Bank category widgets

Here, you will find the description of widgets in the Bank category.

Bank Account balance widget


This widget shows the Total bank account/s balance/s, the current date of the bank account balance, and the balance change with the color bar. If at least two bank accounts are selected with different dates, in this case, the newest date will be shown on the widget as the "current date."

Data fetched from the DB table bank_account:

  • current bank account balance: current_closing_balance column
  • current date of balance = current_balance_date column
  • balance change = result of subtraction (current_closing_balance - current_opening_balance)

Widget settings:

General tab:

  • ”Widget name” input field
  • 'Bank account' checkboxes: bank accounts as checkboxes with currencies (bank number can be checked by hovering the cursor on the account currency)( Select all by default)
  • Currency selection section: Drop-down list where you are able to choose currency. After choosing a currency, data in the widget will be displayed in this currency. (Select currency by default - no data is shown on the widget)
  • 'Use simplified display of numbers' toggle - Off by default

Сhanges in the account balance are displayed value and bar, colors for different cases: Grey - when there are no changes, Red - when it's a negative value (more than 50%), Yellow - when it's a negative value (less than 50%), Green - when it's a positive value.

Current bank account balance, current date of balance, balance change, and currencies can be checked in the widget settings.

Currency rate widget


This widget shows a chart with the currency rate for a selected currency pair (e.g., NOK/USD) for a selected period.

Widget settings:

General tab:

  1. Widget name section
  2. Currency selection section:
    Base currency
    Target currency
  3. Context: "How much base currency (e.g., EUR) do I have to pay for 1 target currency (e.g., USD)

Period tab:

  1. Last 30 days (default), 60 days, 90 days
  2. Custom period (Last X days)
  3. Probably need a max setting here, like max 360 days

Cashflow widget


Tracking money going in and out of bank accounts. The user can select one of multiple bank accounts and see how the balance changes over time.

Widget settings:

General tab contains:

  • Widget name input field
  • “Bank account” section: drop-down list with all available bank accounts from the RecMan system (by default, this section is empty; no bank account is selected)
  • Currency selection section: drop-down list where the user can choose currency. After choosing a currency, data in the widget is displayed in this currency. (Select currency by default - no data is shown on the widget)

Period tab contains:

  • “Previous” section (drop-down) : 3 months, 6 months (default), 12 months
  • “Group by” section (radio buttons): Month (default), Week

The user can fetch the data about bank accounts from the Economy section in RecMan.


Spending widget


This widget shows all outgoing Debit bank transactions according to the corporation's Bank transactions regarding employees' payroll and suppliers' (Supplier invoice).

Widget settings:

General tab contains:

  • Widget name input field
  • “Bank account” section (checkboxes - all checkboxes enabled by default):
    • Select all
    • All available bank accounts from the RecMan system
  • Currency selection section: drop-down list where the user can choose currency. After choosing a currency, data in the widget is displayed in this currency.
  • Toggle - Hide "Count" (disabled by default)
  • Toggle - The 'Use simplified display of numbers' toggle works with values that contain a minimum of three numbers (similar to other Simplified toggles) (disabled by default)
  • Toggle - The ‘Show decimal’ (disabled by default)

Type tab contains:

  • ‘Type’ section (radio buttons):
    • All (by default)
    • Suppliers
    • Employees
  • ‘Suppliers/employees’ section:
    • ‘Search for Suppliers/employees’ input fields (Search field - allows search and adds the suppliers/employees)
    • (radio button): include, exclude

The user can choose all available suppliers/employees from the RecMan system)

Period tab contains:

  • Standard (drop-down): This week, Previous week, This month(default), Previous month, This quarter, Previous quarter, This year, Previous year
  • Custom period (drop-down): Custom month(default), Custom quarter, Custom year, Custom period.
    • Custom month (checkboxes): January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December (current month by default)
    • Custom quarter(checkboxes): Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 (current quarter by default)

      In case Custom month/Custom quarter is selected, the Year (drop-down) appears (Previous year, This year, Next year, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015)

    • Year (drop-down): Previous year, This year, Next year, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015
    • Custom period: The user can choose any number ( from 1 to 1000) of Days, Weeks, or Months Back in time / Forward in time
    • Custom date period: the user can choose a date From one date To another date
    • Toggle ‘Follow the current date’ (it is available when the user chooses the Custom date period)
      If the option «Follow the current date» is enabled, the date «To» should be automatically set to the current date, and the field «To» should be disabled for manual entry.

In case the user chooses ‘Suppliers,’ the data will be fetched according to all customers' Bank transactions(Suppliers invoice), particularly to the corporation.

In case the user chooses ‘Employees,’ the data will be fetched according to all the corporation's Bank transactions regarding employees' payroll.

In case the user chooses ‘All,’ then the data will be fetched according to both the corporation's Bank transactions regarding employees' payroll and suppliers' (Supplier invoice).

In case there are two transactions for one customer/employee for a particular period, they will be grouped in one data row.

In case the user selects the currency at widget settings, the currency icon will be displayed on the widget down right corner.

The widget contains the following columns:

  1. Name
  2. Count
  3. Sum

The user can set the Supplier invoice from the Inquiry module (Click New → More → Upload files → Select your invoice file → Parse invoice with RecBot).



The user can set the employees' payroll from Payroll.

Spending 3

Spending grouped by category

Spending grouped by category(1)

This widget displays summary information on the specified criteria grouped by categories of bank spending.

Widget settings:

General tab contains:

  • Widget name input field
  • “Chart type” section (drop-down): Basic pie(default), Variable radius pie, 3D pie, 3D donut.
  • “Category” section (checkboxes - all checkboxes enabled by default):

    Select all, General, Invoice, Supplier invoice, Internal transfer, Interests, Fees, Payroll, Other.

  • “Bank account” section (checkboxes - all checkboxes enabled by default):
    • Select all
    • All available bank accounts from the RecMan system
  • Currency selection section: drop-down list where the user can choose currency. After choosing a currency, data in the widget is displayed in this currency.
  • Toggle - The 'Use simplified display of numbers' toggle works with values that contain a minimum of three numbers (similar to other Simplified toggles) (disabled by default)
  • Toggle - The ‘Show decimal’ (disabled by default)

Period tab contains:

  • Standard (drop-down): Today, Yesterday, This week, Previous week, This month(default), Previous month, This quarter, Previous quarter, This year, Previous year.
  • Custom period (drop-down): Custom month(default), Custom quarter, Custom year, Custom period.
    • Custom month (checkboxes): January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December( current month by default)
    • Custom quarter(checkboxes): Q1, Q2,Q3,Q4.(current quarter by default)

      In case Custom month/Custom quarter is selected, the Year (drop-down) appears (Previous year, This year, Next year, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015)

    • Year (drop-down): Previous year, This year, Next year, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015
    • Custom period: The user can choose any number ( from 1 to 1000) of Days, Weeks, or Months Back in time/ Forward in time
    • Custom date period: the user can choose a date From one date To another date

The user can view the category of spending in the Bank tab of the Economy section in RecMan.

Spending grouped by category(2)

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