In this article, you will find descriptions of CRM category widgets.
Companies widget
This widget shows the number of companies according to widget settings. The user can create some Company in RecMan. While creating a company, users can also connect it to specific departments or co-workers. According to these connections, companies are counted in the widget. Also, while creating a company, users can choose Relation. In the widget settings, there are all relations shown as checkboxes, and the user can filter companies according to these relations as well.
One company can be connected to two or more departments. This widget counts only unique companies. For example, company 1 is connected to Departments 1 and 2. These departments are connected to Corporation 1. After choosing Corporation 1 from the widget settings, the widget will show 1 company.
Widget settings:
General tab contains:
- Widget name input field
- Data level (All, Corporation, Department group, Department and Co-worker)
- Department (drop-down) - Dynamic (default), Choose multiple, Specific corporations/ departments/ co-workers
Company relation tab contains:
- Company relation (checkboxes) - Select all, Customer (A), Recent customer (B), Prospect (C), Suspect (D), Lost customer, Bankrupt, Subcontractor, Partner, Provider / Supplier, Competitor, Own company, Freelance, Not applicable, Other
After adding the widget to the dashboard, the settings of this widget are set to Department is Dynamic data level by default. In case a user changes the data level to some other, then the Dynamic option is set by default. The user can choose multiple data levels and choose a few options, which are shown as checkboxes. Also, the user can choose some specific (single) option from the dropdown or dynamic. Dynamic option means that information on the widget will be shown according to the logged to the system user. All Company relations are checked by default.
In case the user chooses All data level, then there is no filtration by data level, and the number of all companies will be shown on the widget according to company relation checkboxes.
In case the user chooses the Corporation data level, then the number of companies will be counted according to the department which is connected to the company. This particular department can be connected to some Corporation. For example, Company 1 is connected to Department 1 and Company 2 is connected to Department 2. Departments 1 and 2 are connected to Corporation 1. After choosing Corporation 1 from widget settings, then Companies 1 and 2 will be counted to the widget.
In case the user chooses the Department group data level, then the number of companies will be counted according to the department which is connected to the project. This logic is pretty similar to Corporation filtration. For example, Company 1 is connected to Department 1 and Company 2 is connected to Department 2. Departments 1 and 2 are present in Department group 1. After choosing Department group 1 from widget settings, then Companies 1 and 2 will be counted to the widget.
In case the user chooses the Department data level, then the number of companies will be counted according to the department that is connected to the company.
In case the user chooses the Co-worker data level, then the number of companies will be counted according to the responsible co-worker from the company.
Company pipeline widget
This widget shows how many companies are present in the business pipeline. In RecMan, users can create a board in the CRM section and add a list/pipeline. When a list/pipeline is created, users can add Companies to this list. A number of these companies will be shown on the widget according to the business pipeline. Data from this widget is shown as a funnel. The user can choose 2D or 3D funnels from widget settings.
Also, the user can add some value to the company. This value is shown as a sum of values, in the brackets, near the business pipeline name. For example, in ‘Business pipeline’, there are present 2 Companies. Value for ‘company 1’ is 100 and 250 for ‘company 2’. Then the widget will show → Business pipeline (name of the list) 2 (number of companies present in this pipeline) (350 - the sum of the value for these companies).
In case the company was deleted from RecMan, it won’t be counted in the Business pipeline widget.
Widget settings:
General tab contains:
- Widget name input field
- Chart type (drop-down) - 2D, 3D
- Board (drop-down) - list with all available options
- Pipeline steps (drop-down) - All, Specific. When the user chooses the Specific option, an additional section, with all pipeline steps, is shown according to the board selected previously. These steps are shown as checkboxes. At least one checkbox is checked.
- Chart visualization (radio buttons) - Quantity and Value, In case, the user chooses Quantity - pipelines will be shown according to the number of companies in these pipelines. In case, the user chooses Value - pipeline will be shown according to the companies value in these pipelines. In case there is no value, this pipeline will not be shown
- “Include revenue” toggle - After disabling this toggle, value in brackets will not be displayed. (enabled by default)
After adding the widget to the dashboard, the settings of this widget are set to Chart type is 2D by default. The first board from the list is chosen by default. Pipeline steps - ‘All’ option is chosen by default. Chart visualization - Quantity by default. Include revenue - enabled by default.
Companies per country widget
This is a ‘Map’ widget. It shows Companies on the map according to the country. While creating a company, the user can choose a particular country for this company. Zooming of the map depends on the company's countries.
From the left side of the widget, there is a color chart. In one country, there can be a few companies, so on the Map, this country will be shown more saturated. The intensity of the color depends on how many companies are present in this country.
Widget settings:
General tab contains:
- Widget name input field
- Data level (drop-down) - All, Corporation, Department group, Department and Co-worker
- Department (drop-down) - Dynamic (default), Choose multiple, Specific corporations/ departments/ co-workers
- Color dropdown - Orange, Blue, Green and Red. By default, the color of the map depends on the platform mode. Light mode - blue, Dark mode - orange. After adding this widget to the dashboard, the user can still change the color of the map.
Company relation tab contains:
- Company relation (checkboxes) - Customer (A), Recent customer (B), Prospect (C), Suspect (D), Lost customer, Bankrupt, Subcontractor, Partner, Provider / Supplier, Competitor, Own company, Freelance, Not applicable and Other
After adding a widget to the dashboard, the settings of this widget are set to Department -> Dynamic data level by default. In case a user changes the data level to some other, then the Dynamic option is set by default. The user can choose multiple data levels and choose a few options, which are shown as checkboxes. Also, the user can choose some specific (single) option from the dropdown or dynamic. Dynamic option means that information on the widget will be shown according to the logged to the system user. All Company relations are checked by default.
In case the user chooses All data level, then there is no filtration by data level, and all companies will be shown on the widget according to company relation checkboxes.
In case the user chooses the Corporation data level, then the companies on the map will be shown according to the department that is connected to the company. This particular department can be connected to some Corporation. For example, Company 1 is connected to Department 1 and Company 2 is connected to Department 2. Departments 1 and 2 are connected to Corporation 1. After choosing Corporation 1 from widget settings, then Companies 1 and 2 will be shown to the widget.
In case the user chooses the Department group data level, then the companies on the map will be shown according to the department that is connected to the project. This logic is pretty similar to Corporation filtration. For example, Company 1 is connected to Department 1 and Company 2 is connected to Department 2. Departments 1 and 2 are present in Department group 1. After choosing Department group 1 from widget settings, then Companies 1 and 2 will be shown on the widget.
In case the user chooses the Department data level, then the companies will be shown according to the department that is connected to the company.
In case the user chooses the Co-worker data level, then the companies will be shown according to the responsible co-worker from the company.
Also, the user can choose company relations while creating a company. According to these relations, companies will be shown on the widget.
Activities widget
This is a list widget. This widget shows the quantity of users' activities. Also, the widget shows the budget, which can be added to some particular activity from the Activity budget module in the BI system. On the widget shown 3 columns:
- Result - shows the list of activities
- Budget - shows the budget for the activity
- Deviance - shows the difference between the activities and the budget (the number is red, in case deviance is negative and green if it’s positive)
- Activity ( name of activities from Activities budget module)
After clicking on the Activities widget, the user will see the activity details - Customer Name, Project Name, Candidate Name, and Note details. If there is no result, the user will see the ‘No data to visualize’ message.
Users can do some activities in the RecMan system. Admin can add some triggers to the activity, which will be responsible for some particular activities in the Recman system. There are a few triggers - Customer visit, Customer visit (new customer), Phone, Follow-up phone, Customer lunch, Sales letter email, Call canvas, Phone interview, Follow-up, and Interview.
Widget settings:
General tab contains:
- Widget name input field
- Data level (drop-down) - All, Corporation, Department group, Department and Co-worker
- 'Data level options'(drop-down) - Dynamic (default), Choose multiple, Specific corporations/ departments/department groups ( 'Data level options' drop-down is shown after selecting the appropriate option from the Data level drop-down. The user can choose Dynamic or multiple ( Specific corporations/ departments/department groups)
- “Show budget” toggle - when this toggle is enabled, all columns will be shown on the widget. In case this toggle is disabled, only the Result column will be shown. Enabled by default
Period tab contains:
- Standard (drop-down) - Today, Yesterday, This week, Previous week, This month(default), Previous month, This quarter, Previous quarter, This year, Previous year
- Custom period (drop-down) - Custom month, Custom quarter, Custom Year, Year
*if Custom period is selected (drop-down) - Previous year, This year, Next year, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015
Activities tab contains:
- ‘Include activities’ section (checkbox list) - This section contains all Activities from the Activities budget module ( Select all by default)
After adding a widget to the dashboard, the settings of this widget are set to Co-worker → Dynamic data level by default. In case a user changes the data level to some other, then the Dynamic option is set by default. The user can choose multiple data levels and choose a few options, which are shown as checkboxes. Also, the user can choose some specific (single) option from the dropdown or dynamic. Dynamic option means that information on the widget will be shown according to the logged to the system user. All Included activities are checked by default. The ‘Show budget’ toggle is enabled by default.
Here you can see logs (activities) from RecMan → CRM:
In case the user chooses All data level, then there is no filtration by data level, and all activities from Recman will be counted to the widget according to the period from widget settings.
In case the user chooses the Corporation data level, then the activities will be counted according to the users with departments that are connected to the corporation from widget settings. These particular departments can be connected to some Corporation. For example, User/Project/Company 1 is connected to Department 1 and User/Project/Company 2 is connected to Department 2. Departments 1 and 2 are connected to Corporation 1. After choosing Corporation 1 from widget settings, then activities from Users/Projects/Companies 1 and 2 will be counted to the widget.
In case the user chooses the Department group data level, then the activities will be counted according to the users with departments that are connected to the project. This logic is pretty similar to Corporation filtration. For example, User 1 is connected to Department 1 and User 2 is connected to Department 2. Departments 1 and 2 are present in Department group 1. After choosing Department group 1 from the widget settings, then activities from Users 1 and 2 will be counted to the widget.
In case the user chooses the Department data level, then the activities will be counted according to the user/company/project departments. For example, User 1 and User 2 are connected to Department 1. After choosing Department 1 from widget settings, then activities will be counted according to User 1 and 2.
In case the user chooses the Co-worker data level, then the activities will be counted according to the logged-in RecMan user. For example, User 1 is logged in the RecMan, and he/she logged the Customer visit log. After choosing User 1 from the co-worker data level, then this activity will be shown on the widget.
The budget for this widget is counted according to the Activity budget mobile in BI. Users can choose some specific department or co-worker while adding a budget. According to this department or co-worker budget will be shown on the widget.
Receivables grouped by period and rating widget
This widget shows receivables values grouped by company rating and period.
All data is fetched from RecMan. Displaying data on the widget is the same as in the “Receivable” widget:
- X-axis - the same periods as in the Receivable widget (Not due, 1-30 days, 31-60 days, 61-90 days, Over 90 days)
- Y-axis - range of numbers according to a number of receivables value, starting from 0. These numbers are rounded and dynamic.
Rating is used only if - credit_monitor = 1. Receivables data on the widget are shown according to the company rating. All ratings are present as checkboxes in the settings - general tab (Include rating).
On the top of the widget chart, “A” rating is shown, and “No rating” is shown on the bottom.
The hierarchy of rating is: A, B, C, D, E, No Rating.
On the top of the chart “total value” of receivables values are present for each period.
Each rating has its own color: A - green, B - yellow, C - orange, D - red, E - deep red, No rating - gray
Under the X-axis, there is a list of rating options that can be unchecked (at least one checkbox must be checked):
- rating A
- rating B
- rating C
- rating D
- rating E
- No rating
Widget settings:
General tab:
- Widget name input field
- Data level: All, Corporation, Department group, Department (by default), Co-worker. Each data level has Dynamic (by default), Choose multiple and Specific options.
- “Use the logarithmic type of displaying data” toggle
- “Use simplified display of numbers” toggle
- "Include rating" checkboxes with all companies' ratings
Previous period:
- Previous (drop-down): All (by default)
- “Include not due” toggle (disabled by default)
After adding a widget to the dashboard, the settings of this widget are set to Department is Dynamic data level by default.
If the user changes the data level to some other, then the Dynamic option is set by default. The user can choose multiple data levels and choose a few options, which are shown as checkboxes. Also, the user can choose some specific (single) option from the dropdown or dynamic. Dynamic option means that information on the widget will be shown according to the logged to the system user. All Company relations are checked by default.
In case the user chooses All data level, then there is no filtration by data level, and all activities from Recman will be counted to the widget according to the period from widget settings.
In case the user chooses the Corporation data level, then the activities will be counted according to the users with departments that are connected to the corporation from widget settings. These particular departments can be connected to some Corporation. For example, User/Project/Company 1 is connected to Department 1 and User/Project/Company 2 is connected to Department 2. Departments 1 and 2 are connected to Corporation 1. After choosing Corporation 1 from widget settings, then activities from Users/Projects/Companies 1 and 2 will be counted to the widget.
In case the user chooses the Department group data level, then the activities will be counted according to the users with departments that are connected to the project. This logic is pretty similar to Corporation filtration. For example, User 1 is connected to Department 1 and User 2 is connected to Department 2. Departments 1 and 2 are present in Department group 1. After choosing Department group 1 from the widget settings, then activities from Users 1 and 2 will be counted to the widget.
In case the user chooses the Department data level, then the activities will be counted according to the user/company/project departments. For example, User 1 and User 2 are connected to Department 1. After choosing Department 1 from widget settings, then activities will be counted according to User 1 and 2.
In case the user chooses the Co-worker data level, then the activities will be counted according to the logged-in Recman system user. For example, User 1 is logged in to RecMan, and he/she logged a Customer visit log. After choosing User 1 from the co-worker data level, then this activity will be shown on the widget.
Exposure grouped by rating widget
This widget shows what “exposure” a user has towards companies with a bad rating. The widget fetches all invoices and groups them by customer rating. It counts invoices from jobs and groups this value according to customer rating.
Customer rating: A, B, C, D, E, No rating
credit_rating uses → credit_monitor = 1.
Colors of companies rating:
- Rating A - green
- Rating B - yellow
- Rating C - orange
- Rating D - red
- Rating E - deep red
- No rating - gray
Widget settings:
General tab:
- Widget name input field
- Chart type (drop-down): Basic pie (by default), Variable radius pie, 3D pie, 3D donut
- Data level (drop-down): All, Corporation, Department group, Department (by default), Co-worker. Each data level has Dynamic (by default), Choose multiple and Specific options
Period tab:
- Period section with next periods →, This week, Previous week, This month (by default), Previous month, This quarter, Previous quarter, This year, Previous year.
- Custom period with next options → Custom month, Custom quarter, Custom year, Custom period
Work status tab:
- To approval
- Approved
- Invoiced (unchecked by default
After adding the widget to the dashboard, the settings of this widget are set to Department is Dynamic data level by default.
If the user changes the data level to some other, then the Dynamic option is set by default. The user can choose multiple data levels and choose a few options, which are shown as checkboxes. Also, the user can choose some specific (single) option from the dropdown or dynamic. Dynamic option means that information on the widget will be shown according to the logged to the system user. All Company relations are checked by default.
In case the user chooses All data levels, then there is no filtration by data level, and all activities from the RecMan will be counted to the widget according to the period from widget settings.
In case the user chooses the Corporation data level, then the activities will be counted according to the users with departments that are connected to the corporation from widget settings. These particular departments can be connected to some Corporation. For example, User/Project/Company 1 is connected to Department 1 and User/Project/Company 2 is connected to Department 2. Departments 1 and 2 are connected to Corporation 1. After choosing Corporation 1 from widget settings, then activities from Users/Projects/Companies 1 and 2 will be counted to the widget.
In case the user chooses the Department group data level, then the activities will be counted according to the users with departments that are connected to the project. This logic is pretty similar to Corporation filtration. For example, User 1 is connected to Department 1 and User 2 is connected to Department 2. Departments 1 and 2 are present in Department group 1. After choosing Department group 1 from the widget settings, then activities from Users 1 and 2 will be counted to the widget.
In case the user chooses the Department data level, then the activities will be counted according to the user/company/project departments. For example, User 1 and User 2 are connected to Department 1. After choosing Department 1 from widget settings, then activities will be counted according to User 1 and 2.
In case the user chooses the Co-worker data level, then the activities will be counted according to the logged-in Recman system user. For example, User 1 is logged in to RecMan, and he/she logged a Customer visit log. After choosing User 1 from the co-worker data level, then this activity will be shown on the widget.
New companies widget
This widget shows new companies/customers for the Current year per month in comparison to the previous year.
New customers are shown as 'columns' on the widget, and a comparison with a previous year is shown as a 'dotted line.'
Unique customers have invoices or jobs in the current year that do not have jobs or manual orders in the period.
Widget settings:
General tab:
- Widget name section
- Data level section - All, Corporation, Department group, Department, Co-worker. Department → dynamic data level by default
- Include comparison toggle - ON by default
Period tab:
- Inactive period - this dropdown contains the next options - 3 months, 6 months and 1 year(by default)
Company relation tab contains:
- Company relation (checkboxes) - Select all (default), Undefined, Customer, Partner, Provider/Supplier, Prospect, Suspect, Competitor, Freelance, Bankrupt, Own company, Not applicable, Recent customer, Other, Lost customer, Subcontractor.
This widget is similar to Revenue per month compared with the previous year widget.
After hovering some 'customer column' from the widget, a tooltip is shown with the number of new customers in a particular month - 'Apr 2022: 75'.
The current year or Comparison can be unchecked from the bottom of the widget.
Period tab - inactive period label.
Company pipeline activity widget
This widget shows the number of cards placed by the employee in the selected category.
Widget settings:
General tab:
- “Widget name” section
- “Company Board” search field (Table “Customer_Pipline_Board”)
- “List” search field (Table “Castomer_Pipline_List”)
Period tab:
- Standard radio button with next options → Today, Yesterday, This week, Previous week, This month(by default), Previous month, This quarter, Previous quarter, This year, Previous year
- Custom period radio button with next options → Custom month (by default), Custom quarter, Custom year, Custom period, Custom date period
Info about 'List' searched field:
- field is displayed only after selecting the "Company Board" criterion;
- from the right side showing dropdown arrow;
- in the field shown text “Choose List”;
- the drop-down list contains all categories that contain the selected board;
- name categories are shown under the 'List' searched field after selecting them;
- when deleting information in the "Company Board" field, the "List" field disappears.
Number of inquiries widget
The widget shows the number of inquiries according to the widget settings.
Widget settings:
General tab contains:
- Widget name input field
- Data level (drop-down) - All(by default), Corporation, Department group, Department, Co-worker.
Corporation, Department group, Department, and Co-worker drop-down is shown after selecting the appropriate option from the Data level drop-down. The user can choose Dynamic or multiple ( Specific corporations/ departments/Department groups/ co-workers)
- "Located in" section (radio buttons): "All", "Inbox"(default), "Archived"
- "Tags" section: Customers can choose more than only one tag. (Tags 1, Tags 2, Tags 3).Nothing selected by default
- "Type" section: Customers can choose more than only one type (Type 1, Type 2, Type 3). Nothing selected by default
- "Status" section: Customers can choose more than only one status. ( Status 1, Status 2, Status 3). Nothing selected by default
- "State" drop-down list. Customers can choose only one status. (All, Opened, Not opened). Default value "All"
Period tab contains:
- Standard (drop-down): Today, Yesterday, This week, Previous week, This month(default), Previous month, This quarter, Previous quarter, This year, Previous year
- Custom period (drop-down): Custom month(default), Custom quarter, Custom year, Custom period, Custom date period.
If the Custom period is selected:
- Custom month (checkboxes): January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December( current month by default)
- Custom quarter(checkboxes): Q1, Q2,Q3,Q4.(current quarter by default)
- Year (drop-down): Previous year, This year, Next year, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015
- Custom period: The user can choose any number ( from 1 to 1000) of Days, Weeks, or Months back in time
- Custom date period: the user can choose a date From one date To another date
“Deadline” section (drop-down): Expired, Expired today, Expired within 7 days(default), Custom period.
If the user chooses Custom period, appears radio-buttons:
- Back in time
- Forward in time
- Drop-down list: 14 ( Days, Weeks, Months)
The user can set the inquiries from the Home RecMan page (sidebar) by choosing the Inquiries tab.
The user can set the necessary criteria when adding new Inquiries.
Details info view drawer is open after clicking on the widget (this function is not available on the TV and Dashboard Settings page)
Detailed view drawer contains:
- Name (name of inquiries)
- State
- Company (the user is redirected to RecMan Company page after clicking on the company from the list)
- Tags
- Type
- Created
- Updated
At the top of the detailed information, the user can change the criteria by which the information is displayed. The previously selected option from widget settings is shown by default.
Customer can change criteria - State:
- All
- Opened
- Not opened
In case the user clicks on the name of the column, then information for this column is sorted alphabetically.