Before you set up a connection between RecMan and SD Worx, please contact SD Worx and let them know you are in the process of setting up the integration. You will need the following data from SD Worx:
- SD Worx API credentials
- Client ID
- Client secret
- Tenant ID
- SD Worx company number
- SD Worx standard import definition set up (API_V10)
- SD Worx custom import definition set up (API_V10_F30)
Setting up the connection in RecMan
- With SD Worx API credentials at hand, navigate to System Settings → Staffing → Export
- Enable SD Worx from the list of exports
- Select the department you want to connect with SD Worx
- Press Add API Auth and enter your API credentials
- Press Save
After saving the SD Worx section should look something like this:
Your API credentials are now saved and the integration is ready to use.
How to initiate a transfer
The integration works from two different views in RecMan:
- From the candidate page under Employment
- From this page you may only transfer one employee at once.
- From the paychecks page
- From this page you may transfer multiple employees at once by selecting one or several paychecks and pressing the button SD Worx.
- From this page you may generate a CSV file with salary transactions by selecting one or several paychecks and pressing the button 'SD Worx CSV' (file must be uploaded manually to SD Worx).
Both employee transfers carry the same payload and will behave the same way. A custom setup with automatic transfers can be considered on request. Please contact RecMan Support for more information.
The integration works by establishing connections between employees and employments in ReMan to SD Worx. This is done by setting 'keys' when transferring data to SD Worx. By default the keys are set like this:
- External company key: Department number (e.g. 10)
- External person key: Employee number (e.g. 2356)
- External employee key: Employee number - company key (e.g. 2356-10)
- External employment key: Employee number - employment ID (e.g. 2356-5324)
What is transferred
Employee basic information
- Full name
- Address
- Date of birth
- Gender
- Email address
- Email work address
- Mobile phone
- Bank account number (or IBAN and BIC)
- Social Security number (or D-number)
Employment information
- Ansatt dato
- Sluttet dato
- Beskrivelse stilling
- Orgenhet
- Stillingsprosent
- Arbeidstidsgruppe (A)
- Utlønningstype
- Undergruppe
- Stillingstype
- Ansattstatus
- Ansattforhold type
- Ansettelsesform
- Skatteregel
- Skifttype
- Yrkeskode
- Pensjonsordning
- Årslønn
- Sluttårsak
Please note that some fields are optional and can be disabled or customized on request.
Most fields are fetched from the employee or employment data in RecMan, however, some fields are fetched from the latest active job connected to the employment.
See the mapping tables below for more information.
Integration definition in SD Worx
Description: API_V10
Identifier Rules
Company Identifier Rule: AditroCommonExternalCompanyKey
Employee Identifier Rule: AditroCommonExternalEmployeeKey
Employment Identifier Rule: AditroCommonExternalEmploymentKey
Person Identifier Rule: AditroCommonExternalPersonKey
Person and employee fields:
Tabellnavn (#) | Feltnavn (#) | Verdi | Referanse |
Personal (1) | Ansattnummer (2) | Employee.employeeNo | |
Personal (1) | Fødselsnummer (3) | Person.ssn | |
Personal (1) | c/o adresse (6) | Employee.persAdr1 | |
Personal (1) | Adresse (7) | Employee.persAdr2 | |
Personal (1) | Landkode (8) | Employee.landKode | |
Personal (1) | Poststed (9) | Employee.poststedNr | |
Personal (1) | Bankkontonr. 1 (16) | Employee.bankKto1 | |
Personal (1) | Ansatt dato - person (22) | Employee.companyEmploymentDate | |
Personal (1) | Sluttet dato - person (23) | Employee.companyTerminationDate | |
Personal (1) | Utbetalings-måte 1 (26) | Employee.utbetmaate1 | |
Personal (1) | Lønnstype (35) | Employee.loennType | |
Personal (1) | Arbeidsdager per uke (38) | 5 | Employee.antArbDagerUke |
Personal (1) | Feriepengegrunnlag (43) | 1 | Employee.feriepengeKode |
Personal (1) | Mobiltelefon jobb (133) | Employee.mobilTelefNr | |
Personal (1) | Lønnslipp type (199) | Employee.frifeltF16 | |
Personal (1) | E-post, arbeid (201) | Employee.EMailJobb | |
Personal (1) | E-post, privat (202) | Employee.EMailPrivat | |
Personal (1) | Sluttårsak (210) | Employee.fripensjKode2 | |
Personal (1) | Tabell type (237) | Employee.tabellType | |
Personal (1) | Medium inntektsoppgave (263) | Employee.incomeOverviewDest | |
Personal (1) | Fornavn (352) | Person.firstname | |
Personal (1) | Etternavn (353) | Person.lastname | |
Ansatt forholdfelter |
Tabellnavn (#) | Feltnavn (#) | Verdi | Referanse |
Ansatt (5) | Ansatt dato (5) | Employment.employmentDate | |
Ansatt (5) | Sluttet dato (6) | Employment.terminationDate | |
Ansatt (5) | Orgenhet (11) | Employment.hjemstedAvd | |
Ansatt (5) | Stillingsprosent (15) | Employment.stillingPros | |
Ansatt (5) | Arbeidstidsgruppe (A) (18) | 1 | Employment.arbTidGruppe |
Ansatt (5) | Utlønningstype (23) | Employment.utlonningsType | |
Ansatt (5) | Undergruppe (24) | Employment.underGruppe | |
Ansatt (5) | Skifttype (26) | Employment.skiftType | |
Ansatt (5) | Årslønn (29) | Employment.sats1 | |
Ansatt (5) | Verdikjede (35) | Employment.kostnDimA | |
Ansatt (5) | Beskrivelse stilling (46) | Employment.stillingBeskrAns | |
Ansatt (5) | Ansattstatus (48) | Employment.ansattStatus | |
Ansatt (5) | Pensjonsordning (61) | 160 | Employment.stillingKodePensj |
Ansatt (5) | Virksomhetsnummer (106) | Employment.orgNrAUN | |
Ansatt (5) | Yrkeskode (115) | Employment.yrkesKode | |
Ansatt (5) | Stilling (135) | 1000 | Employment.jobId |
Ansatt (5) | Ansattforhold type (136) | ordinaert Arbeids forhold |
Employment.ansattForhType |
Ansatt (5) | Skatteregel (140) | ordinaer | Employment.skattetype |
Ansatt (5) | Lønnsrelasjon (146) | 0 | Employment.loennRelasjon |
Ansatt (5) | Ansettelsesform (167) | Employment.ansettelsesForm | |
Ansatt (5) | Sluttårsak (168) | Employment.sluttarsak |