Here you can read about the terminology used in the system. This will help you when using the system and when talking to our support team.

Below there’s a dictionary explaining the most common terms used in the system:

Applications This is an overview of the actual applications for a job post. A candidate who has applied for one or more positions is marked in the system as Applicant.
Absence articles Referring to the different types of articles used in the system when an employee is not at work, such as employees on sick leave. Separated for practical reasons (important when exporting to external salary and accounting systems). An article is always tied to a product.
Addition and deduction articles Referring to the different types of addition and deduction used in the system, separated for practical reasons (important when exporting to external salary and accounting systems). An article is always tied to a product.
Candidate Refers to any persons who are registered in the system’s candidate base, whether they have applied for a job themselves, have registered an open application / CV or have been entered into the system manually by a co-worker. Everyone who enters the system starts as a candidate.
Collective agreements Refers to a type of agreement in the system where various salary and working conditions are predefined (e.g., hourly rate, when overtime kicks in, various additions, whether lunch is paid or not etc.). Collective agreements are the foundation for salary and invoice calculation based on logged/registered work.
Company Refers to all companies/businesses located in your CRM, whether a customer, prospect, former customer etc. Differs from Corporation, which is a system hierarchy level.
Corporation A system hierarchy level. The typical hierarchy is Corporation – Department – Company/Candidate/Co-worker.
Co-worker A co-worker is a person who has login credentials to use your system, for example, your colleague at the office or/and yourself.
Customer order confirmation Used in regard to staffing (employee assignments), referring to an electronic agreement with the customer that clarifies invoice price, additions, benefits, general terms, working hours etc., that the customer must read and sign.
Employee A candidate who has been approved for staffing assignments (without necessarily having an active job at this very moment).
Internal Indicates that a candidate is created internally by a co-worker. The candidate(s) do not necessarily know that they are in the system (they have not registered themselves). Internal is a special tag in the candidate base and is used to highlight these candidates.
Job postings Used when working with the different job posts that you’ve made in the system. Another word you can use is job ads.
Jobs Refers to the employee’s active, previous or future staffing/employee assignments. Each of these jobs has a separate collective agreement connected to it, used to calculate prices and salary.
Landed A candidate who has been through a recruitment process and is chosen for the job. Used both in pure recruitment as well as staffing processes.
Logged work / work Refers to all work that has been logged/registered in the system. Either you as a co-worker or the employees themselves. We use the word “work” instead of “hours” because you can do much more than just register hours in the system, can, for instance, register monthly salary, day per pay, piecework etc.
Offers and Agreements Electronic offers/agreements can be sent to the customer/candidate for review, evaluation and signing. If the offer is accepted and signed, it acts as a valid agreement between the parties. The term Agreements is used when sending agreements on the candidate card and Offers for agreements sent on projects/jobs.
Orders An order can either be made from the project card or logged work (Order backlog – work). An order works as a draft for an invoice, i.e., a kind of pre-invoice.
Pipeline This is the process you put the candidate through when evaluating him/her for a position. You have the opportunity to choose your own pipeline categories, for instance, Invited to interview, Interview complete, Reference check finished, etc.
Project Refers to all types of projects in your system, whether a request, a current staffing assignment, a completed assignment or an internal project. A project may have multiple tags to further describe and distinguish it from other projects.
Salary articles Refer to the different payment types used in the system, which are separated for practical reasons (important when exporting to external salary and accounting systems). An article is always tied to a product.
Work approvers Refers to external persons with login credentials and permissions to approve work on behalf of the customer. An employee has to be connected to the work approver for him/her to view and approve their work.
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