Nordea Finans (Factoring file export)

Where to download and how to set up the file export for Nordea Finance Factoring.

Accessing the file export

The export for Nordea Finance Factoring gives you 3 files that you can generate from the invoice module. The export will generate an invoice journal, a file for customer data (Kunde.NFK) and one file for invoices and credit notes (Faktura.NFF). All 3 can be downloaded from the invoice module.

Step 1 Step 2


Select the invoices you want to export using Nordea Finance Factoring

After downloading, the files can be sent to Nordea Finance.

Setting up Nordea Finance Factoring in RecMan

In order to set up the RecMan settings to be able to generate this export file, a system administrator will first have to enable the export in the Economy settings for Invoice export:

  1. As a system administrator: Go to Economy settings → Invoice export.
  2. Activate Nordea Finance factoring.
  3. Customize your invoices based on the specifications from Nordea Finance. Go to your department economy settings:
    1. Add your client number under Nordea finans (4 digits).
    2. Edit the invoice text in order to add the transfer text.
    3. Edit invoice settings to add KID to your invoices.

With this information added, new invoices should contain the correct information for Nordea Finance Factoring.

Sample files

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