Economy reports (part 1)

Accounting - invoice

This report will extract invoices and credit notes where the amount is grouped by service group and credit account. The selected period will consider the invoice and credit note date.

Column Description
No. A credit note or invoice number.
Type Credit note or invoice.
Department no. Department number.
Department Department name.
Service group no. Service group number.
Service group Service group name.
Credit account Credit account number.
Sum excl. VAT The sum without VAT. 
Currency Currency.

Accounting - paycheck

Extract paychecks where the amount is grouped by article. The selected period will consider when the paycheck was created.

Column Description
Paycheck no. Paycheck number.
Department no. Department number.
Department Department name.
Service group no. Service group number.
Service group Service group name.
Salary article Salary article number.
Article name Article name.
Sum salary The sum of salary.
Currency Currency.

Credit notes

A simple report that shows credit notes and their credit reason. The periodization may consider the credit note date or the original invoice date.

Title Description
Credit note no. Credit note number.
Credit note date Date of credit note.
Invoice no. Invoice number.
Invoice date Date of invoice.
Customer no. Customer number.
Company Company name.
Project no. Project number.
Project Name of project.
Sum credit note The sum of the credit note.
Sum invoice Sum of invoice.
Currency Currency used in the credit note.
Credit note reason Reason for a credit note.
Comment Registered comment on the reason for a credit note.


An informative report giving a total overview of the economy data from offers, orders, invoices and credit notes based on the selected criteria.

This report consists of five sheets containing data from a given area, whereas the Overview sheet consists of total values from the other sheets. As economy values are connected to projects, this report will also calculate split commission if defined on a project, making the report applicable to get insight into commission per co-worker.

Data are gathered from different sources and calculated according to values set in your system. E.g., on offers, you may set values for estimated value, probability of success etc., and thus gain insight into the potential value of an offer. If no commission is defined, the commission will be 100% for the responsible co-worker on the project itself.

Note that the period criteria will affect the sheets differently: the delivery date on offer, order date, invoice date and credit note date.


If the offer delivery date is not defined on the offer, it will not be included. Remember to add values to the economy data on the offer for it to be displayed in this report.

Below is a description of common columns in the different sheets.

Title Description
Co-worker A responsible co-worker on the project.
Department Department name.
Customer no. Customer number.
Company Company name.
Project no. Project number.
Project start Start date from period set on the project.
Project end End date from period set on the project.
Project Project name.
Responsible co-worker Name of a responsible co-worker.
Offer no. Offer's number.
Offer Received offer.
Delivery date Delivery date of an offer.
Min value Minimum value.
Max value Maximum value.
Estimated value Estimated value.
Probability % Probability in percent.
Total (in Offers) Estimated value * Probability / 100.
Invoice Sum of invoice.
Invoice date Date of the invoice.
Order Sum of order. Order number.
Product no. Product number.
Product Name of the product.
Description Description of order and specification.
Unit price Price per article.
Qty Quantity of article.
Total The total sum of the article.
Credit note Sum of a credit note.
Total The total value of the specific row.
Split commission % If there is a split commission on the project, the percentage will be indicated here.
Commission Calculated commission where the split commission is considered. This column will give the exact total values per row.
Currency Currency used in the report.

Economy - product / month

This is an alternative version of the Economy report, where data are grouped by product. It consists of two sheets. The Detailed sheet will group the data by product for each unique order, invoice, and/or credit note, while the Product sheet will group the data for every unique product for each order, invoice, and/or credit note.

Title Description
No. Number in RecMan.
Type Order, invoice or credit note.
Company no. Company number.
Company Company name.
Project no. Project number.
Project Name of project.
Co-worker A responsible co-worker on the project.
Department Department name.
Product no. Product number.
Product Name of the product.
Product group Name of the product group.
Jan 2024 – Dec 2024 Period by month.
Total Total sum of economy data for the selected period.
Currency Currency used in the report.


Column Description
Invoice no.  Invoice number.
Customer no.  Customer's number.
Company  Customer (company) name.
Date  Invoice date.
Due date  Invoice due date.
Sum excl. VAT  The sum without VAT.
VAT  The amount of VAT.
Sum incl. VAT  The sum with VAT.
Base Currency  Invoice currency.
Target Currency  Selected currency when the report was generated.
Paid  Yes or No values indicate whether the invoice has been paid or not.
Project no.  Project number.
Project  Project name.
Department Department name. 
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