Economy category widgets related to Revenue

This article provides a description of all revenue-related widgets in the economy category. 

Revenue widget


This widget shows revenue according to some particular period of time. Also, the widget shows a comparison in percentage with a set in settings for a period of time.

Widget Settings:

General tab contains:

  • Widget name input field
  • Data level (dropdown) - All, Corporation, Department group,Department (default to users department), Co-worker.
  • Department (drop-down) - Dynamic (default), Choose multiple, Specific corporations/ departments/ co-workers.
  • Toggle - 'Use simplified display of numbers' toggle works with values that contain a minimum of three numbers (similar to other Simplified toggles).

Period tab contains:

  • Standard (drop-down) - Today, Yesterday, This week, Previous week, This month(default), Previous month, This quarter, Previous quarter, This year, Previous year
  • Custom period (drop-down) - Custom month, Custom quarter, Custom Year, Custom Period 
    • Checkboxes *if Custom period is selected: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
  • Year *if Custom period is selected (drop-down) - Previous year, This year, Next year, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015
  • Compared to period (drop-down) - Previous month, Next month, Same month Previous year, Custom month

Products and type tab contains:

  • Products (drop-down) - All, Product Group, Specific Group
  • Product groups (checkboxes) - All available options
  • Type (checkboxes) - Offer, Order, Invoice, Credit note

After adding a widget to the dashboard, the settings of this widget are set to Department → Dynamic data level by default. In case a user changes the data level to some other, then the Dynamic option is set by default. Users can choose multiple data levels and choose a few options which are shown as checkboxes. Also, the user can choose some specific (single) or dynamic options from the dropdown. Dynamic option means that information on the widget will be shown according to the logged to the system user.

In case the user chooses All data level, there is no filtration by data level, and the widget will show all revenue. 

In case the user chooses the Corporation data level, then revenue will be counted according to the department that was chosen while creating an Order. Departments are connected to some specific corporation, and after invoicing an Order with a specific department, it will check to which corporation is connected the department from the Order. For example, to Corporation 1 are connected Department 1 and Department 2. Department 1 has 45 revenue, and Department 2 has 30 revenue. After filtering the widget by Corporation 1, 75 revenue will be shown on the widget.


In case the user chooses a Department data level, then revenue will be counted according to the department that was chosen while creating an Order.

If the user chooses the Department group data level, then revenue will be counted according to all departments connected to a specific Department group.


If the user chooses the Co-worker data level, the revenue will be counted according to the responsible co-worker from the Project chosen while creating an Order.


Product and Product groups checkboxes:

While creating an Order line, the user can choose some specific Product. Users can choose this specific Product from widget settings to get revenue only for this specific Product. Products can be added to some specific Product groups, and after filtering widgets by Product groups, the widget will show revenue for all Products that are connected to this Product group. Also, the Product groups section has a ‘No product group’ checkbox field. This checkbox will show revenue for Products that are not added to any Product group. At least one checkbox from the Product or Product group section should be checked.


Type checkboxes:

Offer value is taken from the Project. On the Project page, the user can create an Offer and set an estimated value and probability. Offer value is the percentage of probability from the estimated value. For example, if the estimated value is 500 and the probability is 10%, then the offer value will be 50. The period for offers is the period that the user sets while creating the offer. → The delivery date.

In case the user chooses All data level, then the offer value will be fetched from all projects. 

In case the user chooses the Corporation data level, then the offer value will be fetched from all projects that are connected to all departments, which are connected to the corporation from widget settings.

In case the user chooses the Department group data level, then the offer value will be fetched from projects that are connected to all departments from the department group.

If the user chooses the Department data level, then the offer value will be fetched from projects connected to the department from the settings.

If the user chooses the Co-worker data level, then the offer value will be fetched from projects connected to co-workers from the widget settings.


Order value is the value from the order line. While creating an order, the user can create an order line and set the quantity and price. This value will be shown on the widget according to widget settings.

In case the user chooses All data level, then the order value will be fetched from all order lines.

In case the user chooses the Corporation data level, then the order value will be fetched from all departments that are connected to the corporation from widget settings.

In case the user chooses the Department group data level, the order value will be fetched from all departments that are in the department group, where the department connected to the order is present.

In case the user chooses the Department data level, then the order value will be fetched from the order to which this department is connected.

In case the user chooses the Co-worker data level, then the order value will be fetched according to the responsible co-worker from the project, which is connected to the order.

The invoice value is the value of the order that was invoiced. Invoice value is filtered the same way as Order.

Credit notes value is the value of invoices that were marked as credit notes. Credit note value is filtered the same way as Order and Invoice.

Use simplified display of numbers - this toggle will show rounded value (value is divided by 1000 and rounded) 500/1000=0,5 (rounded value is 1).

Comparison logic:

In case we compare This year with the Previous year, then revenue will be counted according to the month in which the latest revenue is present. For example, in 2021, we have some revenue in Jun-Feb-Mar-Apr-May, so comparison with the previous year will take  Jun-Feb-Mar-Apr-May months from 2020 to compare, even if there is some revenue in the next months. The same logic we have with This quarter and the Same quarter – the Previous year

The comparison formula is - ($currentPeriodRevenue - $comparedToPeriodRevenue) / $comparedToPeriodRevenue * 100.

Revenue data level split widget


This widget shows Revenue according to Corporations and Departments. In the middle of the widget, the user can see the total revenue value. The next circle shows the Corporation revenue and the last circle shows the Department revenue. So users can see revenue for some particular departments and corporations.

Widget Settings:

General tab contains:

  • Widget name input field
  • Data level - corporations (checkboxes) - All available corporations
  • Toggle - 'Use simplified display of numbers' toggle works with values that contain minimum three numbers (similar to other Simplified toggles).

Period tab contains:

  • Standard (drop-down) - Today, Yesterday, This week, Previous week, This month(default), Previous month, This quarter, Previous quarter, This year, Previous year
  • Custom period (drop-down) - Custom month, Custom quarter, Custom Year, Custom Period 
    • Checkboxes *if Custom period is selected: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
  • Year *if Custom period is selected (drop-down) - Previous year, This year, Next year, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015

Products tab contains:

  • Products (drop-down) - All, Product Group, Specific Group
  • Product groups (checkboxes) - All available options

After adding a widget to the dashboard, the settings of this widget are set to Corporation → all corporations are checked by default. This month's period is set by default as well. A list of all product groups is checked by default after adding the widget to the dashboard.

In this widget, the user can choose only the Corporation data level. According to this Corporation, the user will see revenue for departments connected to this Corporation. 

If the user disables the ‘Use simplified display of numbers’ toggle, the revenue value will be full (without rounding).

Revenue w/ budget widget


This widget shows the revenue value and the budget. In the widget a comparison line with percentage is shown.

Settings of this widget contain:

General tab contains:

  • Widget name input field
  • Data level (dropdown) - All, Corporation, Department group, Department (default to users department), Co-worker.
  • Department (drop-down) - Dynamic (default), Choose multiple, Specific corporations/ departments/ co-workers
  • Toggle - 'Use simplified display of numbers' toggle works with values that contain minimum three numbers (similar to other Simplified toggles).

Period tab contains:

  • Standard (drop-down) - Today, Yesterday, This week, Previous week, This month(default), Previous month, This quarter, Previous quarter, This year, Previous year
  • Custom period (drop-down) - Custom month, Custom quarter, Custom Year, Custom Period 
    • Checkboxes *if Custom period is selected: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
  • Year *if Custom period is selected (drop-down) - Previous year, This year, Next year, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015

After adding a widget to the dashboard, the settings of this widget are set to Department → Dynamic data level by default. In case a user changes the data level to some other, then the Dynamic option is set by default. The user can choose multiple data levels and choose a few options which are shown as checkboxes. Also, the user can choose some specific (single) option from dropdown, or dynamic. Dynamic option means that information on the widget will be shown according to the logged to the system user. Budget, Revenue and Percentage are shown on the widget. (if Use simplified display of numbers” is disabled).

If the toggle “Use simplified display of numbers” is enabled, the revenue value is shown as a rounded number (values < 1000 = 0’).

In case the user chooses All data level, there is no filtration by data level, and the widget will show all revenue. 

In case the user chooses Corporation data level, then budget and revenue values will be fetched from all departments that are connected to the corporation from widget settings.

In case the user chooses the Department group data level, then budget and revenue values will be fetched from all departments that are present in the department group.

In case the user chooses Department data level, then budget and revenue values will be fetched from the department that was chosen in widget settings.

The department budget can be set from the BI Economy budget module.


Revenue per month grouped by year widget

Screenshot 2024-01-15 at 16.47.01.png

This widget shows revenue per month grouped by year. In the widget settings, present a list of years from 2018 to 2024. Revenue is shown as a line chart. Each chart responds for a year. On the left side (X-axis) of the widget are shown rounded numbers, and on the bottom (Y-axis) are shown months.

Widget settings:

General tab contains:

  • Widget name input field
  • Data level (All, Corporation, Department group, Department) 
  • Currency selection section: Drop-down list where customer is able to choose currency. After choosing a currency, data in the widget will be displayed in this currency. (Select currency by default - no data is shown on the widget)
  • Toggle - 'Use simplified display of numbers' toggle works with values that contain minimum three numbers (similar to other Simplified toggles).

Period tab contains:

  • Custom period (checkboxes) - Select all, This year(default), Previous year(default), 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015

Products tab contains:

  • Products (drop-down) - All, Products Group, Specific Group
  • Product groups (checkboxes) - All available options

After adding a widget to the dashboard, the settings of this widget are set to Department is Dynamic data level by default. In case a user changes the data level to some other, then the Dynamic option is set by default. Users can choose multiple data levels and choose a few options which are shown as checkboxes. Also, the user can choose some specific (single) option from the dropdown, or dynamic. Dynamic option means that information on the widget will be shown according to logged to the system user.

This and Previous years are checked by default after adding a widget.

In case the user chooses All data level, there is no filtration by data level, and the widget will show all revenue.

In case the user chooses the Corporation data level, then revenue will be counted according to the department that was chosen while creating an Order. Departments are connected to some specific corporation, and after invoicing an Order with a specific department, it will check to which corporation is connected the department from Order. For example, to Corporation1 are connected Department1 and Department2. Department1 has 45 revenue, and Department2 has 30 revenue. After filtering the widget by Corporation1, then 75 revenue will be shown on the widget.

In case the user chooses a Department data level, then revenue will be counted according to the department that was chosen while creating an Order.

In case the user chooses the Department group data level, then revenue will be counted according to all departments that are connected to a specific Department group.



Checkboxes: in this widget, settings can be Multiple data levels, Period and Products/Products groups checkboxes. In all sections, there should be at least one checkbox checked. In case no checkboxes are checked in one of these sections, then the Save changes button is disabled, and widget settings can not be saved.

Revenue per month grouped by data level widget

Revenue per month grouped by data level

This widget shows revenue per month for the current year. Revenue is shown as a line chart. Each chart response to a department, corporation, or corporation group. On the left side (X-axis) of the widget are shown rounded numbers, and on the bottom (Y-axis) are shown months.

Widget settings:

General tab contains:

  • Widget name input field
  • Data level (drop-down) - (Corporation, Department group, Department) 
  • Corporation (drop-down) - Dynamic (default), Choose multiple, Specific corporations
  • Toggle - The 'Use simplified display of numbers' toggle works with values that contain a minimum of three numbers (similar to other Simplified toggles).

Products tab contains:

  • Products (drop-down) - All, Products Group, Specific Group
  • Product groups (checkboxes) - All available options

After adding a widget to the dashboard, the settings of this widget are set to Department is Dynamic data level by default. In case a user changes the data level to some other, then the Dynamic option is set by default. Users can choose multiple data levels and choose a few options which are shown as checkboxes. Also, the user can choose some specific (single) option from the dropdown, or dynamic. Dynamic option means that information on the widget will be shown according to logged to the system user.

In case the user chooses the Corporation data level, then revenue will be counted according to the department that was chosen while creating an Order. Departments are connected to some specific corporation, and after invoicing an Order with a specific department, it will check to which corporation is connected the department from Order. For example, to Corporation1 are connected Department1 and Department2. Department1 has 45 revenue, and Department2 has 30 revenue. After filtering the widget by Corporation1, then 75 revenue will be shown on the widget.


In case the user chooses a Department data level, then revenue will be counted according to the department that was chosen while creating an Order.

In case the user chooses the Department group data level, then revenue will be counted according to all departments that are connected to a specific Department group.


Checkboxes: in this widget, settings can be Multiple data levels, Period and Products/Products groups checkboxes. In all sections, there should be at least one checkbox checked. In case no checkboxes are checked in one of these sections, then the Save changes button is disabled, and widget settings can not be saved.

Revenue split by data level widget

Revenue split by data level

This widget will show revenue as a pie chart according to the data level.

After adding the widget to the dashboard, the settings of this widget are set to Department data level by default (all departments are checked). In case a user changes the data level to some other, then all options from the data level are checked by default. At least one checkbox should be checked. If all options are unchecked, then the ‘Save button’ is disabled, and widget settings can not be saved. 

The widget value is shown as a Pie chart. Data is fetched the same way as in the Revenue widget.

Widget settings:

General tab contains:

  • Widget name input field
  • Chart type (drop-down) - Basic pie, Variable radius pie, 3D pie, 3D donut
  • Data level (drop-down) - Corporation, Department group, Department and checkboxes with - Select all, all available options.
  • Toggle - The 'Use simplified display of numbers' toggle works with values that contain a minimum of three numbers (similar to other Simplified toggles).

Period tab contains:

  • Standard (drop-down) - Today, Yesterday, This week, Previous week, This month(default), Previous month, This quarter, Previous quarter, This year, Previous year
  • Custom period (drop-down) - Custom month, Custom quarter, Custom Year, Custom Period 
    • Checkboxes *if Custom period is selected: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
  • Year *if Custom period is selected (drop-down) - Previous year, This year, Next year, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015

Products tab contains:

  • Products (drop-down) - All, Products Group, Specific Group
  • Product groups (checkboxes) - All available options

In case the user chooses the Corporation data level, then revenue will be counted according to the department that was chosen while creating an Order. Departments are connected to some specific corporation, and after invoicing an Order with a specific department, it will check to which corporation is connected the department from Order. For example, to Corporation1 are connected Department1 and Department2. Department1 has 45 revenue, and Department2 has 30 revenue. After filtering the widget by Corporation1, then 75 revenue will be shown on the widget.


In case the user chooses a Department data level, then revenue will be counted according to the department that was chosen while creating an Order.

In case the user chooses the Department group data level, then revenue will be counted according to all departments that are connected to a specific Department group.


Use simplified display of numbers - this toggle will show rounded value (value is divided by 1000 and rounded) 500/1000=0,5 (rounded value is 1).

Revenue per product widget


This widget shows revenue as a pie chart according to product or product group. While adding an order line for the order, the user can choose some product.

Products can be added to some specific product group or can have no product group. In the widget settings, you can find Products and Product groups filtering. Also, when the user chooses Product groups filtering, a No product group option is available to show revenue for all products without product group.


Widget settings:

General tab contains:

  • Widget name input field
  • Chart type (drop-down) - Basic pie, Variable radius pie, 3D pie, 3D donut
  • Data level (drop-down) - All, Corporation, Department group, Department
  • Toggle - 'Use simplified display of numbers' toggle works with values that contain minimum three numbers (similar to other Simplified toggles).

Period tab contains:

  • Standard (drop-down) - Today, Yesterday, This week, Previous week, This month(default), Previous month, This quarter, Previous quarter, This year, Previous year
  • Custom period (drop-down) - Custom month, Custom quarter, Custom Year, Custom Period 
    • Checkboxes *if Custom period is selected: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

Products tab contains:

  • Products (drop-down) -  Products Group, Specific Group
  • Product groups (checkboxes) - All available options

 In case the user chooses All data level, there is no filtration by data level, and the widget will show all revenue.

In case the user chooses Corporation data level, then revenue will be counted according to the department which was chosen while creating an Order. Departments are connected to some specific corporation, and after invoicing an Order with a specific department, it will check to which corporation is connected the department from Order. For example, to Corporation1 are connected Department1 and Department2. Department1 has 45 revenue, and Department2 has 30 revenue. After filtering widget data by Corporation1, then 75 revenue will be shown on the widget.


In case the user chooses Department data level, then revenue will be counted according to the department which was chosen while creating an Order. 

In case the user chooses Department group data level, then revenue will be counted according to all departments that are connected to a specific Department group.

Checkboxes: in this widget settings can be Multiple data level and Products/Products groups checkboxes. In all sections, there should be at least one checkbox checked. In case no checkboxes are checked in one of these sections, then the Save changes button is disabled, and widget settings can not be saved.


Revenue per country widget


This is a ‘map’ widget. Each company can have some revenue, and the widget shows the company location on the map if this company has some revenue. After creating some company, the user can set a country for this company.

In the RecMan system, the user can create a company by clicking the Plus button:



While creating the order, the user chooses a company, and after the order is created and invoiced, revenue will be shown on the map according to the company location.

In case the customer is not connected to any country, then revenue for this customer will not be shown on the widget.

Widget Settings:

General tab contains:

  • Widget name input field
  • Data level (dropdown) - All, Corporation, Department group,Department (default to users department), Co-worker.
  • Department (drop-down) - Dynamic (default), Choose multiple, Specific corporations/ departments/ co-workers
  • Color (drop-down) - Orange, Blue, Green, Red 
  • Toggle - Show total revenue
  • Toggle - 'Use simplified display of numbers' toggle works with values that contain minimum three numbers (similar to other Simplified toggles).

Period tab contains:

  • Standard (drop-down) - Today, Yesterday, This week, Previous week, This month(default), Previous month, This quarter, Previous quarter, This year, Previous year
  • Custom period (drop-down) - Custom month, Custom quarter, Custom Year, Custom Period 
    • Checkboxes *if Custom period is selected: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
  • Year *if Custom period is selected (drop-down) - Previous year, This year, Next year, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015

Products and type tab contains:

  • Products (drop-down) - All, Product Group, Specific Group
  • Product groups (checkboxes) - All available options
  • Type (checkboxes) - Offer, Order, Invoice, Credit note

By default, the color of the map is blue in case the user adds the widget in Light mode and orange in case the user adds the widget in Dark mode. After changing the mode, the color of maps from the widgets remains the same.

In case the user chooses All data level, there is no filtration by data level, and the widget will show all companies that have revenue.

In case the user chooses the Corporation data level, then revenue will be counted according to the department that is connected to the project where the chosen (from order) company is present. Each department is connected to a corporation.

In case the user chooses a Department data level, then revenue will be calculated according to the department that is connected to the project where the chosen (from order) company is present. 

In case the user chooses the Department group data level, then revenue will be counted according to all departments from the department group, which are connected to projects where chosen (from order) companies are present.
In case the user chooses a Co-worker data level, then revenue will be counted according to the co-worker, who is connected to projects where chosen (from order) companies are present.



Revenue per month compared with previous year widget


This widget shows the revenue of the current year per month with a comparison to the previous year. Revenue is shown as columns, and comparison value is shown as a line chart. The month is shown on the Y axis, and a range of values is shown on the X axis. The user is able to disable comparison (2022) or revenue (2023) values.

Widget Settings:

General tab contains:

  • Widget name input field
  • Data level (dropdown) - All, Corporation, Department group,Department (default to users department), Co-worker.
  • Department (drop-down) - Dynamic (default), Choose multiple, Specific corporations/ departments/ co-workers 
  • Currency selection section: Drop-down list where customer is able to choose currency. After choosing a currency, data in the widget will be displayed in this currency. (Select currency by default - no data is shown on the widget)
  • Toggle - ‘Include comparison’ (Enable by default)
  • Toggle - 'Use simplified display of numbers' toggle works with values that contain minimum three numbers (similar to other Simplified toggles).

Products tab contains:

  • Products (drop-down) - All, Products Group, Specific Group
  • Product groups (checkboxes) - All available options

After adding a widget to the dashboard, the settings of this widget are set to Department → Dynamic data level by default. In case a user changes the data level to some other, then the Dynamic option is set by default. Users can choose multiple data levels and choose a few options which are shown as checkboxes. Also, the user can choose some specific (single) option from the dropdown, or dynamic. Dynamic option means that information on the widget will be shown according to the logged to the system user.

Data is fetched the same way as in the Revenue widget.

In case the user chooses All data level, there is no filtration by data level, and the widget will show all revenue.

In case the user chooses the Corporation data level, then revenue will be counted according to the department that was chosen while creating an Order. Departments are connected to some specific corporation, and after invoicing an Order with a specific department, it will check to which corporation is connected the department from Order. For example, to Corporation1 are connected Department1 and Department2. Department1 has 45 revenue, and Department2 has 30 revenue. After filtering widget by Corporation1, then 75 revenue will be shown on the widget.


In case the user chooses a Department data level, then revenue will be counted according to the department that was chosen while creating an Order.

In case the user chooses the Department group data level, then revenue will be counted according to all departments that are connected to a specific Department group.


Include comparison - this toggle will remove the comparison line from the widget in case it will be disabled and will show the comparison line in case this toggle is enabled.

Use simplified display of numbers - this toggle will show rounded value (value is divided by 1000 and rounded) 500/1000=0,5 (rounded value is 1).

Revenue per month grouped by product widget


This widget shows revenue for some particular products or product groups according to the month in the current year for which the invoice was created. On the left side of the widget are shown numbers of revenue (it’s dynamic and changes according to invoice values). At the bottom of the widget are shown months. Also, at the bottom, are shown the name of the product or product groups. The user is able to uncheck some particular products or product groups, and charts for these products or product groups will not be shown.

Widget Settings:

General tab contains:

  • Widget name input field
  • Data level (dropdown) - All, Corporation, Department group, Department (default to users department), Co-worker.
  • Department (drop-down) - Dynamic (default), Choose multiple, Specific corporations/ departments/ co-workers
  • Toggle - 'Use simplified display of numbers' toggle works with values that contain minimum three numbers (similar to other Simplified toggles).

Products tab contains:

  • Products (drop-down) - Products Group, Specific Group
  • Product groups (checkboxes) - All available options

In case the user chooses All data level, there is no filtration by data level, and the widget will show revenue without connection to Corporation, Department or Department group. 

In case the user chooses the Corporation data level, then revenue will be counted according to the Department that was chosen while creating an Order. For example, Order with Product 1 was created with a connection to Department 1, Order with Product 2 was created with a connection to Department 2. Department 1 and 2 are connected to Corporation 1. After choosing Corporation 1 from the widget settings, Product 1 and 2 will be shown on the widget.

In case the user chooses the Department group data level, then revenue will be counted according to the Department that was chosen while creating an Order. For example,  Order with Product 1 was created with a connection to Department 1, Order with Product 2 was created with a connection to Department 2. Department 1 and 2 are present in Department group 1. After choosing Department group 1 from the widget settings, Product 1 and 2 will be shown on the widget.

In case the user chooses a Department data level, then revenue will be counted according to the Department that was chosen while creating an Order.

Revenue grouped by Quarter widget


This widget shows Revenue grouped by quarter, with charts the same as in "Revenue per month compared with the previous year" but without a "comparison" line, only charts.

Each chart shows revenue for one quarter, for example, Q1, Q2, Q3, data shown on the widget depending on the selected data level Department - Dynamic (by default).

Widget settings include toggle: Use simplified display of numbers” and tab Products with Products drop-down and Products groups checkboxes.

Widget settings:

General tab:

  • 'Widget name' input field
  • 'Data level' section → All, Corporation, Department group, Department (by default), Co-worker
  • "Use simplified display of numbers” toggle

Products tab:

  • Products (drop-down) - All, Products Group, Specific Group
  • Product groups (checkboxes) - All available options

Revenue by service group (PH) widget


This widget shows Revenue value grouped by Service group.

Widget settings:

General tab:

  • Widget name section - field where the user can change the widget name.
  • Chart type section:
      - Basic pie (by default);
      - Variable radius pie;
      - 3D pie;
      - 3D donut.
  • Data level section:
      - All;
      - Corporation;
      - Department group;
      - Department (dynamic data level by default);
      - Co-worker.
  • Use simplified display of numbers - OFF by default. 

Period tab:

  • Standard and Custom period radio buttons
  • 1. Standard dropdown:
    • This week;
    • Previous week;
    • This month (by default);
    • Previous month;
    • This quarter;
    • Previous quarter;
    • This year;
    • Previous year.
  • 2. Custom period:
    • Custom month;
    • Custom quarter;
    • Custom year;
    • Custom period.

After hovering over some revenue sections from the widget, a tooltip is shown with the name of the service group, revenue value and percentage, depending on the values from the entire diagram.

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