SMS reminder to employees

In this article, we will show you how to set up automatic SMS reminders in collective agreements.

In RecMan, as an employee management tool, employees have the opportunity to fill in hours. The employee records what time he/she was at work, and then the system calculates salary and invoice price based on a Collective agreement. If you want to remind employees to fill in their hours, you can set this up in the collective agreements.


This can be defined both in the collective agreements or in the job itself. If you define this in the collective agreement, you must update the jobs attached to the agreement for the changes to take effect.


The sender of the SMS will be your company’s name. For example, the sender will be Statoil. The SMS can not be answered. The SMS will go to the mobile number registered on the profile. If there is no mobile number registered, the SMS will not be sent.


Before setting up this, make sure that there is a valid email address registered under Settings → Corporations → and Email. If this is not set up, the employees will not receive reminders on email.

At the bottom of the collective agreement, we find the field for reminders. Here, you can set up fixed and automatic routines for SMS reminders that will be sent to the employees attached to the collective agreement.


This is what the box looks like. As we see here, we can choose what day the SMS is going out, what time and what message will be sent. We can also change an existing reminder or delete it. What we now should do is add a new one by pressing +Add.

When we press this button, we will see the following screen:


  1. Here, we can define which day the SMS will be sent. This may be a day of the week so that it will go weekly on that day, or it may be, for example, the last Friday of the month. We will go through these settings further down the article
  2. Here, you choose the time at which the SMS will be sent. The time you choose will apply to all future SMS reminders.


    If an employee is on multiple jobs that have SMS reminders turned on, and all SMS reminders should be sent at the same time, your employees will only receive one SMS. To avoid sending several SMS to employees, it is highly recommended to standardize the time you enter here.

  3. Type: SMS.
  4. Here, you have the option to choose from your existing SMS templates. You can read more about creating SMS templates here.
  5. Here, you enter the message to be sent. You have the option to use mScript here to merge information automatically. You can read more about mScript here.

Choice of Day

When you want to define what day the SMS will be sent, you have several options. We will explain some of them here.


  • Monday – Sunday – If you choose one of these, the SMS will go out every week on the given day.
  • Last day in month – Here, you can choose that the SMS will only be sent once a month on the last day of the month. You can choose the last day or last day +2. You can also choose the last Friday, Saturday or Sunday of the month.
  • Last day of job – Select this to send the SMS the day the job ends. Very useful when you have many short assignments. Will not work on ongoing assignments.
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