Expired certificates
The widget shows the number of expired certificates in a specified period.
Widget settings:
General tab contains:
- Widget name input field
- Data level section (drop-down) - All, Corporation, Department group, Department (default), Co-worker.
- Department section (drop-down) - Dynamic (default), Choose multiple, Specific corporations/ departments/ co-workers (Corporation, Department group, Department, and Co-worker drop-down is shown after selecting the appropriate option from the Data level drop-down). The user can choose Dynamic or multiple ( Specific corporations / Departments / Department groups / Co-workers).
- ‘Course group’ section: multiple search selection. The user can choose more than only one course group (by default, this section is empty – no course group is selected).
Period tab contains:
- ‘Expires In’ section: (14 Days by default)
- Entry field (Input is required and has to be between 1 and 14)
- Drop-down: Days, Weeks, Months.
The user can set the Course group and Expired date from the Candidate page (Course and certifications section) in RecMan:
Detailed view:
A Detailed view drawer is shown after clicking on the widget. The detailed view can be triggered from the Dashboard Home page and RecMan dashboards. It is not available on the TV and Dashboard settings page.
The drawer contains columns:
- Candidate
- Certificate
- Type
- Exp. date
The link redirects the user to the Candidate page in RecMan.
All columns have a sorting arrow; If the user clicks on the name of the columns, then information for this column is sorted alphabetically or in ascending and descending expired date.