Tripletex (Invoicing integration)


The integration requires an API key from Tripletex. Please see this article – Tripletex (Integration setup) for more details. 

Visit also this article Tripletex (Invoicing file export).

Integration workflow:

  1. Check customers, create or update
  2. Check products, create or update
  3. Transfer invoice


RecMan checks if a customer with the same customer number exists in Tripletex.

  • If the customer number does not exist in Tripletex, RecMan will create the customer in Tripletex with the details specified in the table below.
  • If the customer exists in Tripletex, RecMan will update the customer in Tripletex with the details specified in the table below.

The following customer details are transferred to Tripletex when the customer is created or updated:

RecMan Field Tripletex Field
Customer number in RecMan CustomerNumber
Customer Name Name
Customer Email Email
Customer Invoice Email EmailInvoice
Customer Company No. OrganisationNumber
Customer Postal/Invoice Address Postal Address
Customer Delivery Address Delivery Address
Customer Visit Address Physical Address


RecMan checks if a product (article) with the same product number exists in Tripletex.

  • If the product number does not exist in Tripletex, RecMan will create the product in Tripletex with the details specified in the table below.
  • If the product exists in Tripletex, RecMan will update the product in Tripletex with the details specified in the table below.

The following product details are transferred to Tripletex when the product is created:

RecMan Field Tripletex Field
Product Number Article Number
Product Name Description


When transferring an invoice, the following details are sent to Tripletex:

Invoice headers:

RecMan Field Tripletex Field
Customer Number Customer Number
Invoice Number Invoice Number
Invoice Date Invoice Date
Invoice Due Date Invoice Due Date
Invoice KID KID
Invoice Notes Comments
Invoice Currency Currency

Invoice lines:

RecMan Field Tripletex Field
Product Number Product Number
Quantity Quantity
Product Description Description
Price Price

When the invoice transfer is complete, the invoice in RecMan will be marked as “Exported.”

Common errors

Error message Description

Below, you will find an attached file that shows a response from Tripletex API integration to RecMan.

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