Here, you will find the description of widgets in the Economy category. For all revenue-related articles, visit this page.
Number of invoices widget
This widget shows the number of invoices according to the project. While creating an order, the user should choose some project.
Widget settings:
General tab contains:
- Widget name input field
- Data level (All, Corporation, Department group, Department)
Period tab contains:
- Standard (drop-down): Today, Yesterday(default), This week, Previous week, This month, Previous month, This quarter, Previous quarter, This year, Previous year
- Custom period (drop-down): Custom month, Custom quarter, Custom Year, Custom Period
- Checkboxes *if Custom period is selected: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
- Year *if Custom period is selected (drop-down): Previous year, This year, Next year, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015
After adding a widget to the dashboard, the settings of this widget are set to Department → Dynamic data level by default. In case the user changes the data level to some other, then the Dynamic option is set by default. Users can choose multiple data levels and choose a few options which are shown as checkboxes. Also, the user can choose some specific (single) option from the dropdown, or dynamic. Dynamic option means that information on the widget will be shown according to logged to the system user.
In case the user filters invoices using the All data level, then all invoices will be shown according to the period from widget settings.
In case the user filters invoices using the Corporation data level, then a number of invoices will be shown according to the department that is connected to the project from the invoiced order. All departments are connected to some Corporations. For example, Project 1 is connected to Department 1 and Project 2 is connected to Department 2. Department 1 and Department 2 are connected to Corporation 1. After filtering the widget by Corporation 1 invoices for Department 1 and Department 2 will be shown.
In case the user filters invoices using the Department data level, then the number of invoices will be shown according to the department which is connected to the project from order.
In case the user filters invoices using the Department group data level, then the number of invoices will be shown according to all departments from the department group.
Number of credit notes widget
This widget is similar to the Number of Invoices widget. On the ‘Invoice overview’ page, users can make a credit note. The logic of fetching data is the same as for the Number of Invoices widget.
Widget settings:
General tab contains:
- Widget name input field
- Data level (All, Corporation, Department group, Department)
Period tab contains:
- Standard (drop-down): Today, Yesterday, This week, Previous week, This month(default), Previous month, This quarter, Previous quarter, This year, Previous year
- Custom period (drop-down): Custom month, Custom quarter, Custom Year, Custom Period
- Checkboxes *if Custom period is selected: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
- Year *if Custom period is selected (drop-down): Previous year, This year, Next year, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015
After adding a widget to the dashboard, the settings of this widget are set to Department → Dynamic data level by default. In case the user changes the data level to some other, then the Dynamic option is set by default. Users can choose multiple data levels and choose a few options which are shown as checkboxes. Also, the user can choose some specific (single) or dynamic options from the dropdown. Dynamic option means that information on the widget will be shown according to logged to the system user.
If the user filters credit notes using the All data level, then all credit notes will be shown according to the period from widget settings.
In case the user filters credit notes using the Corporation data level, then a number of credit notes will be shown according to the department that is connected to the project from the invoiced order. All departments are connected to some Corporations. For example, Project 1 is connected to Department 1 and Project 2 is connected to Department 2. Department 1 and Department 2 are connected to Corporation 1. After filtering the widget by Corporation 1, credit notes for Department 1 and Department 2 will be shown.
In case the user filters credit notes using the Department data level, then the number of credit notes will be shown according to the department that is connected to the project from order.
If the user filters credit notes using the Department group data level, then the number of credit notes will be shown according to all departments from the department group.
Customers invoiced widget
This widget shows the number of invoiced customers. While creating an order, the user can choose a department connected to the order.
Widget settings:
General tab contains:
- Widget name input field
- Data level (All, Corporation, Department group, Department)
Period tab contains:
- Standard (drop-down): Today, Yesterday, This week, Previous week, This month(default), Previous month, This quarter, Previous quarter, This year, Previous year
- Custom period (drop-down): Custom month, Custom quarter, Custom Year, Custom Period
- Checkboxes *if Custom period is selected: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
- Year *if Custom period is selected (drop-down): Previous year, This year, Next year, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015
After adding a widget to the dashboard, the settings of this widget are set to Department → Dynamic data level by default. In case a user changes the data level to some other, then the Dynamic option is set by default. Users can choose multiple data levels, and choose a few options shown as checkboxes. Also, the user can choose some specific (single) or dynamic options from the dropdown. Dynamic option means that information on the widget will be shown according to logged to the system user.
In case the user chooses All data level, then the number of all invoiced customers will be counted in the widget.
In case the user chooses the Corporation data level, then the number of invoiced customers will be shown according to the departments that were chosen while creating an order. Each department is connected to some specific Corporation. After filtering invoiced customers, it will check all departments that are connected to the Corporation chosen from the widget settings.
In case the user chooses the Department data level, then the number of invoiced customers will be shown according to the department that was chosen while creating an order.
In case the user chooses the Department group data level, then the number of invoiced customers will be shown according to all departments that are present in the department group chosen in the widget settings.
If the user chooses the Co-worker data level, the number of invoiced customers will be shown according to the responsible co-worker from Project, which was chosen while creating the order.
Inactive customers widget
This widget shows the number of customers not invoiced in a set period. Important information: The widget counts customers who were invoiced at least once. Newly created customers (without invoiced orders) will not be counted in the widget.
While creating an order, the user can choose a specific department or co-worker. This widget will show customers who were previously invoiced by this department but were not invoiced in the period of time chosen from widget settings. For example, Customer 1 was invoiced by Department 1 two months ago. In case the user chooses Department 1 from widget settings and a period less than 2 months (1 month, for example), then the widget will count Customer 1 as an inactive customer.
Widget settings:
General tab contains:
- Widget name input field
- Data level (All, Corporation, Department group, Department)
Period tab contains:
- Back in time - input field and drop-down with options (Days, Weeks, Months)
In case the user chooses All data level, then there is no filtration by data level, and the widget will show all inactive customers according to the period from the widget.
In case the user chooses Corporation data level, then inactive customers will be counted according to the department that was chosen while creating an order (with a specific customer) and period from widget settings. For example, an order with Customer 1, connected to Department 1, was invoiced two months ago, and an order with Customer 2 and, connected to Department 2, was invoiced 1 month ago. Departments 1 and 2 are connected to Corporation 1. After choosing Corporation 1 from widget settings Customers 1 and 2 will be counted according to the period set in the widget – in case the user chooses less than 1 month, then 2 customers will be counted to the widget. In case the user chooses a period of more than 1 month but less than 2 months, then only Customer 1 will be counted to the widget. In case the user chooses a period of more than 2 months, then Customers 1 and 2 will not be counted in the widget as these customers were invoiced for this period of time.
In case the user chooses Department group data level, then inactive customers will be counted according to the department that was chosen while creating an order (with a specific customer) and period from widget settings. Customers are counted to the widget similarly to Corporation fetching, but in this case, departments are connected to some specific Department group.
In case the user chooses Department data level, then inactive customers will be counted according to the department that was chosen while creating an order (with a specific customer) and period from widget settings.
In case the user chooses the Co-worker data level, then inactive customers will be counted according to the co-worker who was chosen while creating an order (with a specific customer) and period from widget settings.
Custom period section – from this section, the user can choose some period of time to see inactive customers. Min value is 1 and max value is 999. Also, the user can choose a period in which he wants to see the information - Day, Week or Month.
Most invoiced customers widget
This widget shows the most invoiced customers from the top to the bottom. While creating an Order, the user can choose a customer. After invoicing this order, revenue will be counted to a customer from the order. Customers are shown as a list. Customers with the biggest revenue will be shown at the top.
Widget Settings:
General tab contains:
- Widget name input field
- Data level - corporations (checkboxes) - All available corporations
- Department (drop-down) - Dynamic (default), Choose multiple, Specific corporations/ departments/ co-workers
- Number of customers input field - default number = 5
- Toggle - 'Include percentage of total revenue’ (disabled by default)
Period tab contains:
- Standard (drop-down) - Today, Yesterday, This week, Previous week, This month(default), Previous month, This quarter, Previous quarter, This year, Previous year
- Custom period (drop-down) - Custom month, Custom quarter, Custom Year, Custom Period
- Checkboxes *if Custom period is selected: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
- Year *if Custom period is selected (drop-down) - Previous year, This year, Next year, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015
Products tab contains:
- Products (drop-down) - All, Product Group, Specific Group
- Product groups (checkboxes) - All available options
In case the user chooses All data level, there is no filtration by data level, and the widget will show customers with the biggest revenue without connection to Corporation, Department or Department group.
In case the user chooses the Corporation data level, then customers will be shown according to the Departments that were chosen while creating an Order. For example, an order with Customer 1 was created with Department 1, and an order with Customer 2 was created with Department 2. Departments 1 and 2 are connected to Corporation 1. After choosing Corporation 1 from the widget settings, then Customer 1 and 2 will be shown on the widget according to their revenue. The customer with the biggest revenue will be shown at the top.
In case the user chooses a Department group data level, then customers will be shown according to the Departments that were chosen while creating an Order. For example, an order with Customer 1 was created with Department 1, and an order with Customer 2 was created with Department 2. Departments 1 and 2 are present in Department group 1. After choosing Department group 1 from the widget settings, then Customer 1 and 2 will be shown on the widget according to their revenue. The customer with the biggest revenue will be shown at the top.
In case the user chooses Department data level, then customers will be shown according to the Department that was chosen while creating an Order.
In case the user chooses the Co-worker data level, then the customers will be shown according to the responsible co-worker from Project, which was chosen while creating the order.
Number of customers field – the user can choose how many customers will be shown on the widget. Min – 1, Max – 50. The default value is 5.
Receivable widget
The widget shows invoices that are not paid in a round chart. From the right side of the widget shown options according to which data will be filtered.
The widget shows invoices that are not paid (invoice.paid = 0). If the invoice is not marked as paid, the value from this invoice should be counted in the widget. The due date is for the categorization of the unpaid invoices.
- Not due - value from invoices with an upcoming due date
- 1 - 30 days - value from invoices that were not paid in the range of this period of time
- 31 - 60 days - value from invoices that were not paid in the range of this period of time
- 61 - 90 days - value from invoices that were not paid in the range of this period of time
- Over 90 days - value from invoices that were not paid over 90 days
In the middle, the widget shows the Total value - it changes according to which options were chosen (Not due, 1-30 days, 31-60 days etc.).
Widget Settings:
General tab contains:
- Widget name input field
- Data level (dropdown) - All, Corporation, Department group, Department (default to users department), Co-worker.
- Department (drop-down) - Dynamic (default), Choose multiple, Specific corporations/ departments/ co-workers
- Color option section (radio button): Clean (default), Colorful
- Currency selection section: Drop-down list where customer is able to choose currency. After choosing a currency, data in the widget will be displayed in this currency. (Select currency by default - no data is shown on the widget)
- Toggle - 'Use simplified display of numbers' toggle works with values that contain minimum three numbers (similar to other Simplified toggles).
In case the user chooses All data level, there is no filtration by data level, and the widget will show all invoices.
In case the user chooses the Corporation data level, then revenue will be counted according to the department which was chosen while creating an Order. Departments are connected to some specific corporation, and after invoicing an Order with a specific department, it will check to which corporation is connected the department from Order. For example, to Corporation1 are connected Department1 and Department2. Department1 has 45 revenue, and Department2 has 30 revenue. After filtering widget by Corporation1, then 75 revenue will be shown on the widget.
In case the user chooses a Department data level, then revenue will be counted according to the department which was chosen while creating an Order.
In case the user chooses the Department group data level, then revenue will be counted according to all departments that are connected to a specific Department group.
In case the user chooses the Co-worker data level, then revenue will be counted according to the responsible co-worker from the Project which was chosen while creating an Order.
Most invoiced products widget
This widget shows the most invoiced products according to the value from invoices. Products with the highest value will be shown at the top of the list. While creating an Order user can choose a product. Products are shown as a list.
Widget Settings:
General tab contains:
- Widget name input field
- Data level (dropdown) - All, Corporation, Department group, Department (default to users department), Co-worker.
- Department (drop-down) - Dynamic (default), Choose multiple, Specific corporations/ departments/ co-workers
- Number of products input field - (5 by default), max number for this field is 50
Period tab contains:
Standard (drop-down) - Today, Yesterday, This week, Previous week, This month(default), Previous month, This quarter, Previous quarter, This year, Previous year
- Custom period (drop-down) - Custom month, Custom quarter, Custom Year, Custom Period
- Checkboxes *if Custom period is selected: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
- Year *if Custom period is selected (drop-down) - Previous year, This year, Next year, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015
Toggle - ‘Compared’ :
- Compared to period (drop-down) - Previous month, Same month Previous year, Custom month
- Compared to budget
You can choose only one of the compared criteria: "Period" or "Budget."
- Toggle - ‘Display comparison percentage’
Products tab contains:
- Products (drop-down) - All, Products Group, Specific Group
- Product groups (checkboxes) - All available options
In case a credit note was created for some specific invoice, this value is also counted in the widget.
In case the user chooses All data level, there is no filtration by data level, and the widget will show products with the biggest revenue without connection to Corporation, Department, or Department group.
In case the user chooses the Corporation data level, then Products will be counted according to the Department which was chosen while creating an order. For example, Order with Product 1 was created with Department 1, and Order with Product 2 was created with Departement 2. Department 1 and 2 are present in Corporation 1. When the user chooses Corporation 1, then Product 1 and 2 will be shown on the widget.
In case the user chooses the Department group data level, then Products will be counted according to the Department that was chosen while creating an Order. This logic is pretty similar to fetching data from Corporations. For example, Order with Product 1 was created with Department 1, and Order with Product 2 was created with Department 2. Department 1 and 2 are present in Department group 1. When the user chooses Department group 1, then Product 1 and 2 will be shown on the widget.
In case the user chooses the Department data level, then Products will be counted according to the Department that was chosen while creating an Order.
In case the user chooses the Co-worker data, then the Products will be counted according to the co-worker who is responsible for the Project that was chosen while creating an Order.
Fulfilled guarantee salary (PH) widget
This widget shows fulfilled, not fulfilled and extra salary values. While creating Employment for the employee, the user should choose the Guaranty rule (where specified the number of hours to work). According to this rule and period of employment, the ‘Not fulfilled’ value on the widget will be based. Fulfilled value is based on the logged and approved employee work. Extra value is based on the difference between Not-fulfilled and Fulfilled values.
This widget shows only hours.
Widget settings:
General tab:
- 'Widget name' input field
- 'Data level' section → All, Corporation, Department group, Department (by default), Co-worker
Period tab:
- Standard (drop-down) - Today, Yesterday, Tomorrow, This week, Previous week, Next week This month(default), Previous month, Next month, This quarter, Previous quarter, Next quarter, This year, Previous year, Next year
In case the user chooses All data level, there is no filtration by data level, and the widget will show all guaranteed salaries.
In case the user chooses the Corporation data level, then the value in the widget will be counted according to the department that is connected to the Employee's employment. Each department is connected to a corporation.
In case the user chooses Department data level, then the value in the widget will be calculated according to the department that is connected to the Employee employment.
In case the user chooses the Department group data level, then the value in the widget will be counted according to all departments from the department group, which are connected to Employee employment.
In case the user chooses the Co-worker data level, then the value in the widget will be counted according to all co-workers who are connected to Employee employment.
Customers with highest receivable amount widget
This widget is similar to the Most invoiced customers widget but shows customers with top receivable value.
The widget contains 4 columns:
- Customer - shows the name of the customer
- Credit rating - shows the credit rating of the customer (A-green, B-yellow, C-orange, D-red, E-deep red, No rating-gray)
- Invoices - # of invoices
- Amount - invoices sum value
Widget settings contain 2 tabs → General and Period:
General tab:
- Widget name section - field where the user can change the widget name
- Data level section:
Department group;
Department (dynamic data level by default);
Co-worker. - Currency selection section: Drop-down list where customer is able to choose currency. After choosing a currency, data in the widget will be displayed in this currency. (Select currency by default - no data is shown on the widget)
- 'Number of customers' field - 5 by default. The max value is 50, min 1. The validation message is next - 'Min value is 1. Max is 50. Only numbers. A validation message is shown, and the Save button is disabled when an incorrect value is inputted in the field.
- 'Customers display' section with 'All' and 'Only overdue' (selected by default) radio buttons. The 'Period' tab is available only in case the 'Only overdue' radio button is selected; when the 'All' radio button is selected, the 'Period' tab is hidden or disabled. Also, add an info message ("Note: this will disable period settings") IF the user selects the 'Only overdue' radio button.
Period tab contains 2 radio buttons:
- 'All outstanding invoices' - selected by default;
- 'Display outstanding invoices with a due date more than' - additional 'number' dropdown is enabled when the user selects this radio button. The dropdown contains the next values: 14, 30, 60, and 90+. The label for the dropdown is - 'days ago.'
Number formatting separation on the widget is next:
10 000
100 000
1 000 000
10 000 000
100 000 000
Orders widget
This widget shows a list of orders with no invoice, according to the product or product group. The user can choose some product while adding an order line for the order.
Widget settings:
General tab contains:
- Widget name input field
- Data level (dropdown) - All, Corporation, Department group, Department (default to users department), Co-worker.
- Department (drop-down) - Dynamic (default), Choose multiple, Specific corporations/ departments/ co-workers
- "Data level logic" (radio buttons): Project(default), Order department.
- "Invoiceable" drop-down list: All(default), Yes, No
- "Currency" drop-down list where customers can choose currency. After choosing currency data in the widget must be displayed in this currency.
- "Exclude company":
- the result of the search shown after typing 3 letters;
- in case there is no company, show a 'No result' message;
- the company is added to the widget settings after clicking on it from the list;
-The list with the company is not closed after clicking on the company, so the user can select (click) one more customer. Possibility to select multiple customers;
- company are shown under the 'Exclude company' searched field after selecting them;
- from the right side of the company (after adding them to widget settings) shows an 'x' icon, so the user can remove the previously selected company from widget settings.
- "Group by" (Radio buttons): Company(default), Department, Product, Product group
The User can group the data in the order list by the Company, Department, Product, and Product group.
Period tab contains:
- Standard (drop-down) - Today, Yesterday, This week, Previous week, This month(default), Previous month, This quarter, Previous quarter, This year, Previous year
- Custom period (drop-down) - Custom month, Custom quarter, Custom Year, Custom Period
- Checkboxes *if Custom period is selected: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
- Year *if Custom period is selected (drop-down) - Previous year, This year, Next year, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015
Products tab contains:
- "Product":
- Customers can choose the filter "Exclude" and "Include"
- result of the search shown after typing 3 letters;
- in case there are no products show a 'No result' message;
- product is added to the widget settings after clicking on it from the list;
- list with the product is not closed after clicking on the product so the user can select (click) one more product. Possibility to select multiple products;
- products are shown under the 'Product' searched field after selecting them;
- from the right side of the product (after adding them to widget settings) shows the 'x' icon, so the user is able to remove previously selected products from widget settings.
- "Product group":
- You can choose the filters "Exclude" and "Include."
- The result of the search is shown after typing 3 letters.
- In case there are no product groups, a 'No result' message appears.
- The product group is added to the widget settings after clicking on it from the list.
- The list with the product group is not closed after clicking on the product group, so the user can select (click) one more customer. Possibility to select multiple product groups.
- The product groups are shown under the 'Product Group' searched field after selecting them.
- The right side of the product group (after adding them to widget settings) shows the 'x' icon, so the user is able to remove the previously selected product group from widget settings.
After adding a widget to the dashboard, the settings of this widget are set to Department → Dynamic data level by default. In case a user changes the data level to some other, then the Dynamic option is set by default. The User can choose multiple data levels, and choose a few options which are shown as checkboxes. Also, the user can choose some specific (single) option from dropdown, or dynamic. Dynamic option means that information on the widget will be shown according to the logged to the system user.
In case the user chooses All data level, then the Order list of all of the customers will be counted in the widget.
In case the user chooses the Corporation data level, then the Order list will be shown according to the departments that were chosen while creating an order. Each department is connected to some specific Corporation. After filtering invoiced customers, it will check all departments that are connected to the Corporation chosen from the widget settings.
In case the user chooses the Department data level, then the Order list will be shown according to the department that was chosen while creating an order.
In case the user chooses the Department group data level, then the order list will be shown according to all departments that are present in the department group chosen in the widget settings.
In case the user chooses the Co-worker data level, then the order list will be shown according to the responsible co-worker from the Project that was chosen while creating the order.
Change in count of invoiced products by customer widget
This widget shows the change in the count of invoiced products by customers according to choosing period and products. The user can choose some products while adding an order line for the order.
Widget settings:
General tab contains:
- Widget name input field
- Data level (drop-down) - All, Corporation, Department group, Department (default).
- 'Data level options'(drop-down) - Dynamic (default), Choose multiple, Specific corporations/ departments/department groups ( 'Data level options' drop-down is shown after selecting the appropriate option from the Data level drop-down. The user can choose Dynamic or multiple ( Specific corporations/ departments/department groups)
- “Number of customers” input field (Default - 5)(Min value is 1. Max is 50. Only numbers)
- “Sort by” section: radio buttons
- Decrease (default)
- Increase
Period tab contains:
- Standard (drop-down) - This month(default), This quarter, This year.
- Custom period (drop-down): Custom month(default), Custom quarter, Custom year, Custom period.
If the Custom period is selected:
- Custom month (checkboxes): January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December (current month by default)
- Custom quarter(checkboxes): Q1, Q2,Q3,Q4 (current quarter by default)
In case Custom month/Custom quarter is selected, the Year (drop-down) appears (Previous year, This year, Next year, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015)
- Year (drop-down): Previous year, This year, Next year, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015
- Custom period: The user can choose any number ( from 1 to 1000) of Days, Weeks, or Months Back in time/Forward in time
- Compared to period (drop-down) - Previous month, This month previous year, Custom month ( the same logic for the quarter, year). Custom period(The user can choose any number ( from 1 to 1000) of Days, Weeks, or Months Back in time)
The options from this dropdown are related to previously selected options from the Standard/Custom period section (for example - if the user selects the “This month” option from the Standard period, then in the Compared period will be available options only related to months).
Products tab contains:
- Products (drop-down) - All, Product Group, Specific Group
- Product groups (checkboxes) - All available options
In case the user chooses All data level, there is no filtration by data level and the widget will show the change in count of invoiced products by customers without connection to Corporation, Department, or Department group.
In case the user chooses the Corporation data level, then the change in the count of invoiced products will be counted according to the Department that was chosen while creating an order.
In case the user chooses the Department group data level, then the change in the count of invoiced products by customers will be counted according to the Department that was chosen while creating an Order. This logic is pretty similar to fetching data from Corporations.
In case the user chooses the Department data level, then the change in the count of invoiced products by customers will be counted according to the Department that was chosen while creating an Order.
First-time invoiced customers
The widget shows the number of customers who received the invoice for the first time, with the ability to see the sum of all and the average invoice price.
Widget settings:
General tab contains:
- Widget name input field
- Data level section (drop-down) - All, Corporation, Department group, Department (default), Co-worker.
- 'Data level options'(drop-down) - Dynamic (default), Choose multiple, Specific corporations/ departments/department groups/co-workers ('Data level options' drop-down is shown after selecting the appropriate option from the Data level drop-down. The user can choose Dynamic or multiple (Specific corporations/departments/department groups/co-workers)
- ‘Invoice status’ section (radio buttons) - All (default), Paid, Unpaid
- Currency selection - A drop-down list where the user can choose a currency. After choosing a currency, data in the widget is displayed in that currency.
- Toggle - The 'Use simplified display of numbers' toggle works with values that contain a minimum of three numbers (Off by default)
Period tab contains:
- Standard (drop-down): Today, Yesterday, This week, Previous week, This month(default), Previous month, This quarter, Previous quarter, This year, Previous year
- Custom period (drop-down): checkbox list with all months (Current month by default)
Year (drop-down): Previous year, This year, Next year, 2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 (Current year by default)
- ‘Reference period’ toggle with the tooltip “Including customers who didn’t receive an invoice in the reference period” - The user can choose any number (from 1 to 1000) of Days, Weeks, or Months Back in time (Default state - disabled)
*Reference period - the period during which customers didn’t receive invoices. This means that we could, for example, choose days/weeks/months (back in time), meaning that we count all customers who received an invoice in the main period (e.g., “This month”) and who have not received an invoice in the reference period (e.g., “Previous days/weeks/months”).
Products tab contains:
- ‘Products’ section: drop-down list:
All (default), Product groups, Specific products - In case selecting “Product groups,” the checkbox list with Product groups from RecMan appears (Default state - All selected)
- In case selecting “Specific products,” the checkbox list with the Specific product from RecMan appears (Default state - All selected)
The list contains Filter input and the “Select all” option.
Counting of invoices in case credit notes:
If the product filter in widget settings is set to only All - all the invoices that are partly credited and without credit notes are counted.
If the product filter in widget settings is set to Product groups / Specific products - widget counts all the invoices that are partly credited and without credit notes, if at least one invoice product matches the selected products from the settings and doesn’t have a credit note.
Three products: A, B, and C, and the credit note is created only for C.
If the product filter in widget settings is set to only C, then the widget identifies this invoice as credited and excludes it from the count.
If the product filter in the widget settings is set to A, B, and C, then the widget identifies the invoice that is partially credited and includes it in the count.
Detailed view drawer contains information regarding customers and invoices:
- Company
- Date
- Sum
- Status
All columns on the widget have a sorting arrow. If the user clicks on the name of the columns, then information for this column is sorted alphabetically or in ascending and descending order.