Here, you will find the description of the Recruitment category widgets.
Job post views widget
This widget shows the total number of job post views. Data for this widget is fetched from the RecMan System. Job posts can be Active, Expired, or Archived. Data is taken from Job posts with all statuses.
Widget settings:
General tab contains:
- Widget name input field
- Data level (drop-down) - All, Corporation, Department group, Department, Co-worker
- Department (drop-down) - Dynamic (default), Choose multiple, Specific corporations/departments/co-workers
The period tab contains:
- Standard (drop-down): Today, Yesterday, This week (default), Previous week, This month, Previous month, This quarter, Previous quarter, This year, Previous year
- Custom period (drop-down): Custom month, Custom quarter, Custom Year, Custom Period
- Checkboxes *if Custom period is selected: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
- Year *if Custom period is selected (drop-down): Previous year, This year, Next year, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015
After adding a widget to the dashboard, the settings of this widget are set to Department, which is the Dynamic data level by default. If a user changes the data level to some other, then the Dynamic option is set by default. Users can choose multiple data levels and choose a few options, which are shown as checkboxes. Also, the user can choose some specific (single) option from dropdown or dynamic. Dynamic option means that information on the widgets will be shown according to the user logged into the system.
In case the user chooses All data level, there is no filtration by data level, and information is fetched from all Job posts. In this case, the user can filter data using the Period dropdown.
In case the user chooses Corporation data level, then the data will be fetched from all Job posts that are connected to departments that are connected to the chosen corporation (while creating a Job post, there is no possibility to connect this Job post to the specific Department, so it will check departments which are connected to a chosen, from the widget settings, Corporation).
In case the user chooses the Department group data level, then Job posts will be filtered by all departments that are in the department group, where connected to the job post department is present. For example - Department group 1 contains Department 1 and Department 2. There are 3 job posts, two of them connected to Department1 and one to Department2. User filtering job posts using Department group 1, then 3 job posts are shown.
In case the user chooses Department data level, then data will be fetched from Job posts that are connected to the chosen departments (while creating a Job post, there is the possibility to choose a particular Department, so it will check Job posts that are connected to the chosen Department).
In case the user chooses Co-worker data level, then the data will be fetched from all Job posts that are connected to the chosen Co-worker (while creating a Job post, there is the possibility to connect this Job post to the specific Co-worker, so it will check Job posts which are connected to chosen Co-worker).
Checkboxes - in case a user chooses multiple data levels, then Select all checkbox is shown. After unchecking the Select all checkbox, all options are unchecked, and the user can not save widget settings. At least one checkbox should be checked. The Save changes button is disabled.
Active job posts widget
This widget shows active jobs that are posted in RecMan.
Data from this widget is fetched from the RecMan System. Job posts can be Active, Expired, or Archived. Only Job posts with Active status are counted to the widget.
Widget Settings:
General tab contains:
- Widget name input field
- Data level (drop-down) - (All, Corporation, Department group, Department, Co-worker)
- Department (drop-down) - Dynamic (default), Choose multiple, Specific corporations/ departments/ co-workers
After adding a widget to the dashboard, the settings of this widget are set to Department → Dynamic data level by default. In case the user changes the data level to some other, then the Dynamic option is set by default. Users can choose multiple data levels and choose a few options, which are shown as checkboxes. Also, the user can choose some specific (single) option from dropdown or dynamic. Dynamic option means that information on the widget will be shown according to the logged to the system user.
In case the user chooses All data level, there is no filtration by data level, and information is fetched from all the system.
In case the user chooses the Corporation data level, then all Job posts that are connected to departments that are connected to the chosen corporation will be counted to the widget (while creating a Job post, there is no possibility to connect this Job post to the specific Department, so it will check departments which are connected to a chosen, from widget settings, Corporation).
In case the user chooses the Department group data level, then Job posts will be filtered by all departments that are in the department group, where connected to job post departments from the department group is present. For example - Department group 1 contains Department 1 and Department 2. There are 3 job posts, two of them connected to Department1 and one to Department2. User filtering job posts using Department group 1, then 3 job posts are shown.
In case the user chooses Department data level, then Job posts that are connected to the chosen departments will be counted in the widget (while creating a Job post, there is the possibility to choose a particular Department, so it will check Job posts that are connected to chosen Department).
In case the user chooses a Co-worker data level, then Job posts that are connected to the chosen Co-worker will be counted in the widget (while creating a Job post, there is the possibility to connect this Job post to the specific Co-worker, so it will check the Job posts which are connected to a chosen Co-worker).
Checkboxes - in case a user chooses multiple data levels, then Select all checkbox is shown. After unchecking the Select all checkbox, all options are unchecked, and the user can not save widget settings. At least one checkbox should be checked. The Save changes button is disabled.
Unread applications widget
This widget shows all unread applications in RecMan, displayed regarding applied settings in the widget.
Data for this widget is fetched from the RecMan System. Job posts can be Active, Expired, or Archived. Unread applications are fetched from Job posts with all statuses.
Widget Settings:
General tab contains:
- Widget name input field
- Data level (drop-down) - (All, Corporation, Department group, Department, Co-worker)
- Department (drop-down) - Dynamic (default), Choose multiple, Specific corporations/ departments/ co-workers
Period tab contains:
- Standard (drop-down): Today, Yesterday, This week (default), Previous week, This month, Previous month, This quarter, Previous quarter, This year, Previous year
- Custom period (drop-down): Custom month, Custom quarter, Custom Year, Custom Period
- Checkboxes *if Custom period is selected: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
- Year *if Custom period is selected (drop-down): Previous year, This year, Next year, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015
After adding a widget to the dashboard, the settings of this widget are set to Department is Dynamic data level by default. In case the user changes the data level to some other, then the Dynamic option is set by default. Users can choose multiple data levels and choose a few options, which are shown as checkboxes. Also, the user can choose some specific (single) option from dropdown or dynamic. Dynamic option means that information on the widget will be shown according to the logged to the system user.
In case the user chooses All data level, there is no filtration by data level, and information is fetched from all the system.
In case the user chooses Corporation data level, then all Job posts where unread applications are present, which are connected to departments, which are connected to the chosen corporation will be counted to the widget (while creating a Job post, there is no possibility to connect this Job post to the specific Department, so it will check departments which are connected to chosen Corporation).
In case the user chooses the Department group data level, then Job posts, where unread applications are present, will be filtered by all departments that are in the department group, where connected to job post departments from the department group are present. For example - Department group 1 contains Department 1 and Department 2. There are 3 job posts with unread applications, two of them connected to Department1 and one to Department2. User filtering job posts with unread applications using Department group 1, then 3 unread applications are shown.
In case the user chooses Department data level, then unread applications from Job posts that are connected to the chosen departments will be counted to the widget (while creating a Job post, there is the possibility to choose a particular Department, so it will check Job posts which are connected to chosen Department).
In case the user chooses Co-worker data level, then unread applications from Job posts that are connected to the chosen Co-worker will be counted to the widget (while creating a Job post, there is the possibility to connect this Job post to the specific Co-worker, so it will check Job posts which are connected to chosen Co-worker).
Applicants widget
Data from this widget is fetched from the RecMan System → Job postings section. Job posts can have applicants with different statuses:
- Untreated
- In process
- Declined
- Hired
Applicants are counted from all statuses of Job Posts (Active, Archived and Expired).
Widget settings:
General tab contains:
- Widget name input field
- Data level (drop-down) - (All, Corporation, Department group, Department, Co-worker)
- Department (drop-down) - Dynamic (default), Choose multiple, Specific corporations/ departments/ co-workers
Period tab contains:
- Standard (drop-down): Today, Yesterday, This week, Previous week, This month (default), Previous month, This quarter, Previous quarter, This year, Previous year
- Custom period (drop-down): Custom month, Custom quarter, Custom Year, Custom Period
- Checkboxes *if Custom period is selected: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
- Year *if Custom period is selected (drop-down): Previous year, This year, Next year, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015
Other tab contains:
- Include (checkboxes) - Untreated, In process, Declined, Hired
- Job post status (checkboxes) - Active, Archived, Expired
Attributes tab contains:
- Candidate attributes (drop-down)
- Project attributes (drop-down)
After adding a widget to the dashboard, the settings of this widget are set to Department is Dynamic data level by default. In case a user changes the data level to some other, then the Dynamic option is set by default. Users can choose multiple data levels, and a few options shown as checkboxes. Also, the user can choose some specific (single) option from the dropdown, or dynamic. Dynamic option means that information on the widget will be shown according to the logged to the system user.
This month option is set by default as a Period. Checkboxes Untreated and In process are checked by default from the Include checkboxes section. All checkboxes are checked by default from the Job post status checkboxes section.
In case the user chooses All data level, there is no filtration by data level, and information is fetched from the entire system.
In case the user chooses Corporation data level, then all Job posts (where some applicants are present), which are connected to departments, which are connected to chosen, from the widget settings, the corporation will be counted to the widget (while creating a Job post, there is no possibility to connect this Job post to the specific Corporation, so it will check departments which are connected to chosen Corporation).
In case the user chooses the Department group data level, then Job posts (where some applicants are present) will be filtered by all departments that are in the department group, where connected to job post departments from the department group is present. For example - Department group 1 contains Department 1 and Department 2. There are 3 job posts with applicants, two of them connected to Department1 and one to Department2. User filtering job posts with applicants using Department group 1, then 3 applicants are shown.
In case the user chooses the Department data level, then applicants from Job posts that are connected to the chosen departments will be counted to the widget (while creating a Job post, there is the possibility to choose a particular Department, so it will check Job posts that are connected to chosen Department).
In case the user chooses Co-worker data level, then applicants from Job posts that are connected to the chosen Co-worker will be counted to the widget (while creating a Job post, there is the possibility to connect this Job post to the specific Co-worker, so it will check Job posts which are connected to chosen Co-worker)
Checkboxes - in case a user chooses multiple data levels, then Select all checkbox is shown. After unchecking Select all checkbox, all options are unchecked, and the user can not save widget settings. At least one checkbox should be checked. The Save changes button is disabled.
Candidate attributes and Project attributes dropdowns - this is additional filtration. Each candidate or project can have some attributes.
Candidates will be filtered according to these attributes. Users have the possibility to leave these options empty, and candidates will be counted only according to data level and period. Between Data level, Period, Candidate and Project attributes - there is AND filtration. It means that candidates will be counted in the widget only in case these settings are matched to the candidate attributes from RecMan. For example, the admin adds an applicant today, this candidate is connected to Department 1 and has Multiple choice → option 1 attribute. In case the user chooses Data level → department → Department 1 + Period → Today and leaves Candidate\Project attributes empty in widget settings, this candidate will be counted in the widget. And if the user chooses Data level → department → Department 1 + Period → Today and Candidate attribute → option 2, this candidate will not be counted in the widget.
In case the user chooses Candidate attributes, candidateі will be counted according to candidate attributes. And in case the user chooses Project attributes, candidates will be counted according to project attributes from Projects where applicants are present.
Applications widget
When a candidate applies for the job post, an application is created for this candidate.
Job posts can have 3 different statuses - Active, Expired and Archived. Applications are counted to the widget from all Job post statuses. So, the number of Applicants is equal to the number of Applications.
Widget settings:
General tab contains:
- Widget name input field
- Data level (drop-down) - (All, Corporation, Department group, Department, Co-worker)
- Department (drop-down) - Dynamic (default), Choose multiple, Specific corporations/ departments/ co-workers
Period tab contains:
- Standard (drop-down): Today, Yesterday, This week, Previous week, This month (default), Previous month, This quarter, Previous quarter, This year, Previous year
- Custom period (drop-down): Custom month, Custom quarter, Custom Year, Custom Period
- Checkboxes *if Custom period is selected: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
- Year *if Custom period is selected (drop-down): Previous year, This year, Next year, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015
Attributes tab contains:
- Candidate attributes (drop-down)
- Project attributes (drop-down)
This widget is similar to the Applicants widget. Data from the Applications widget is fetching the same way it’s fetching from the Applicants widget.
After adding a widget to the dashboard, the settings of this widget are set to Department → Dynamic data level by default. In case the user changes the data level to some other, then the Dynamic option is set by default. Users can choose multiple data levels, and choose a few options, which are shown as checkboxes. Also, the user can choose some specific (single) or dynamic options from the dropdown menu. The dynamic option means that information on the widget will be shown according to the user logged in to the system.
This month option is set by default as a Period.
In case the user chooses All data level, there is no filtration by data level, and information is fetched from the entire system.
In case the user chooses the Corporation data level, then all Job posts (where some applications are present) that are connected to departments that are connected to the chosen corporation will be counted in the widget (while creating a Job post, there is no possibility to connect this Job post to the specific Corporation, so it will check departments which are connected to chosen Corporation).
In case the user chooses the Department group data level, then Job posts (where some applications are present) will be filtered by all departments that are in the department group, where connected to job post departments from the department group is present. For example - Department group 1 contains Department 1 and Department 2. There are 3 job posts with applications, two of them connected to Department1 and one to Department2. The user filters job posts with applicants using Department group 1, and then 3 applicants are shown.
In case the user chooses Department data level, then applications from Job posts that are connected to the chosen departments will be counted in the widget (while creating a Job post, there is a possibility to choose a particular Department, so it will check Job posts that are connected to chosen Department).
In case the user chooses Co-worker data level, then applications from Job posts that are connected to the chosen Co-worker will be counted to the widget (while creating a Job post, there is a possibility to connect this Job post to the specific Co-worker, so it will check Job posts which are connected to chosen Co-worker).
Checkboxes - in case a user chooses multiple data levels, then Select all checkbox is shown. After unchecking Select all checkbox, all options are unchecked, and the user can not save widget settings. At least one checkbox should be checked. The Save changes button is disabled.
Candidate attributes and Project attributes dropdowns are additional filtration. Each candidate or project can have some attributes.
Candidates will be filtered according to these attributes. Users have the possibility to leave these options empty, and candidates will be counted only according to data level and period. Between Data level, Period, Candidate and Project attributes - there is AND filtration. It means that candidates will be counted in the widget only in case these settings are matched to the candidate attributes from the RecMan. For example, the admin adds an applicant today; this candidate is connected to Department 1 and has Multiple choice → option 1 attribute. In case the user chooses Data level → department → Department 1 + Period → Today and leaves Candidate\Project attributes empty in widget settings, this candidate will be counted in the widget. And if the user chooses Data level → department → Department 1 + Period → Today and Candidate attribute → option 2, this candidate will not be counted in the widget.
In case the user chooses Candidate attributes, a candidate will be counted according to candidate attributes. And in case the user chooses Project attributes, candidates will be counted according to project attributes from Projects where applicants are present.
Applications 30 days widget
This widget shows candidates in different statuses in the RecMan system according to the last 30 days - Hired, Untreated, In pipeline and Declined. After creating a Job post, the user can add candidates to this Job post and assign some status to these candidates. Job posts can be Active, Expired and Archived. Candidates will be counted only from Active Job posts.
While creating a Job Post, the user can connect this Job post to some particular Department and Co-worker, so filtration will be according to these connections.
The X-axis shows the last 30 days, and the Y-axis shows the number of candidates. At the bottom of the widget, Untreated, Hired, In pipeline and Declined links are shown. The user can disable/enable these options. At least one option should be enabled.
Widget settings:
General tab contains:
- Widget name input field
- Data level (drop-down) - (All, Corporation, Department group, Department, Co-worker)
Department (drop-down) - Dynamic (default), Choose multiple, Specific corporations/ departments/ co-workers.
In case the user chose All data level, there is no filtration by data level, and the widget will show all Candidates.
In case the user chooses the Corporation data level, then candidates will be counted according to all departments that are connected to this corporation. For example, Job post 1 is connected to Department 1 and Job post 2 is connected to Department 2. Departments 1 and 2 are connected to Corporation 1. After choosing Corporation 1 from widget settings, the user will see candidates who were added to the Job post and 2.
In case the user chooses the Department group data level, then candidates will be counted according to all departments that are present in this Department group. For example, Job post 1 is connected to Department 1 and Job post 2 is connected to Department 2. Departments 1 and 2 are present in Department group 1. After choosing Department group 1 from widget settings, the user will see all candidates from Job posts 1 and 2.
In case the user chooses the Department data level, then candidates will be counted according to the department that is connected to the Job post.
In case the user chooses the Co-worker data level, then candidates will be counted according to the Co-worker who is connected to the Job post. One Job post can be connected to a few co-workers. After choosing multiple co-workers from the widget settings, the widget should show no doubled number of candidates.
Job post portal applications split widget
This widget shows how many applications were received according to the portal. While creating a Job post, users can add some External job portals. It means that this Job post will be available on third parties, and candidates will be able to send applications from these portals.
Widget settings:
General tab contains:
- Widget name input field
- Chart type (dropdown) - Basic pie, Variable radius pie, 3D pie, 3D donut
- Data level (drop-down) - All, Corporation, Department group, Department
Period tab contains:
- Standard (drop-down): Today, Yesterday, This week, Previous week, This month (default), Previous month, This quarter, Previous quarter, This year, Previous year
- Custom period (drop-down): Custom month, Custom quarter, Custom Year, Custom Period
- Checkboxes *if Custom period is selected: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
- Year *if Custom period is selected (drop-down): Previous year, This year, Next year, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015
Included portals tab contains:
- Included portals (checkboxes) - Select all, all available options
Job post status tab contains:
- Job post status (checkboxes) - Active, Archived, Expired
Users can choose a Chart type to visualize the widget data - it can be a Basic pie, a Variable radius pie, a 3D pie or a 3D donut.
After adding a widget to the dashboard, the settings of this widget are set to Department is Dynamic data level by default. In case the user changes the data level to some other, then the Dynamic option is set by default. Users can choose multiple data levels and choose a few options which are shown as checkboxes. Also, the user can choose some specific (single) option from the dropdown, or dynamic. Dynamic option means that information on the widget will be shown according to logged to the system user. By default, all Included pipeline steps are checked. The chart type is set to Basic pie by default. All Job post statuses are checked by default.
In case the user chooses All data level, there is no filtration by data level, and the widget will show all applications.
In case users choose the Corporation data level, then applications will be shown according to the Department that is connected to the Job post. While creating a Job post, users can connect this Job post to some particular Departments. For example, users created 2 Job posts. Job post 1 is connected to Department 1, and Job post 2 is connected to Department 2. Department 1 and 2 are connected to Corporation 1. After choosing Corporation 1 from the widget settings, data will be fetched from Job post 1 and Job post 2 as long as Department 1 and 2 are connected to Corporation 1.
In case users choose the Department group data level, then applications will be shown according to the Department, which is connected to the Job post. While creating a Job post, users can connect this Job post to some particular Departments. This logic is pretty similar to the logic with Corporation. For example, users created 2 Job posts. Job post 1 is connected to Department 1 and Job post 2 is connected to Job post 2. Departments 1 and 2 are present in Department group 1. After choosing Department group 1 from the widget settings, data will be fetched from Job post 1 and 2 as long as Departments 1 and 2 are connected to Department group 1.
In case users choose the Department data level, then applications will be shown according to the Department, which is connected to the Job post. While creating a Job post, users can connect this Job post to some particular Departments.
Users can also check and uncheck some particular Portals from the widget settings. At least one checkbox should be checked. Also, users can choose from which Job post applications will be shown - Active, Archived or Expired. Also, applications will not be shown for the Deleted Job posts.
Number of positions widget
This widget has counted the number of jobs connected to active job posts. Basically this number
will represent how many 'open positions' they currently have.
Widget settings contain two tabs:
- 'Widget name' section
- 'Data level' section → All, Corporation, Department group, Department (by default), Co-worker. Each data level has Dynamic (by default), Choose multiple and Specific options.
- Standard radio button with next options → Today, Yesterday, This week, Previous week, This month (by default), Previous month, This quarter, Previous quarter, This year, Previous year
- Custom period radio button with next options → Custom month (by default), Custom quarter, Custom year, Custom period, Custom date period
Job post status:
- Job post status (checkboxes) - Active, Archived, Expired
Also, the 'Detailed view' drawer is shown after clicking on numbers from the widget. The detailed view drawer contains two columns → 'Job post' and 'Positions'. The user is redirected to RecMan → Job post page after clicking on the Job post name link (/user/application_database.php?ad_id=56467) and to the same page after clicking on the number of positions.
Detailed view is NOT available on TV.
Job posts ending widget
This widget shows the number of job posts that are about to end in a custom period of time.
Widget settings contain two tabs:
General tab:
- 'Widget name' section
- 'Data level' section → All, Corporation, Department group, Department (by default), Co-worker. Each data level has Dynamic (by default), Choose multiple and Specific options.
Period tab:
- Expires in → input field (for numbers) and Days, Weeks, Months dropdown. 12 Days by default. 'Value should not be greater than 14 and include only numbers' validation message is shown in case the input field is empty or inappropriate characters are typed.
Also, the 'Detailed view' drawer is shown after clicking on numbers from the widget. Detailed view drawer contains 3 columns → 'Name,' 'Project,' and 'Applicants number.' The user is redirected to RecMan:
Job post page after clicking on the Job post name link;
Project page after clicking on Project;
Job post page after clicking on Applicants number link.
Detailed view is NOT available on TV.
Presentations widget
This widget shows the total count of Candidate Presentation Status.
Widget settings contain two tabs:
General tab:
- 'Widget name' section
- 'Data level' section → All, Corporation, Department group, Department, Co-worker, Dynamic. Each data level has Dynamic (by default), Choose multiple and Specific options.
Chart type can display:
- Basic Pie
- Bar
- Status
- presentations Sent (SENT = has no records in Candidate Presentation Analytics)
- presentations Opened (OPENED = Has records in the Candidate Presentation Analytics but not in Candidate Presentation Rating)
- presentations Reviewed (REVIEWED = Has record in Candidate Presentation Rating)
Presentation status:
- Active
- Expired
- All
Period tab:
- Standard radio button with next options → Today, Yesterday, This week, Previous week, This month (by default), Previous month, This quarter, Previous quarter, This year, Previous year
- Custom period radio button with next options → Custom month (by default), Custom quarter, Custom year, Custom period, Custom date period
Also, the 'Detailed view' drawer is shown after clicking on numbers from the widget. The detailed view drawer contains four columns → ’Title,’ ’Candidate,’ and ‘Rating.’
Recruitment pipeline activity widget
This widget shows the number of cards placed by the employee in the selected category.
Widget settings:
General tab contains:
- “Widget name” section
- “List” search field
Period tab contains:
- Standard radio button with next options → Today, Yesterday, This week, Previous week, This month (by default), Previous month, This quarter, Previous quarter, This year, Previous year.
- Custom period radio button with next options → Custom month (by default), Custom quarter, Custom year, Custom period, Custom date period.
Info about 'List' search field:
- In the field the text “Choose List” is shown;
- The drop-down list contains all categories that contain the recruitment board;
- Name categories are shown under the 'List' search field after selecting them.