
This report shows the information regarding the number of sick leave days.

Title Description
Corporation Corporation name.
Department Department name.
Responsible co-worker Name of the responsible co-worker.
Employment Name of employment.
Employee Employee name.
Employee number Employee number.
Children under 18 years Number of employee's children under 18 years, if any. 
Total absence days Total days of absence.
Normal absence Days of Normal absence.
Self-managed absence Days of self-managed absence.


A basic report showing employee agreements. The selected period will consider when the agreements were created.

Column Description
Candidate ID Candidate number.
Candidate Candidate name.
Agreement Agreement title.
Co-worker Co-worker name.
Date created Date when the agreement was created.
Last opened The most recent date when the agreement was opened.
Status Signed or not signed.
Date signed When the agreement was signed.
Signing time (days) Number of days between Date created and Date signed.


A simple report to extract employees and all their registered information from the database. All of this information can be found and edited on the candidate-/employee card.

Below is a description of each column in the report.

Title Description
Employee no. Employee number.
Employee Employee name.
Address 1 First address line.
Address 2 Second address line.
Postal code Postal code.
City City.
Country Country.
Start date Start date of employment.
End date End date of employment.
Mobile phone Mobile phone.
Office phone Office phone.
Home phone Home phone.
Email Email address.
Bank account Bank account number.
Foreign bank account Foreign bank account number.
Social security ID Social security number.
Foreign social security ID Foreign social security ID.
Occupation code Occupation code.
Gender Gender.
Nationality Nationality.
Age Age when the report was generated.
Date of birth Date of birth.
Annual salary Annual salary.
Position percent Position percentage.
Subcontractor If an employee is registered as a subcontractor, the company name will be listed here.
Department Name of department the employment is connected to. If more than one, this field will be empty.
Connected co-worker Name of the co-worker connected to the employee. If more than one, this field will be empty.
Employment form Employment form.
Clearing number Clearing number (Part of Swedish bank account number)
Substitute type Substitute type set on the candidate.
Hours a week Number of hours per week set on candidate.

Employment time

This report will show your employees' total amount of days employed. It will count the number of days from employment start to employment date and summarise the days from different employments if the fields for Department, Employment condition, Employee group, and Position percent are similar for a given employee. If these are not equal, the report will split the data into separate rows.

Below is a description of each column in the report.

Title Description
Employee no. Employee number.
First name Employee first name.
Last name Employee surname.
Social security ID Employee social security number.
First employment start date Start date of first employment in this row.
Last employment end date End date of last employment in this row.
Total employments Total amount of employments in this row.
Total days employed Total amount of days employed from the employments in this row.
Department Department name connected to employments.
Employee group Employee group from the employments.
Position percent Position percent from the employments.
Employment form Employment form from first employment on this row.


This report will give an overview of your employees’ employment(s). If an employee has more than one employment, the employee may be listed more than once. The selected period for this report will include employments, where the date between the employment start date and employment end date is within the period.

Title Description
Employee no. Employee number.
Employee Employee name.
Employment Name of employment.
Start date Employment start date.
End date Employment end date.
Employment type Type of employment.
Responsible co-worker Name of a responsible co-worker.
Department Department connected to employment.
Primary employer Whether this is a primary employer.
Occupation code A professional code is a 7-digit code that specifies/defines a specific work task and can be obtained from ssb.
Employment group Employee group from the employments.
Clearing number Clearing number (Part of Swedish bank account number).
End reason Reason for ending the employment. 
Year limit Number of working hours in a full year.
Currency Salary currency.
Annual salary Annual salary for this employment.
Monthly salary Monthly salary for this employment.
Hour salary Hour salary for this employment.
Vacation days Number of vacation days for this employment.
Guarantee rule Guarantee rule.
Position percentage Position percentage.
Working scheme Working scheme.
Work condition type Working condition type.
Social Security ID country Country of Social Security ID issuance.
D-number A D-number is assigned to a foreign person who does not have a Norwegian birth number.
Bank account country Country where the Bank account is registered. 

Employments - guarantee salary

This report will give an overview of your employees’ employment(s) and their registered work with calculations regarding guaranteed salary. Note that this report was developed to benefit the Norwegian market, but its content may be relevant for all markets. If an employee has more than one active employment, the employee will be listed more than once. The selected period for this report will include employments, where the date between the employment start date and employment end date is within the period. This report contains information about forecasting, and you can read more about it here.

Below is a description of each column in the report.

Title Description
Employee no. Employee number.
Employee Employee name.
Date of birth Date of birth of employee.
Age Age of employee.
Department Name of the department to which the employee is connected.
Primary employer Whether this is a primary employer.
Employment Name of the position.
Start date Start date for employment.
End date Employment end date.
From date Start date from when the report was extracted.
Report date Date the report was extracted.
To date End date of when the report was extracted.
Total hours Total of approved work between the From date and Report date.
Total absence Total of approved absences between the employment start date and report date, configured with Guarantee salary → Yes.
Remaining vacation hours Remaining vacation days * 7.5
Position percent Position percent.
Work plan Amount of hours the employee should work according to the position percent (N) and guarantee rule (S), calculated from the employment start date (F) and 12 months forward. Note that the end date and leap year will be included in this calculation.
Percentage filled Percentage of positions filled so far. See Figure 1.
Remaining hours Remaining hours to reach the intended work plan. See Figure 2.
Hour salary Standard hourly salary.
Guarantee salary excl. forecast The sum of guaranteed salary excl. forecast
Total forecast Total sum based on forecast prediction.
Guarantee salary incl. forecast Guarantee salary plus the sum of the forecast.
Days until payment Days until scheduled payment of salary
Piecework Amount of piecework.
Total month salaries How many monthly salaries.
Month salary The sum of monthly salary.
Annual salary The sum of the annual salary.
Guarantee rule Guarantee rule.
Primary employment If the employment is set as primary or not.
Employment type What form does the employment have.
Employee group Employee group.
Subcontractor If employment is categorized as Subcontractor, the name of the company will be listed here.
Responsible co-worker The connected co-worker with the employee.
Social security ID Social Security ID.
Bank account Bank account.

Attached figures

Figure 1: Remaining guaranteed hours
Work plan – Total hours – Total absence – Remaining vacation hours = Result 1

Figure 2: Percentage filled
Total hours – Total absence = Result 1 // Work plan – Remaining vacation hours = Result 2

Result 1 ÷ Result 2 = Percentage filled

Guarantee salary

If the basis for data is correct, you could multiply the hour salary (O) with the remaining guaranteed hours (P) to know the guaranteed salary for each employee.

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