Parsed CVs

The report displays information about the number of CVs parsed by co-workers and
candidates within a certain period.

Column Description
Parsed by Candidate or co-worker.
Co-worker Name co-worker.
Candidate Name of candidate.
Date Date of CV parsing.
Provider RecMan intelligence.


Explanation of the Vacation report in RecMan BI.

This report will give an insight into the vacation registered in every employee’s calendar. Every row will list a single year for each employment. Note that if a candidate has more than one employment, that person may be listed more than once in a given year. It focuses on displaying intended vacation days, actual vacation days registered, and deviation. If a deviation is negative, the cell will be highlighted.

Title Description
Employee no. Employee number from employment.
Employee Employee name.
Employment Name of employment.
Start date Employment start date.
End date Employment end date.
Year Vacation year.
Vacation days The number of intended vacation days specified on the employment.
Vacation days used The number of registered vacation days.
Deviance The deviance between intended and registered vacation days. If this is negative, the cell will be highlighted in red.
Notes If you apply the feature to move vacation days from one year to another, the notes from this action may be seen here.
Department Department connected to employment.
Default vacation days Default vacation days specified for the department.

WEA - aberrations

This report will show aberrations (or planned aberrations) from your staffing calendar, for the purpose of controlling aberrations due to the Working Environment Act (WEA). These aberrations are logged when an employee is booked on a shift that violates limits and other laws in the WEA.

Below is a description of each column in the report.

Title Description
Date booked Date when aberration was registered.
Time booked Time when aberration was registered.
Booked by Co-worker who registered the aberration.
Employee no. Employee number.
Employee Employee name.
Aberration Type of aberration.
Notes Notes from registered aberration.
Shift start Time and date of shift start.
Shift end Time and date of shift end.
Customer no. Company number.
Company Company name.
Project no. Project number.
Project Project name.
Department Department name.

WEA - logged work

This report will show the employee’s logged work per day, week, and month for the purpose of controlling aberrations due to the Working Environment Act (WEA). If the employee has logged more ordinary and overtime hours than the limits defined in your system, the exceeding of this limit will be illustrated with a red color.

Work time limits can be defined in the system on the employee card (1), customer card (2), or for the corporation (3) as a whole in system settings. The report will first look for limits in 1. If no limits are found, it will move to the next level in the hierarchy. You may also overwrite these limits by applying the Override limit features. Due to there being no limitations for hours worked per month in the system, you may define this with Set month limits.

Yellow-colored warnings can be added to the report by applying the Add warnings feature.

The criteria for “Factor” may be used to increase or decrease the value of any salary article. I.e., you may need the passive hours counted as 1/4, where a factor of 0.25 can be applied to reflect this logic in the report.

WEA - logged work / violation

This report will give you insight into WEA violations in the logged work located by the automated scanner. The selected period will consider the work date.

Column Description
Employee no. Employee ID number in RecMan.
Employee Name of employee.
Date Date of violation of working time regulations.
Violation Violation type.
Allowed Relevant violation limits.
Actual Actual violation.
From period Violation start date.
To period Violation end date.
Article Name of the work article that was violated. 
Job no. Job number in RecMan.
Job Name of the job.
Responsible (job) Name of the co-worker responsible for this job.
Project no. Project number.
Project Project name.
Responsible (project) Name of the co-worker responsible for this project.
Customer no. Customer (company) ID number in the system.
Company Company name.
Department Department name.

Year limit - salary / job

An overview of the employee's employment(s) and registered work with calculations regarding the year limit. The period criteria will consider employment with an active date within the period.

Column Description
Employee no. Employee number.
Employee  Employee name.
Employee group Employee group name.
Employment  Name of employment.
Start date  Start date of employment.
End date  End date of employment.
Jan – Dec  Logged hours by month.
Total hours Total number of logged hours excluding break.
Leave of absence  The total number of absence hours.
Vacation  The total number of vacation hours.
Position %  Position percent from the employment.
Year limit  Number of working hours in a full year.
Deviance  (Total hours + Leave of absence + Vacation) – Year limit.
Hour salary  Hourly pay.
Month salary The sum of monthly salary.
Job no. Job number in RecMan.
Total salary Hours × Hour salary. 
Month limit Year limit divided by 12. 
Hour deviance Total hours – Month limit.
Salary deviance Total salary – Monthly salary.
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