This article describes the widgets that fall under the category "Other."

Week and Date widget

8.Week and Date.png

This widget shows the current week and date according to widget settings. In the widget settings, the user can choose the Time zone according to which week and date will be shown. Also, the user can choose what will be shown on the widget - only a week or only a date. In the widget settings, the user can also enable Display widget name toggle. After enabling this toggle, the title of the widget will be shown, and the user can name this widget.

Widget settings:

General tab contains:

  • Widget name input field
  • “Display widget name” toggle (disabled by default)
  • Include (checkboxes) - Week, Date, at least one checkbox is checked
  • Timezone (drop-down) - list of all available time zones. After clicking on the dropdown, the user can also type the name of the timezone and a list of matched timezones will be shown.

After adding the widget to the dashboard, the Week and Date checkboxes are checked by default. The display widget name toggle is disabled, and the time zone is set to Oslo by default. 

Title widget


This is a text widget. Users can customize titles or descriptions for some specific group of widgets. 

In the widget settings, the user can add some description in the Description field. Also, the user can choose how this text will be shown on the widget - Left, Center or Right, and in the Top, Middle or Bottom. Also, the user can choose to disable the Border toggle, and the widget will be shown without any borders (only text will be shown). The borders will not be shown on the home dashboard and TV as well in case the Border toggle is disabled.

Widget settings:

General tab contains:

  • Widget name input field
  • Description input field - The user is able to add some custom text to this field, and this text will be shown on the widget.
  • Text align (drop-down) - Left, Center, Right
  • Vertcal align (drop-down) - Top, Middle or Bottom 
  • “Border” toggle - enabled by default. After disabling this toggle, the borders of the widget will not be shown.

After adding the widget to the dashboard, the widget's settings are set to Text align - Left and Vertical align - Top by default. The border checkbox is enabled by default. The description field is empty by default.

Image widget


This widget shows the logo of the department, corporation or some custom picture. Users can fetch logos from the system, upload them from the computer or drag and drop pictures to the widget area. In case a user fetches a logo from the system, he/she can choose from where the logo will be fetched - department or corporation. After clicking on the ‘fetch from system’ button, the screen with Corporation and Department dropdowns will be shown. Corporation and Department options are shown as radio buttons. After opening the dropdown, a list of all departments or corporations will be shown. Departments or Corporations without a logo are grayed out, and users will not be able to choose these options. Also, at the top of the dropdown, there is a search field, and the user is able to type the name of his/her department. 

After choosing the logo, one more option is shown in the settings ‘...’ dropdown - ‘Delete image.’ 

Widget settings:

General tab contains:

  • Widget name input field
  • “Display widget name” toggle (disabled by default)
  • “Display border” toggle - (enabled by default). After disabling this toggle, the borders of the widget will not be shown.
  • “Use padding” toggle (enabled by default)
  • “Keep aspect ratio” toggle (enabled by default)

Time and date widget

7.Time and date.png

This widget shows the time and date according to the timezone chosen from the widget settings. Users can choose which type of clock will be shown on the widget - Analog or Digital. Also, in the widget settings, there is the ‘Include date’ toggle. After disabling this toggle, the date will not be displayed on the widget.

Widget settings:

General tab contains:

  • Widget name input field
  • “Display widget name” toggle (disabled by default)
  • Type radio buttons - Digital (default value), Analog
  • Timezone (drop-down) - list of all available timezones (425)
  • “Include date” toggle (enabled by default) - After disabling this toggle, the date will not be shown on the widget.

WYSIWYG widget


This widget shows - Formatted text, HTML code, Images (png, jpg/jpeg, gif. extensions), size over 100 MB. Text can be formatted and added to the tables.

Widget settings:

General tab contains:

  • Widget name input field
  • “Display widget name” toggle (disabled by default)
  • Image and Table have their own formatting options:
  • Images - Left aligned image, Full-size image, Right aligned image, Change image text alternative.
  • Tables: 
    • Column - Header column, Insert column left, Insert column right, Delete column, Select column. Row - Header row, Insert row above, Insert row below, Delete row, Select rowCells - Merge cell up, Merge cell right, Merge cell down,  Merge cell left, Spli cell vertically, Split cell horizontally.

HTML code can be added to the widget content and will be displayed as code. Maximum values that can be added - 65k symbols, if admin adds more than the dedicated size, changes are not saved, and no error messages will be shown. Image supported formats only - png, jpg/jpeg, gif.

Tasks widget


This widget shows current or upcoming tasks.

Each task is shown in a separate box with information about this task.

  • on the top-left side, the name of the task is shown.
  • from the right side is shown the user's avatar.
  • under the name of the task is shown the due date → Due - Today(in Yellow color), Yesterday (in Red color), further tasks like Tomorrow, 01 July 2024, 28 Oct 2024 (is shown in Gray). Also, in case a task is overdue, show for how many days it's overdue, for example - 2 days overdue (in red color).
  • under Due 'line' is shown Priority and Type of task.
  • under Priority and Type Collaborators are shown. In case there are no collaborators, nothing appears. In case there are more than 3 collaborators, the number of collaborators icon appears. The collaborator's name is shown after hovering over the collaborator's avatar. A tooltip with employees is shown after hovering the number of collaborators icon. In collaborators are shown employees from Responsible and Followers fields in RecMan.
  • near Collaborators (from the right side) shown Connections. The same logic as for Collaborators. This section includes connections from the company, project, contact person and candidate.
  • near Connection is shown a number of screenshots, subtasks and comments.

Task sorting:

  • Started from the oldest due date within.


  1. Task with Yesterday's due date
  2. Task with Today's due date
  3. Task with Next week's due date

Widget settings:

General tab:

  • Widget name input field
  • Data level (drop-down) - All, Corporation, Department group, Department and Co-worker
  • Department (drop-down) - Dynamic, Choose multiple (default), Specific corporations/ departments/ co-workers
  • 'Display as' section to the 'General' widget settings with next options (radio buttons):
  1. Expanded view (by default)
  2. Compact view   
  • “Project” section: the ability to select filter characteristics  from the drop-down menu: Exclude, Include)
  • “Task connection“ section: (drop-down menu: All, Assigned to me, Delegated, Follower, Responsible)
  • “Include create task button” toggle (disabled by default)

Period tab:

  • 'Display tasks with due date within' section - this section contains int input field (min 1, max 999). Validation message - 'Value can not be greater than 1000 and can only include numbers'. This section also contains a dropdown with Days, Weeks, and Month options. Also, as information, the 'Period relative to current date' message is shown at the bottom of this section.
  • “Only today” toggle (disabled by default).

Expanded view - is the usual view.

In case the user selects Compact view - tasks are shown in the list - The name of the task in small separation 'line boxes'

Upcoming events widget

12.Upcoming events.png

This widget shows events from the RecMan calendar. This widget, by default, is set to display ‘dynamic’ data. It means that events will be shown according to the logged in system user. This widget fetches events only from the Primary calendar.

The events can be presented with Google or Microsoft links in case they were added to the events from the RecMan calendar. The user is redirected to the Google Meet or Microsoft meeting after clicking on these links.

Each event is shown in a separate box with information about this event:

  • Name of event
  • Day and time of the event
  • Number of Attendees 
  • Avatars of attendees
  • ‘Show details’ link
  • The ‘Meet - link’ icon  appears one hour before the meeting ( Expanded view)

A detailed view drawer of the attendees is open after clicking on the ‘Show more events’ link.
Widget settings contain:

  • General tab → ‘Widget name’ section. 

'Display as' section to the 'General' widget settings with next options (radio buttons):

1. Expanded view (by default)

2. Compact view  

  • Period tab → ‘Display events within’ section where users can set the number of days, weeks, and months to see events. (1 month by default)

Also, the widget shows the status of the attendees → not responded, Yes, No, Maybe.

The Detailed view opened by clicking “Show details” on the event from the widget:

Parts in the "Event details:"

Part 1 Name - "Event details"

Part 2 "Event information":

  1. Name
  2. Day
  3. Time
  4. Stay repeat: Don't repeat Every day,  Every week, Every weekday, Every month, Every year.
  5. Link on the meeting
  6. Button to enter a meeting
  7. Location

Part 3 - Attendees 

  • list of the employee
  • counter of employee
  • meeting invitation status: attending, not attending, maybe attending,  not responded.

Part 4 - Notes

Deleted objects widget

13.Deleted objects.png

This widget shows the number of deleted objects from the RecMan. The widget counts deleted Companies, Projects, Job posts and Candidates. After deleting objects from RecMan, they are stored for 14 days, and users can restore them. In widget settings, a 14-day period is by default. Also, users can choose which exact object will be shown on the widget. 

Widget settings contain:

General tab:

- ‘Widget name’ input field

- Data level settings → All, Corporation, Department group, Department (by default) and Co-worker

Period tab:

- Period section → 14 days by default. Users are able to input values from 1 to 14 days.

Objects tab:

- Objects section - list of checkboxes → Companies, Projects, Job posts and Candidates checkboxes.

All checked by default.

Also, the widget has a Detailed view drawer available on the Dashboard → Home page. After clicking on the numbers from the widget, a drawer is shown from the right side of the screen with detailed information on deleted objects. Drawer contains 4 columns → ID, Name, Object, and Deleted (the day when it was deleted from RecMan). After clicking on the ID or Name, the user is redirected to the RecMan.

Video widget


This widget allows users to add and display video (Vimeo / Youtube / Loom link).

It can be used for:

  • introduction videos
  • internal training videos
  • welcoming messages/announcements

Widget settings:

General tab contains:

  • Widget name input field
  • "Link on video" section:
    - Field for placing a link to the video (if the user added a link on the widget, this link shows in this line)
    - "Add one more link" button: allows the user to add more than one link (after clicking on the button, the additional field appears for placing a link to another video)
  • "Display widget name" toggle (enable by default)
  • "Display border" toggle (enable by default)
  • "Use padding" toggle (enable by default)

If the user adds more than one link, the arrows appear (for moving to another video) at the bottom of the widget.

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