Introduction to admin settings

Use of the system with "superadmin".

RecMan is designed so that you, as a superuser or administrator, can make the most of the system setup. There are only a few things RecMan technicians need to do, which include:

  • Adding a company logo on your Invoices
  • Deleting a departement
  • Deleting a corporations
  • Creating a new RecMan-page connected to a corporation.

Everything else the System Administrator is able to do in the system.

In the articles categorized under Admin and System Setup, we go through the different menus and features limited to the System Administrator. You will find the System Settings on your Home Screen, located under the settings button in the navigation line.


In the system settings, you may do the following:

  • Creating, deleting and changing permissions for your Co-Workers.
  • Creating new corporations and departments and connecting Co-Workers to them.
  • Create email and Offer templates.
  • Create and edit pipeline categories.
  • Activate agreements and interactions between different external systems, for instance, text messaging, job post portals, email, factoring and salary/accounting.
  • Define salary articles and collective agreements.
  • Add attributes, which may then be added to a company, project, candidate or company contact.
  • Edit your setup for the economy, invoice, KID, accounts, etc.
  • Edit logos, texts and general information.

Setup and assistance

While System Settings are a huge asset, we understand that they may be complicated and hard to understand. Because of this, we recommend a training session in the module with one of our consultants. A training session may be ordered at This will help you and your company use RecMan in the most efficient way.

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