Staffing reports related to logged work

Logged work

This report will display all logged work according to the selected criteria. Its content will be similar to the Logged work module in the system. The Include absence criteria consider the articles of absence and self-managed absence. Include not logged shifts criteria will also include shifts from the staffing calendar as described in Forecasting shifts.

Below is a description of each column in the report.

Title Description
Date Date of logged work.
Employee no. Employee number.
Employee Employee name.
Seniority The seniority value that was present at the date of the logged work.
Email Employee email.
Article type Article type.
Article Article name.
From time From time.
To time To time.
Break Number of break hours.
Hours incl. break Number of hours including break hours.
Hours excl. break Number of hours excluding break hours.
Unit salary Salary cost per hour excluding social costs.
Unit invoice Invoice per article.
Total salary Total salary cost excluding social costs.
Social cost The sum of the social cost.
Total cost The total cost of salary and social cost of the logged work.
Total invoice Total revenue excluding VAT.
VAT percentage VAT percentage.
VAT Total VAT.
Status Status of work.
Responsible co-worker A responsible co-worker on the job.
Job no. Job number.
Job Title of occupation
Customer no. Assigned customer number.
Company Company name.
Project no. Project number.
Project Name of the project.
Department Department name.
Invoice no. If the work has an Invoiced status, the invoice number will be displayed.
Invoice date If the work has an Invoiced status, the invoice date will be displayed.

Logged work - customer

This report will display all logged work based on the selected criteria. The intention of this report is to forward it to customers who request information about their projects. The report consists of several sheets.

Below is a description of each column and sheet in the report.

Logged work

Title Description
Date Date of logged work.
Company Company name.
Project Project name.
Employee Employee name.
Article type Type of article.
Article group Name of article group, if applied.
Article Name of article.
Qty Quantity of the given article.
Internal note Internal note from logged work.
Unit price Price per unit.
Total price Qty * Unit price


Title Description
Company Company name.
Project Project name.
Qty Quantity of all types of articles.
Total price Total price for the given project.

Article type

Title Description
Article type Type of article.
Qty Quantity of given article type.
Total price Total price for given article type.

Article group

This sheet is hidden if “Article group” is not applied.

Title Description
Article group / Addition Name of article group or addition article.
Qty Quantity of given group or addition.
Total price Total price for given group or addition.

Logged work - employee

This report will display all logged work based on the selected criteria. The content will be similar to the logged work module in the system, where data are initially grouped by employee. The data will be listed on separate rows if work is connected to more than one project, one article and/or one collective agreement. The criteria for Include absence considers the articles of absence and self-managed absence.

Below is a description of each column in the report.

Title Description
Employee no. Employee number.
Employee Employee name.
Customer no. Customer number.
Company Company name.
Project no. Project number.
Project Project name.
Article type Type of article.
Article Name of article.
Collective agreement Name of a collective agreement.
Total salary Total salary excluding social cost.
Social cost Sum of the social cost.
Total cost The total cost of salary and social cost of the logged work.
Total invoice Total invoice excluding VAT.

Logged work - employee / article

This report will display all logged work based on the selected criteria. The content will be similar to the logged work module in the system where data are initially grouped by employee. The report will group data by employee per article.

Below is a description of each column in the report.

Title Description
Employee no. Employee number.
Employee Name of employee.
Article Name of article.
Qty Quantity/units of a given article.
Invoiceable Amount of invoiceable units.
Invoiceable percent Percentage of invoiceable units.
Salary Cost of salary.
Social cost Social costs.
Invoice Revenue.
Contribution margin Invoice – (Salary + Social cost) = CM
Contribution percent Contribution margin ÷ Revenue * 100 = Result

Logged work - extended

This report provides an overview of the logged work. The selected period will consider the work date.

Title Description
Date Date of logged work.
Month Month from the logged work date.
Year Year from the logged work date.
First day First day of the logged work.
Last day Last day of the logged work.
Date logged Date when work was registered.
Employee no. Employee number.
Employee Employee name.
Email Employee email.
Article type Article type.
Article Article name.
From time From time.
To time To time.
Break Number of break hours.
Hours incl. break Number of hours, including break hours.
Hours excl. break Number of hours, excluding break hours.
Hours Same as "Hours excl. break" but only counted for the Ordinary hours article type.
Unit salary Salary cost per hour excluding social costs.
Unit invoice Invoice per article.
Factor Unit invoice ÷ Unit salary.
Total salary Total salary cost, excluding social costs.
Social cost The sum of the social cost.
Social cost % The percent of the social cost.
Total salary incl. social cost Total salary cost, including social costs.
Total invoice Total revenue excluding VAT.
Contribution margin Revenue - Total cost.
Contribution margin % Contribution margin ÷ Revenue * 100.
VAT percentage VAT percentage.
VAT Total VAT.
Status Status of work.
Employment Employment connected to job.
Responsible co-worker (employment) A responsible user on the employment.
Job start Job start date.
Job end Job end date.
Job created Date of job creation.
Extension How many times job end date has been extended.
Job no. Job number.
Job Title of occupation.
Responsible co-worker A responsible co-worker on the job.
Mother company no. Parent company number.
Mother customer no. Parent customer number.
Mother company Parent company name.
Company no. Company number.
Customer no. Assigned customer number.
Company Company name.
Postal code Company address postal code.
Project no. Project number.
Project Name of the project.
Responsible co-worker (project) A responsible co-worker on the project.
Department no. Department number.
Department Department name.
Paycheck no. Paycheck number.
Paycheck salary Paycheck salary on this work.
Invoice note (work) Work invoice notes.
Invoice no. If the work has an Invoiced status, the invoice number will be displayed.
Invoice date If the work has an Invoiced status, the invoice date will be displayed.
Reference type Project, job or child project.
Our invoice reference User ID in RecMan of company's contact person.
Customer invoice reference User ID in RecMan of customer's contact person.
Invoice note Project invoice notes.
Service group no. Service group number.
Service group Service group name.
Service type Service type name.

Logged work - job / SC

Column Description
Job no. Job number.
Job Job title.
Employee no. Employee number.
Employee Employee name.
Customer no. Customer number.
Company Company name.
Project no. Project number.
Project Project name.
Department The department to which the project is connected.
Total salary The total sum of salary.
Total invoice The total sum of invoice.
Payroll tax The sum of tax.
Holiday pay The sum of holiday payment.
Pension The sum of pension.
Sick leave The sum of sick leave payment.
Various The sum of various payment.
Payroll fee of holiday pay Payroll fee of holiday payment.
Mandatory pension The sum of mandatory pension.
Total social cost The total social cost of the job.
Collective agreement Collective agreement name.
Social security no. Social security number.

Logged work - log

Column Description
Log date The date when the log was created.
Log category The category of the log.
Employee no. Employee number.
Employee Employee name.
Job no. Job number.
Job Job title.
Co-worker Name of the co-worker on this log.
Candidate Name of the candidate on this log.
Contact person Name of the contact person.
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