this date, sorting by age would be a form of discrimination according to Danish law.
The purpose of the bill is to prevent employers from conducting an electronic screening or other pre-sorting of applicants on the basis of the applicant's age. The desired effect is, therefore, that employees are instead assessed on the basis of their job application and qualifications.
However, it will still be possible to request the applicant's age in those situations where, in accordance with the applicable rules in the Discrimination Act, there are exceptions to the principle of discrimination on the grounds of age. This may, for example, be the case with the employment of young people under 18 if the employer is covered by a collective agreement that contains special rules for the remuneration of young people under 18. This may also be the case in connection with special treatment due to a senior policy purpose of attracting and retaining older employees.
An applicant can still be required to enclose diplomas, CVs, etc., although on that basis, it may be possible to see an applicant's age.
LOV nr 372 af 28/03/2022
Lov om ændring af lov om forbud mod forskelsbehandling på arbejdsmarkedet m.v.
(Forbud mod, at arbejdsgivere screener jobansøgere på baggrund af deres alder)
VI MARGRETHE DEN ANDEN, af Guds Nåde Danmarks Dronning, gør vitterligt:
Folketinget har vedtaget og Vi ved Vort samtykke stadfæstet følgende lov:
§ 1
I lov om forbud mod forskelsbehandling på arbejdsmarkedet m.v., jf. lovbekendtgørelse nr. 1001 af 24. august 2017, som ændret ved § 2 i lov nr. 2591 af 28. december 2021, foretages følgende ændringer:
1. I § 5 indsættes efter stk. 1 som nyt stykke:
»Stk. 2. En arbejdsgiver må ikke anmode om oplysninger om en ansøgers alder ved indlevering, indsendelse, uploading og indtastning m.v. af jobansøgning.«
Stk. 2 bliver herefter stk. 3.
2. I § 5, stk. 2, der bliver stk. 3, indsættes efter »Stk. 1«: »og 2«.
What will this mean for RecMan?
In RecMan, there are several places where you need to turn off the requirement of age to be given.