Creating and publishing a job post

Here, you will find general information on how to create and publish a job ad in RecMan.

Creating a job post

RecMan has a function of posting job ads that is both user-friendly and efficient. The system lets you complete the entire job posting and publish it to several external websites and portals on your internal web page and Facebook, all on a single screen.

A job posting may also be created based on a previous ad, a template or information collected from a specific customer or department.

In this user guide, we will take you through the steps of making a job posting, updating it, publishing it and resolving common issues you may encounter during the process.

Getting started

To create a new Job post, go to the main menu and click + to create a new job post.

Screenshot 2023-08-02 at 14.22.04.png

Clicking Create job post will bring you to the New job page with some required fields marked with * and some optional fields.


Creating a new job post

Connecting the job post

In the first required field, you have to connect the job to a project and a department. All job posts in RecMan must be linked to a project to have an affinity for a customer, internal etc.


To select the project, type the name of the project in the field. Entering the customer or company information will let the system suggest which project to connect to. Afterward, you select the department. By default, the system will suggest the department you belong to, but you can also choose a different one if you would like to publish a job post on behalf of someone else. Applications for the position will be automatically associated with the chosen department.


Each department can have different permissions where an ad can run. If an ad portal is missing, it may be because it is not enabled for the selected department. If this is the case, you need to contact your system administrator.

General information


  • Job post name and Job title: The job post name can include the job title but can also be an appeal to the applicant's field of interest.
  • Duration: How long the job post should be active.


The default duration is set to 42 days based on the maximum duration of, and this can be changed in the dropdown menu.

  • Number of positions: How many positions do you wish to fill.
  • Sector: Which job sector the position is available for. Selection between Private, Public, Organisations, Cooperative and Franchise / Self-employed.
  • Job type: Type of employment. Selection between Permanent, Temporary, Fixed contract, Project, Trainee, Seasonal and Self-employed.

Accession, salary, sector, job type and deadline are standard fields often found in external job posting portals.

Select a logo

When connecting the posting to a project, the system will automatically choose the logo of the customer the project is connected to. Should you wish to use the logo of your company or department, you can select Get own logo.


If there is neither the customer’s existing logo nor your company’s logo to be used, you can upload your own logo from your computer. Click Upload logo, and the system will then allow you to grab a logo from your computer.

Note that a logo should be less than 1000 pixels wide and in a .jpg format.

Information about the company

The “company” in this field is information on behalf of the company that is hiring and not necessarily posting the job. It can also be kept anonymous in your posting. You can do this by posting information about your own company or department instead (press the Get from department button). The advantage of this is that nothing in the posting refers to the customer it belongs to, but because you linked the advert for a project at the start, the system will still know who the ad belongs to internally.

  • Get from department: Retrieves information from the department (internally) in RecMan, rather than from the customer card.
  • The fields Company name and Located are mandatory.
  • Company description will appear first in the ad.

The customer's social media addresses may be entered too, but they are not mandatory.


Make sure the social media links follow the standards from the example, as some external portals have standards that need to be met.

Company contact

Add a company contact to the ad by pressing +Add. It will open a window where you can either choose one of your co-workers from within the system or add a new person who is not in the system.


To add a co-worker to the job post, you can just start typing their name in the Fetch co-worker and click on their name on the list that appears.

The information that is now filled in comes from your co-worker’s profile. You can, of course, change this, e.g., remove the mail address or phone number. Once the information is to your liking, click the green button Add contact person.

After you have added a contact person, you can view the contact person’s details, edit the information that is there, and remove this contact.

You can edit, from top to bottom:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Title
  • Email address
  • Cellphone number
  • Phone number
  • LinkedIn URL
  • Edit/remove the picture

Job information

The ad text is the text containing the description of the job etc. This works reasonably like a regular text editor that allows you to, e.g., select a bold (bold), italics (italic), stressed (underline), break into a bulleted list (bullet points) etc.

You can also paste from documents using copy/paste. However, a lot of formatting differs between, e.g., Word and web, so a good tip is to either paste as plain text or, if it comes from Word, use Paste from Word, which will clear up formatting problems.


Job description example

  1. Source lets you view and edit directly the HTML code of the ad (for the advanced user).
  2. Undo applies only to the text itself and does not affect the rest of the posting.
  3. Redo if you used undo earlier.
  4. Bullet points.
  5. Numbered List.
  6. Place a link in your ad, e.g., to a Webpage.
  7. Unlink.
  8. Entering an image in the ad text.
  9. Select your text and style it as bold or italic or underlined or ̶s̶t̶r̶i̶k̶e̶t̶h̶r̶o̶u̶g̶h̶.
  10. Choose a format – normal or Heading.


This will only appear on the pages RecMan manages, not external portals.


Formatting in Word and the Web is different. When you press Enter, this will often be perceived as a double-line break on the web. To avoid this, hold down Shift while pressing newline/enter, and it will be half the distance.


We advise only using the text formatting Normal and Headline 3, and bullet points.

When writing emails in the text field, don't use the @ sign, but write it as example(at)

This will make sure the job posts will look the same on all external portals.

Work location

Here you define the place where you start with country, and then a pulldown menu will appear for the country. Location is not mandatory, but advisable to enter. This is important for the searches a candidate does.


In the address field, only postcode and city are required. Check that the map is updated correctly based on the address you enter. This will also control the map on the external job posting portals.


If some important locations are missing, please send us an email about this at, and we will add them. Be sure to be as precise as possible.

Job posting portals

From here, you choose where you want to publish the ad itself. Progress is very simple: Check the places you want your ad to run. The top (RecMan page) is what goes out on your own website and Facebook page. Jobreg is an industry portal and, until further notice, free, so it is always checked.

You can also get the choice to add one or more external portals, such as Monster. Each of these has its own field that must be checked. To enable them, contact your System Administrator.


Some of the available job posting portals


If you wish just to save your ad, make it just that no portal is checked, and click Save/Publish. It will only be available on the web if a portal is checked.


Here, you define what kind of industry or branch the job posting is related to. You can also add an alternative one, but this is not mandatory.


You can add keywords to make the posting more visible to browsing candidates. You can have a maximum of 5 keywords.

To add a new keyword, type the word into the box and press enter. To remove a word you added, click on the blue circle with an x behind the word.



The system has a pre-screening to reduce the number of irrelevant applicants for a position, such as those without the necessary papers, certificates, language knowledge, etc.

You submit one or more Yes / No questions, and how you define whether it is yes or no is the right answer. You can also post your feedback to the applicant should he select the opposite of what is required.

Pre-screening is built so that those who do not meet the requirements do not get applied for the position at all instead of getting a rejection afterward.


You are also able to remove or edit your existing screening question, even after the ad is posted.



You can now add images (one or more) or a video if you want. Upload photos from your computer, and for video, enter a URL from YouTube or Vimeo.



Remember that you should paste the URL directly from the browser. Short URLs or URLs that have additional information (e.g., & will not work.

Photos can also be uploaded. If more than one photo is uploaded, the images are displayed individually in a list.


Tags for sharing on social media

Title: This is the heading of a Social Media post and is the text that will be shown in the title of the post when published.
Description: Short description of the job. This field is not shown on all portals.
Picture: Picture formats of 1200x630 or 630x630 are two good standards for posting. For posting on multiple portals, it may be wise to use the format of 1200x630 pixels so the picture isn’t too tall. For better optimization, or if you want another format, it is recommended to use the specific portal’s image specification/guideline.


Link to portals

If you make changes after posting, e.g., changed title, it will not be updated if you post the same link again. It happens because most portals cache (save) the information in the first link. To update this information, you have to add a tail to the URL before posting again.

For example, the original ad link you post on LinkedIn:
But then you make changes to the title or picture. You have to add a tail before creating a new post and post the link again.
A tail can look like this “&123”:


You can add files to a job post that you want the potential candidates to download.

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Using attributes

You can add attributes that the candidate can respond to, which are specific to the ad. This may include certification questions to a Health Employee ad, vehicle certificates, etc. These attributes will pop up when a candidate is applying for the position. These specific attributes can later be filtered at the candidate base and applied section for a position. Read more about attributes by clicking here.

Remember that a candidate will not be considered an applicant before the attribute question has been answered on the candidate profile.


Should the customer wish that applicants apply via their own website, it is possible to do so using RecMan. Simply check the box and paste the job ad URL in the field below, and anyone clicking the Search button will be forwarded to this address.


The use of this feature means that applicants do not enter RecMan, but are instead sent to an external portal / search management tool. In other words, the candidates will not be added to the candidate base.

Finalizing the job post

After you have completed and looked over your ad and ensured that all required fields are filled out, you can publish the ad.

In the upper right corner, you will find these buttons.

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Press Save / publish.

You’ll now see a box with what’s going to happen. If your ad is not approved / complete, this box will tell you what is missing.


Here you will also see a clear overview of where your ad is now being published. Publishing occurs immediately.

Posting created

You have now created a new ad and will come to an image showing your job postings (i.e., those you are responsible for). Should you want to see all ads, only the ads of a specific employee or customer, use the filtrations on the left.


Under each posting, you can see blue tags showing where it is published. No tags mean that the ad is just saved, not published.

Under the ad, you can also see the name of the customer/company ad belongs to and which project it is linked to. At the very bottom, under each ad, you see a summary of when it was created, updated and so on. The various blue tags show in which channels the ad is out there. These tags are clickable, so you can easily navigate directly to the vacancy and how it looks.

Explanation of the fields and buttons inside the job posting section

The positions are sorted by publication date. The last published ad is at the top.

Behind every ad, you will find several buttons.


These have the following meanings:

  1. See your ad online (as it looks like “live”)
  2. See a list of publishing links
  3. Change the expiration date on your ad
  4. Change / Edit job posting


    Even changing the expiration date will not affect the paid portals, such as Monster, etc.

  5. Create a copy of the ad. This smart feature lets you use an old/existing ad as a template for a new one. You will start with a new ad by clicking here, but where all fields are filled in from the selected one.
  6. Delete ad. There are a few reasons to use this. When a posting expires, it will place itself in Expired job posts. You do not need to delete an ad.
  7. Archive posting. You can archive a posting. It will get the canceled status, and you will find archived job posts by filtering in the filter menu on the left in the job listing section.
  8. Job post notification. With this, you can notify existing candidates in your database about this job post. You can create filters that will ensure that only the candidates that match this job post will receive the notification.


To end a posting, do not un-publish the ad on the external ad portal. To un-publish your posting before it expires, you must first edit the ad, tick away the publishing channels and then save it. After that, archive the ad.


The job posting will still be published if you archive or delete the posting before removing the portal boxes when editing the post.

The column shows how many times your ad has been shown, how many applicants there are for the position, how many are untreated, and how many are in the process. In addition, you can see whether it has someone who has submitted applications since you last were in the application database.


To go to the applicants on the position, simply click on the number after the Applications or on the ad title. To view statistics on your ad, simply click on the number after the hits, to see candidate process/pipeline, click the number of In Process, etc.

Expiring postings

If your ad expires within a week, you will be notified in the form of a yellow warning triangle that appears on the overview.


Change on an already published job post

After an advertisement is stored and published to one or more portals, it can still be edited. You can also choose to change where the posting is published, adding portals and removing them.

  1. Press the Edit button on the job ad.
  2. Make adjustments to your texts/content, etc. Remember to save the text in the text editor.
  3. Check the portals that shall remain active. You can choose to remove a single portal, even if it is already published.
  4. Then press the button in the upper right corner, Save Changes.

The ad will now be updated, and a small bar will appear in the job posting overview, giving you a summary of which portals were updated.


If you want to take down an ad, do not delete it. Follow step 3 to take it away from portals and place it in the archive. Should it be deleted while it is active on the portals, you risk that it will remain there.

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