Creating shiftwork offers

In this article, you can read about mailings of shiftwork offers from the shiftwork offers overview.

In RecMan’s staffing calendar, you have the opportunity to keep track of many employees at many locations at the same time. When an employee has been put on a shift, it is common to send out a shiftwork offer to both the employee and the customer. This can be done directly from the shift you have booked, but if you have a large number of shiftwork offers that are to be sent out, it is recommended to use the shiftwork offer overview.

Define templates and default values

Before sending a shiftwork offer, it is important to define what the system should send and to whom. From the actual shiftwork offer, you do not have the opportunity to, for example, define which template to use. This can be defined either in System Settings so that it becomes the default for the entire company, but you can also define this per project.

First, we will look at the possibilities you have in the System Settings. To find these settings, go to System Settings → Projects → Default values → Your Company. You’ll see this:


As we see here, we have some choices, but we will mainly concentrate on those who are about shiftwork offer.

As you can see, you have the option to choose two different templates, both templates for shiftwork offers – employee and customer. The templates defined here are automatically selected when you use the shiftwork offer overview unless otherwise defined at the project level. Templates are retrieved from Templates in System Settings, which you can read more about here.

You can also define whether the shiftwork offer should be sent by e-mail or SMS. Note that this can not be defined on a project, but you can change the sending method when sending the confirmation.

From the project, we also have the ability to define which templates to use, but in addition, we can choose which contact should be standard. This contact will then be selected by default when you create a shiftwork offer from the shiftwork offer overview. You will find these settings under Salary and project data on the project card.


Shiftwork offer overview

This overview gives you a quick overview of which shifts have been booked and who do not yet have a signed shiftwork offer attached to it, and it allows you to send all the shiftwork offers at the same time.

To find this overview, go to the Project module and select Offers.


In the upper left corner, you will see the button for shiftwork offers.



We can filter offers by status, period, corporation, department, department group and co-worker.


If you only want to see the shifts booked today, filter a period where from date is today and to date is blank.

We can see the shifts that have not been sent. You can see which customer, project and employee they are based on. In addition, you will receive information about the shift by date, time and when it was created.


We can see the status of the offers – the red cross indicates that an offer has not been sent, while the green checkmark indicates that an offer has been sent.


If an offer has already been sent to a customer or employee, this will not be sent again when you make offers from this overview.

Send shiftwork offers

To send offers from this overview, start by marking the offers you wish to send. When you have marked one or more, this button will appear at the very top:


When you press it, you will see the following screen:


  1. Here, you have a few options. You start with the message, which lets you choose how the offer will be sent and with what text. (See point 2). You can also go to Settings, which allows you to change the settings of the offer.


    Choose whether you wish to send the offer to both the employee and the customer.
  2. In this field, we define the actual sending method and the message that will follow with the offer. You can define whether it will be sent by SMS or email, and you can retrieve templates.
  3. Here, you can define a template or enter a separate text for those who will receive the offer. Depending on the kind of mailing you will send from here, you will have the choice of an SMS template or an email template.

Press Send to send the offer to signing.

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