Report with information about applicants in job postings.
A simple PDF report to extract a selection of job posts with information about the applicants present at the time the report was generated.
The period criteria will limit the report only to include applicants who have applied in the selected period.
Candidate pipeline
A report to gain general insight into the current candidate pipeline. The period criteria in this report will limit the data to candidates added to a pipeline within the selected period.
Below is a description of each column in the report.
Title | Description |
Candidate ID | Candidate unique identifier. |
First name | Candidate first name. |
Last name | Candidate last name. |
Title | Candidate title. |
Pipeline category | Name of pipeline category. |
Age | Candidate age. |
Candidate email. | |
Work email | Candidate work email. |
Mobile phone | Candidate's mobile phone. |
Work phone | Candidate's work phone. |
Home phone | Candidate home phone. |
Co-worker | Name of a co-worker who added a candidate to the pipeline. |
Date | Date when a candidate was added to the pipeline. |
Customer no. | Customer number. |
Company | Company name. |
Project no. | Project number. |
Project | Project name. |
RM ID | Job post unique identifier. |
Job post | Job post name. |
Department | Department connected to the project. If a candidate is added to My pipeline, the co-worker’s department will be listed. |
Job no. | If a candidate is added to the pipeline and a job in the same project, the job number(s) will be listed. |
Candidate pipeline - time
An advanced report to gain insight into how candidates are processed through candidate pipelines.
The report consists of two sheets, where Pipeline will give you information on the average process time, whereas the Candidate process will give detailed information about each candidate and their movement through the pipeline. If the candidate is processed at different levels, either as an applicant on a job post, as a search candidate on a project, or generally processed in My pipeline, – this report considers them all! You may easily see what pipeline level the candidate has been processed in due to the absence of data in the Job post and Project columns.
The period criteria in this report will limit the data to candidates added to a pipeline within the selected period.
Below is a description of each column in the report.
Title | Description |
From pipeline | Pipeline category where the candidates were processed from. |
To pipeline | Pipeline category where the candidates were processed to. |
Count | Number of candidates processed through these pipeline categories. |
Avg. time (days) | The average time it took to process the candidates From pipeline – To pipeline measured in days. |
Avg. time (hours) | The average time it took to process the candidates From pipeline – To pipeline measured in hours. |
Candidate process
Title | Description |
Candidate ID | The numeral ID of the candidate. |
Name | Full name of the candidate. |
From pipeline | Pipeline category where the candidate was processed from. |
To pipeline | Pipeline category where the candidate was processed to. |
Date | Logged date from when the candidate was moved between the pipelines. |
Processing time | Logged time from when the candidate was moved between the pipelines. |
Co-worker | Name of the co-worker who moved the candidate. |
Interview | Amount of interviews registered in the time frame between From pipeline till the next movement. |
Reference check | If a reference check has been performed; it can be multiple. |
Gender | Candidate gender. |
Age | Candidate age. |
Title | Candidate title. |
Recent field of study | The candidate's field of study. |
Recent school | Name of the school for recent education. |
Recent title | Title from most recent work experience. |
Recent company | Name of the company at the most recent employer. |
Department | Department connected to project. |
Project | Project name. This would be empty if the candidate was added to My pipeline. |
Project type | Project type. |
Company | Company name. |
Job post | Job post name. This would be empty if the candidate was added to a pipeline without being an applicant. |
Start date | Start date at a previous employer. |
Candidates in pipeline - project
This report gives an overview of the project status, the number of candidates in the project pipeline, and the highest pipeline status.
Column | Description |
Project no | Project number in RecMan. |
Project | Project name. |
Pipeline group | Name of pipeline group. |
Responsible co-worker | Name of the responsible co-worker on this project. |
Created by | Name of the person who created this report. |
Department | Department name. |
Customer | Customer name. |
Status | Status of the project. |
Phase | What phase the project is in. |
From date | Start date of a chosen period. |
To date | End date of a chosen period. |
Number of job posts | Number of job posts. |
Furthest pipeline step | Highest achieved step in the process. |
Applicants | Number of applicants. |
Candidates in pipeline | Number of candidates in the pipeline. |
Value | Value of the project. |
Custom fields | Project custom fields. |
Job posts
A simple PDF report to extract a selection of job posts and how many applicants each of them have received at the time of report generation. Information about how many applicants are declined, untreated and hired will be shown.
The period criteria will limit the report to include job posts with a start date within a selected period.
Job posts - extended
An extended report providing an overview of job posts and their applications.
This report focuses mainly on currently active job posts and applications, where some historical data can be evaluated. The periodization in this report will limit the search only to include job posts that have been active for one or more days in the selected period. When generating the report, you may browse through the following six sheets.
In this report, data will be equal to information found in the system at the point when the report is generated. For example, the “Pipeline” tab displays the number of candidates currently in the pipe. Historical data, such as how many candidates have passed through a pipeline category, is not visible in this report. Check out the Candidate pipeline for such information.
Overview of job posts and applications grouped by department.
Title | Description |
Department | Department name. |
Job posts | A number of job posts. |
Total applicants | A number of total applicants. |
Unique candidates | A number of unique candidates. |
Canceled applications | A number of canceled and withdrawn applications. |
Deleted candidates | A number of applications where candidates have been deleted. |
Active applications | A number of active applications visible in the system as well as in the other sheets in this report. |
Active applications - This column will display the actual applications accessible in your system and the only applicants with extended information in the other sheets. Generating this report at periodic intervals is recommended if data such as portal effectiveness and applicant gender or age are essential for evaluations.
Overview of applicants. Note that one candidate can be listed more than once.
Title | Description |
Candidate ID | The numeral ID of a worker. |
First name | Candidate first name. |
Last name | Candidate last name. |
Title | Candidate’s registered title. |
City | Candidate’s registered city. |
Country | Candidate’s registered country. |
Gender | Candidate’s registered gender. |
Age | Candidate’s registered age. |
Date | Date when candidate applied. |
Portal | Portal candidate applied from. |
RM ID | Job post’s RecMan ID. |
Job post | Job post the candidate applied to. |
Department | Department connected to job post. |
Pipeline | Candidate pipeline category. |
Job post
An overview of the job posts, their connections and their status.
Title | Description |
RecMan ID (RM ID) | Job post’s RecMan ID. |
Job post | Job post name. |
Department | Department connected to job post. |
Customer no. | Customer number. |
Company | The company connected to the job post. |
Project no. | Project number. |
Project | The project connected to the job post. |
Responsible co-worker | A responsible co-worker on the project. |
Start date | Job post start date. |
End date | Job post end date. |
Duration | Job post duration. |
Status | Job post status. Active or expired. |
Archived | If the job post is archived or not. |
Applications & Portal
Overview of applicant information and the effectiveness of portals.
Title | Description |
RecMan ID (RM ID) | Job post’s RecMan ID. |
Job post | Job post name. |
Portal | Portal name. |
Views | Views on job post on RecMan-page. |
Applicants | A number of active applicants. |
Conversion rate | Conversion rate from views to applicants. |
Unread / Unread % | A number of unread applications. |
Untreated / Untreated % | A number of untreated applications. |
In pipeline / In pipeline % | A number of applicants in a given pipeline. |
Hired / Hired % | A number of hired applicants. |
Declined / Declined % | A number of declined applications. |
Male / Male % | A number of applicants registered as male. |
Female / Female % | A number of applicants registered as female. |
Other / Other % | A number of applicants registered as others. |
Unknown / Unknown % | A number of applicants with undefined gender. |
The pipeline your applicants are currently in.
Title | Description |
Pipeline | Pipeline category name. |
Applicants | A number of applicants currently in this pipeline category. |