In this article, you can read about the settings for Corporations.
In RecMan, you may have several corporations and departments, whichever suits your company best. As RecMan is priced based on licenses, you may have as many corporations and departments as you like, and every corporation and department may have its own set of settings.
Before creating a new corporation or department, you should consider the purpose behind creating a new one. There are some advantages and disadvantages to using more than one of each. Each department may have its separate organization number and settings, and often, a new corporation is not necessary.
If you need to divide a corporation with the same name, logos and websites, it is advised to create a department instead. Each co-worker may be connected to one department at a time; this may be useful when, for instance, shielding candidates. Each department may have its own invoice number series and invoice logo, or you can decide to have it follow the series of another department. You can read more about department economy setting in this article.
Should you have two or more brands and wish to split your CRM and candidate base, you may split this into different corporations.
Be aware that you can not delete corporations and departments. This has to be done by a RecMan technician.
So be sure you really need the corporation or department before creating it.
If you, however, have a corporation or department you do not need, but neither want to delete, you can also rename it to something like Do not use.
The RecMan-page is the public page where you can publish job posts, where candidates can register a profile, apply for a position, and register their hours if they are set as an employee with a job.
Link to your RecMan-page
Here, you can set or edit the URL to your RecMan-page. This is usually your company name.
How to Set Up Redirection for Home Page in RecMan
Privacy policy, Cookie notice and User agreement
Here you can click the privacy policy, cookie notice or user agreement to access and edit the text for each of these areas. We provide you with a default text that is sufficient for basic use of the system, but if you need to add more or change this text, this is the place to do it.
If you want to tweak your RecMan-page to have a certain look that matches your company profile, you can change the colors of the elements and text here. All the values are in HEX format.
The Example column will display the color you have entered.
The arrows pointing in a circle will reset your changes back to the default settings.
If you are unsure about the colors on your page, you can ask your web designer or use this page to get the values.
Fields are what you want the candidates to fill in on their profiles.
Visible fields
Here, you can set which fields the candidates can see and fill out on their candidate profile. This can help you create a simpler or more complex candidate creation process suitable for your needs as a recruiter.
For the "employee"-fields, these will become available once the candidate changes status to an employee inside the system.
Mandatory fields
For more important fields, you can also set them to be mandatory for candidates to fill out. When mandatory fields are enabled, candidates will be shown a notification on their candidate profile informing them that their profile is "incomplete" and that it will not be considered until the mandatory fields are completed.
In practice, this means that the candidate profile will not be visible for RecMan users in the candidate database until the profile is completed. However, you can filter for incomplete profiles in the GDPR candidate database.
Some fields shown in this list are required to get 100% completion on the profile. If no fields are visible, you can only get a maximum of 15% completion.
Work experience: +20%
Education: +20%
Skills: +10%
Language: +10%
References: +10%
Date of birth: +5%
Gender: +5%
Nationality: +5%
Job posts
Here, you can set what filters you want to display in the job post overview for your RecMan-page.
By enabling functions, you can add or take away simple functionality for the candidates on their profile page.
- Parse and import CV: If CV parsing is enabled in your system, you can add the CV-parsing functionality to candidates as well when they create their profile.
- Cookie consent: Display the cookie consent button at the bottom of the page.
- Diploma registry: Gives the candidates the option to fetch their diploma from a national register (Vitnemålsportalen) and add it to their profile as a file.
- Delete profile: Let the candidate delete their profile themselves in the settings.
- Request deletion: The delete button on the candidate’s profile will, instead of deleting them, send a request to your RecMan system and ask to be deleted. Then you can manually go through these candidates and delete them in the GDPR candidate database.
- Download profile: Let the candidate download their profile as a JSON file.
- Check if the email address is already registered: Checks if the candidate's email exists or not upon registration. If it does, they will be prompted with a warning that they are registered already.
- Let the applicants choose only to be considered for the job posts they have applied for: This will prompt the candidates with an option to only show up on the job post they have applied to. This means that they will not show up in the candidate database and will not be considered for other job posts. They will also receive the tag – Applicant only.
- Be anonymous in the governmental application list: This will hide the name of the candidate in this list. This only applies to job posts with the sector set as Public.
- Verify mobile phone: Prompt the candidate with a button that sends them an SMS to verify their phone number.
- Two-factor authentication: Turn on extra security for candidate profiles. They will receive an SMS with a code to enter in addition to their password as long as they have verified their phone number.
- Forced two-factor authentication: This is a stricter version of the above. It will ask for the verification code as soon as the candidate tries to apply or register a profile for the first time.
- Verify email: Prompt the candidate with a button that sends them an email to verify their email address.
- Verify email before registration: A code will be sent to the candidates’ email addresses, which they indicated upon registration, to enter after they press the register button.
- reCAPTCHA: Candidates who register or apply for a job will have to check the box that says "I'm not a robot". Enabling reCAPTCHA adds an additional layer of security, requiring candidates to prove that they are human. This can help prevent malicious bots from creating fake profiles to spam your candidate database.
- Prompt and simple logging of not logged shifts: Makes it easier for the candidates to register their hours. This will give them an overview of their worked hours on the top of their home screen, with the ability to quickly approve or not. Note that this is dependent on either 'work week' or shifts to work.
These are optional menu items you can enable on your RecMan-page.
- Sign up: This is usually enabled by default, but can be disabled to turn off the ability to register a profile. Doing so will only let candidates create profiles through applying to a job post.
- Newsfeed: By activating newsfeed, you can create and publish news to either your candidates, employees or "all" visitors of your RecMan-page. The newsfeed module can be found under the "home"-button in the navigation menu.
- Contact us: By enabling the "contact us" page, you can provide candidates with contact information to RecMan users in your system by clicking "edit".
- Calendar: By enabling the calendar, candidates can add their availability in the calendar page for when they are available. The calendar is visible by default for candidates set as employees.
Ask for consent to contact candidate
Here you can choose which contact points the candidate can set if they want to be contacted or not. This defaults to Undefined on their profile page.
Automatic deletion
If you want your candidates to be deleted after a certain period, this can be set up here. When automatic deletion is enabled, the period for automatic deletion will be extended if the candidate applies for a new job, or manually changes it in their profile settings.
For employed candidates, automatic deletion will be put on hold until they no longer have the employee status. Then, the timer will be reset, and the candidate will be able to set a new date for deletion of their profile.
Notification email prior to deletion
For candidates about to be deleted by the automatic deletion function, you can set up a notification email that will be sent to candidates within the timeframe specified in the dropdown. In this email, you can inform the candidate that they will be deleted soon if no action is taken, and that they can update the date in their profile settings if they want to remain as a candidate.
We recommend enabling automatic deletion for our users, as many candidates may apply for a job and forget their profile. This feature ensures that profiles and personal data are automatically removed if candidates forget to do it themselves, and can help you as a recruiter to keep your candidate database up to date.
Accept terms of service email
This is an email you can write that will be sent out automatically to candidates who have not yet accepted your terms of service. These are candidates that have been added manually from inside the system and have the tag Internal. The email will be sent only to new candidates added after activation of this feature.
- Languages: This gives you the possibility to set which languages should be options to choose from by the candidates on RecMan-page.
- Naming convention: Here you can change the labels for some texts under Job posts on RecMan-page. Maybe you have another naming convention than the default in RecMan? Then you can change to that here.
- Automated emails: Here, you can setup automated emails with an option to send recurring emails at different intervals.
Here you can add logos for your corporation.
- Main logo: The logo visible at the top of your RecMan-page.
- Footer logo: The logo visible at the bottom of your RecMan-page.
- Email logo: Here you can add a logo to appear by default in the emails you send out.
- Dark mode: Here you can test if your logo looks good on a dark background. For dark backgrounds, the logo should preferably be in a .png format without a background.
About us
This is where you add or change the text about your company. What you write here will appear in the footer on your RecMan-page.
Reply message
When a candidate applies to one of your job posts or registers a profile in your system, they receive an email confirmation with a thank you or a welcome message. This is where you can change the email message or which email account it is sent from.
Shared files
In shared files, you can upload files you want to share with your candidates or employees. These files can then be accessed from their candidate profile.
This is an overview of all the departments connected to the corporation you are standing in now.
For each corporation, you may have an unlimited (almost) number of departments. Each one of these may be a separate legal entity, commonly used if you have a headquarter and several regional offices with unique organization numbers, for instance. departments
Here, you can change the name of how your departments will appear on your RecMan-page. In some cases, it can be wise to simplify this name so the candidates won’t get confused when choosing a department while signing up.
Required field – candidate registration and applicants
RecMan-page settings
LinkedIn and Vipps
Here, you can turn on/off if you want candidates to be able to apply or sign up with one of these either LinkedIn or Vipps. Vipps can also be used to log in.
Duplicate check on internal candidates is used to make sure there are no duplicates of candidates that have been made by someone from inside the system. These candidates will have the tag Internal.