Staffing reports related to jobs

Jobs report

A simple report to list all jobs. The period criteria will function as a limitation to only include jobs that have an active date within the defined period. The report also generates relevant information about the employee.

Below is a description of each column in the report.

Title Description
Employee no. Employee number.
Employee Employee name.
Job no. Job number.
Job Job title.
Project no. Project number.
Company Company name.
Start date The start date on the job.
End date The end date on the job.
Employment Employment title.
Position percent Position percent set on the employment.
Employment condition Type of employment condition for the employee.
Collective agreement Name of collective agreement used on the job.
Salary type Type of salary on the job.
Unit salary Hourly salary on the job.
Unit invoice Hourly invoice on the job.
Month salary Monthly salary on the job.
Month invoice Monthly invoice on the job.
Holiday pay rate Holiday pay rate on the job.
Responsible co-worker A responsible co-worker on the job.
Department The department to which the project is connected.
Social security ID The employee's social security number.
Age Age of employee.
Gender Gender of the employee.
Active status The employee's active status set on their candidate card.
Email Employee’s email address.
Mobile phone Mobile phone number of employee.
Invoice note Invoice note from the project.
Salary matrix The salary matrix used on the job.
Piecework period The piecework period used on the job.
Description Notes about the work.

Jobs - change of date

A simple report to list all jobs where the start date and/or end date have been edited. The period criteria will consider the date when it was edited.

Below is a description of each column in the report.

Title Description
Edited Date when dates were edited.
Edited by Co-worker who performed the change.
Employee no. Employee number.
Employee Employee name.
Occupation code Employee’s occupation code.
Salary type Salary type set on job.
Start date Start date on job before the change.
End date End date on job before the change.
New start date Start date on job after the change.
New end date End date on job after the change.
Job Job name.
Customer no. Customer number.
Company Company name.
Project no. Project number.
Project Project name.
Department Department connected to project.
Service group no. Service group number.
Service group Name of service group.
Service Type of service.

Jobs - ended report

A simple report to list all jobs that have been ended through the End job feature.

Below is a description of each column in the report.

Title Description
Employee no. Employee number.
Employee Employee name.
Job Job name.
Start date Job start date.
End date Job end date.
Duration How many days job lasted.
Ended date Date when the job was ended.
Ended time Time when the job was ended.
Original end date Job end date initially defined.
Original duration How many days job supposed to last.
Reason Reason why the job was ended.
Description Notes from the “Description” text area when ending the job.
Rating Rating set when ending the job.
Buyout sum Buyout sum set when ending the job.
Ended by Name of a co-worker who ended the job.
Customer no. Customer number.
Company Company name.
Project no. Project number.
Project Project name.
Responsible co-worker Responsible co-worker on Project.
Responsible co-worker (job) Responsible co-worker on Job.
Service group no. Service group number.
Service group Service group name.
Service type Service type name.

Jobs - extended

Extract jobs from your projects. The selected period will consider jobs with an active date within the period.

Column Description
Employee no. Employee number.
Employee Employee name.
Start date The start date on the job.
End date The end date on the job.
Extension How many times job end date has been extended.
Employment Employment title.
Position percent Position percent set on the employment.
Employment condition Type of employment condition for the employee.
Collective agreement Name of collective agreement used on the job.
Salary matrix The salary matrix used on the job.
Salary type Type of salary on the job.
Unit salary Hourly salary on the job.
Unit invoice Hourly invoice on the job.
Factor Unit invoice ÷ Unit salary.
Month salary Monthly salary on the job.
Month invoice Monthly invoice on the job.
Holiday pay rate Holiday pay rate on the job.
Mark-up factor The mark-up factor used to find the invoice price.
Addition factor Addition factor.
Status Active, Future, Previous or Ended.
Hours Number of regular hours and overtime on the job.
Absence Number of absence hours on the job.
Absence % Absence ÷ Hours.
Job no. Job number.
Job Job title.
Responsible co-worker A responsible co-worker on the job.
Mother company no. Parent company number.
Mother customer no. Parent customer number.
Mother company Parent company name.
Company no. Company number.
Customer no. Customer number.
Company Company name.
Postal code Company postal code.
Project no. Project number.
Project Project name.
Department no. Department number.
Department The department to which the project is connected.
Social security ID The employee's social security number.
Age Age of employee.
Gender Gender of the employee.
Active status The employee's active status set on their candidate card.
Email Employee’s email address.
Mobile phone Mobile phone number of employee.
Description Notes about the work.
Invoice note Invoice note from the project.
Reference type Project or Job.
Our invoice reference Name of your reference.
Customer invoice reference Name of customer reference.
Invoice note Invoice note.
Service group no. Service group number.
Service group Service group title.
Service type Service type name.
Perimeter Location on the job.

Jobs - price change

Extract jobs where salary or invoice values have been altered. The selected period will consider the date of the change.

Column Description
Edited date Date of change in the job salary or invoice values.
Edited by Name of the user who performed this change.
Employee no. Employee number.
Employee Employee name.
Occupation code Employee’s occupation code.
Type of change Salary or invoice.
Original value Value before the change.
New value Updated value.
Job no. Job number.
Job Job title.
Customer no. Customer number.
Company Company name.
Project no. Project number.
Project Project name.
Department no. Department number.
Department The department to which the project is connected.
Service group no. Service group number.
Service group Service group title.
Service type Service type name.
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