
Description of the report to extract candidates.

A simple report to extract candidates/employees from the candidate database with several options for filtering the information through search criteria. All of this information can be found and edited on a candidate card in the candidate database.

In this report, you may include additional information through the “Include” feature. To read more about these features, see the description further down in this article.

Below is a description of each column in the report.

Title Description
Candidate ID Candidate ID number.
First name First name.
Last name Surname.
Title Title.
Gender Gender.
Nationality Nationality.
Age Age when the report was generated.
Date of birth Date of birth.
Email Email address.
Work email Work email address.
Mobile phone Mobile phone number.
Office phone Office phone number.
Home phone Home phone number.
Address 1 First address line.
Address 2 Second address line.
Postal code Address postal code.
City Address city.
Country Address country.
Connected co-worker Co-worker connected to the candidate. If more than one, all will be listed.
Connected department Department connected to the candidate. If more than one, all will be listed.
Created When the candidate was created.
Last updated When candidate last updated the profile.
Irrelevant Is the candidate irrelevant or not.
Created internally If the canddidate is created internally.
Accepted terms If the terms of service is accepted.
Date of acceptance Date of terms of service acceptance.
Accepted by Who accepted the terms of service.

Include CV information

By applying this feature, you may include the following columns.

Title Description
Recent field of study Name of study from most recent education.
Recent school Name of school from most recent education.
Recent title Title from most recent work experience.
Recent company Employer at most recent work experience.
Interview Whether the candidate has been interviewed.
Reference check Whether the candidate’s references have been checked. It will indicate if these checks have been approved, not approved, or both.
Course Name of registered courses.
Certificate of good conduct Whether the candidate has a certificate of good conduct. It will indicate if this is approved or not.
Driver’s license Type of driver’s license.
Customer block What customers the candidate has been blocked for.

Include employee information

By applying this feature, you may include the following columns.

Title Description
Employee no. Employee number.
Employee condition Type of employment.
Position percent Position percent.
Social security ID Social security number.
Foreign social security ID Foreign social security number.
D-number D-number.
Bank account Bank account number.
Foreign bank account Foreign bank account number.
Foreign bank account country Country in which foreign bank account number is registered.
IBAN IBAN number.
Salary matrix Name and number of salary matrixes.
HPR Whether HPR is approved or not.
First job date Date of the first job.
Last work date Date of the end of the last job.

Include attribute information

By applying this feature, you may include information from attributes. Note that if one attribute has more than one type of selection, this attribute will be displayed in separate columns.


A simple report to extract companies and information about them from the CRM with several options for filtering the information through search criteria. All of this information can be found and edited on a company card in the CRM. The selected criteria for Address will customize the address columns.

Below is a description of each column in the report.

Title Description
Customer no. Customer number.
Company Company name.
Parent customer no. Parent customer number.
Parent company Parent company name.
Company no. Company number.
Relation Company relation.
Last invoiced Invoice date of the last invoice.
Industry Company industry/branch category.
Email Company email.
Newsletter Whether the company wants to receive a newsletter.
Phone Company phone number.
Webpage Company webpage.
Address 1 First address line as set by the address criteria.
Address 2 Second address line as set by the address criteria.
Postal code Postal code as set by the address criteria.
City City as set by the address criteria.
Country The country set by the address criteria.
Credit time The amount of days credit according to the terms.
Credit rating The issued credit rating.
Credit check date The date the credit check was issued.
Credit check by User performed the credit check in the system.
Connected co-worker Who is connected to the project.

Contact persons

A simple report to extract contact persons from the CRM with several options for filtering the information through search criteria. All of this information can be found and edited on the contact person and/or company card in the CRM because the contact person always has a connection to a company.

Note that the Invoiced in period criteria will include all companies that have been invoiced in the selected period.

Title Description
Corporation Fetches all contact persons where the corporation is connected to the company.
Department group Fetches all contact persons where the department group is connected to the company.
Department (company) Fetches all contact persons where the department is connected to the company.
Department (contact person) Fetches all contact persons where the department is connected to the contact person.
Co-worker (company) Fetches all contact persons where the co-worker is connected to the company.
Co-worker (contact person) Fetches all contact persons where the co-worker is connected to the contact person.

Below is a description of each column in the report.

Title Description
Customer no. Customer number.
Company Company name.
Contact person Contact person name.
Title Contact person title.
Email Contact person email.
Newsletter If the contact person wants to receive a newsletter.
Mobile phone Contact person mobile phone.
Office phone Contact person office phone.
Home phone Contact person home phone.
Address 1 The company’s first address line as set by the address criteria.
Address 2 The company’s second address line as set by the address criteria.
Postal code The company’s postal code as set by the address criteria.
City The company’s city as set by the address criteria.
Country The company’s country as set by the address criteria.
Department connected to company What department is connected to the company.


A simple report to extract a list of active co-workers (internal users) from the system. 

Column Description
User ID Unique user identification.
First name User first name.
Last name User last name.
Title  User title.
Email User email.
Mobile phone User mobile phone number.
Office phone User office phone number.
Department Department connected to the user.
Corporation Corporation connected to the department.
Admin Whether the user has Superadmin permission.
Created Date when the user was created.


This report allows to extract forms generated from various places with the option of including more information. The period criteria can be altered.

Column Description
Form name.
Created Date of form creation.
Status Form status: unopened, in progress or completed.
Completed Date when the form was completed.
Recipient  Form recipient type: candidate, employee, contact person, reference, anonymous.
Respondee Full name of recipient.
Recipient email  Email address of recipient.
Title  Title of recipient.
Company If the Recipient is a Contact person or Reference, their company name will be listed.
Reference candidate  If the Recipient is a Reference, the name of the candidate will be listed.
Occupation code Occupation code and name for employees.
Question1 - 12 In the first row, the type of input will be indicated - text, dropdown, multiple choice, star rating etc.


A simple report to extract logs registered on the candidate-, company-, contact person-, and project card. It consists of four sheets (Detailed, Candidate, CRM, and Project), where Detailed will show detailed information about every log, whereas the others will count the number of logs for each category grouped by a co-worker. Note that the CRM sheet will consist of logs registered on companies and contact persons.

Below is a description of each column in the Detailed sheet of the report.

Title Description
Co-worker The co-worker who registered the log.
Department Department connected to the co-worker.
Log category Log category.
Date Date registered.
Time Time registered.
Candidate Candidate name.
Company Company name.
Contact person Contact person name.
Project Project name.
Text Text from the log.


A simple report to extract information from offers sent in your system.

This report will include regular offers sent from a project as well as offers related to jobs sent to customers and employees.

Candidate agreements

The report will not include offers/agreements sent to candidates/employees directly from the candidate card.

The report can be customized to include additional information about the offer itself, the employee, and/or the job. Read descriptions for each of these further down in this article.

The period criteria consider the date when offers were created.

Below is a description of each column in the report.

Title Description
Offer no. Offer number.
Offer Offer name.
Date created When the offer was created.
Co-worker By whom the offer was created.
Contact person Contact person set as receiver of the offer.
Has signature Whether the offer has a signature.
Status Status of the offer. Signed, not signed or canceled.
Date signed When the offer was signed.
Signing time (days) Amount of days between Date created and Date signed.
Invoiced If an invoice has been generated for this offer.
Offer type Offer type.
Department Department connected to Project.
Customer no. Customer number.
Company Company name.
Project no. Project number.
Project Project name.
Job no. Job number.
Responsible co-worker Responsible co-worker on Project.

Include offer information

If the offer has additional information, the following may be included.

Title Description
Delivery date Delivery date.
Min value Minimum value.
Max value Maximum value.
Estimated value Estimated value.
Probability % Probability in percent.
Total Estimated value * Probability / 100.

Include employee information

If the offer has a logical connection to an employee, the following may be included.

Title Description
Employee no. Employee number.
Employee Employee name.
Employment Name of employment.
Position percent Position percent on employment.
Employee condition Employee condition.
Active status Whether is set as active.

Include job information

If the offer has a logical connection to a job, the following may be included.

Title Description
Job Job name.
Responsible co-worker Responsible co-worker on Job.
Start date Job start date.
End date Job end date.
Collective agreement Collective agreement name.
Salary type Salary type.
Unit salary Salary unit value.
Unit invoice Invoice unit price.
Month salary Salary month value.
Month invoice Invoice month price.
Holiday pay rate Holiday pay rate.
Salary matrix Name and number of the salary matrix.


A simple report to extract projects with several options of filtering the information through search criteria. All of this information can be found and edited on the project card.

Below is a description of each column in the report.

Title Description
Project no. Project number.
Project Project name.
Company Company name.
Department Department name.
Responsible co-worker Responsible co-worker on project.
From date Project from date.
To date Project to date.
Type Project type.
Status Project status.
Progress percent The project’s set progress.
Value Project value.
Description Project description.
Our invoice reference Invoice reference set on project.
Customer invoice reference Customer invoice reference set on project.
Customer reference email Customer invoice reference email.
Invoice note Invoice note set on project.
Created When the project was created.
Cost centre Cost centre name.
Occupation code Occupation code and name.
Service group no. Service group number.
Service group Service group name.
Service type Service type name.

Projects - co-worker

An overview of the number of projects grouped by co-worker.

Below is a description of each column in the report.

Title Description
Responsible co-worker A responsible co-worker on the project.
Department Department name.
Projects count A number of projects.
Total value Combined project values.
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