Recruitment category widgets related to Candidates

Here, you will find the description of the Recruitment category widgets related to Candidates.

New candidates widget


This widget shows all new candidates present in RecMan. Data in this widget is fetched from the RecMan System.

Widget settings:

General tab contains:

  • Widget name input field
  • Data level (drop-down) - All, Corporation, Department group, Department, Co-worker
  • Department (drop-down) - Dynamic (default), Choose multiple, Specific corporations/ departments/ co-workers

The period tab contains:

  • Standard (drop-down): Today, Yesterday, This week(default), Previous week, This month, Previous month, This quarter, Previous quarter, This year, Previous year
  • Custom period (drop-down): Custom month, Custom quarter, Custom Year, Custom Period 
    • Checkboxes *if Custom period is selected: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
  • Year *if Custom period is selected (drop-down): Previous year, This year, Next year, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015

After adding a widget to the dashboard, the settings of this widget are set to Department -> Dynamic data level by default. In case a user changes the data level to some other, then the Dynamic option is set by default. Users can choose multiple data levels and choose a few options, which are shown as checkboxes. Also, the user can choose some specific (single) option from dropdown or dynamic. Dynamic option means that information on the widget will be shown according to the logged to the system user. The ‘Today’ period is set by default after adding a widget to the dashboard.

In case the user chooses All data level, there is no filtration by data level, and the widget will show all Candidates. In this case, the user can filter data using the Period dropdown.

In case the user chooses the Corporation data level, then all candidates connected to the chosen Corporation will be shown on the widget (while creating a new Candidate, there is an opportunity to connect this candidate to some particular corporation, so it checks candidates that are connected to the chosen corporation).

In case the user chooses the Department group data level, then candidates will be filtered by all departments that are in the department group, where connected to the candidate department is present. For example - Department group 1 contains Department 1 and Department 2. There are 3 candidates, two of them connected to Department1 and one to Department2. User filtering new candidates using Department group 1, then 3 candidates are shown.

In case the user chooses Department data level, then candidates will be shown according to the department to which candidates are connected (while creating a new candidate, there is an opportunity to connect this candidate to some specific department).

In case the user chooses Co-worker data level, then the candidates will be shown according to the Co-worker who was creating this candidate (while creating a new candidate, there is no opportunity to connect this user to some specific co-worker. New candidate will be automatically connected to the co-worker who was creating this candidate).


Checkboxes - in case a user chooses multiple data levels, then Select all checkbox is shown. After unchecking the Select all checkbox, all options are unchecked, and the user can not save widget settings. At least one checkbox should be checked. The Save changes button is disabled.

Candidates in pipeline widget

Screenshot 2023-11-17 at 19.30.45.png

This widget contains a number of candidates “in pipeline” in the recruitment category.

Candidates could have different statuses in the RecMan system. One of the statuses is Pipeline.


Widget settings:

General tab contains:

  • Widget name input field
  • Data level (drop-down) - All, Corporation, Department group, Department, Co-worker
  • Department (drop-down) - Dynamic (default), Choose multiple, Specific corporations/ departments/ co-workers
  • Included pipeline steps (checkboxes) - Select all and available options.

Attributes tab contains:

  • Candidate attributes (drop-down) - list of available attributes
  • Project attributes (drop-down) - list of available attributes

After adding the widget to the dashboard, the settings of this widget are set to Department is Dynamic data level by default. In case the user changes the data level to some other, then the Dynamic option is set by default. Users can choose multiple data levels and choose a few options, which are shown as checkboxes. Also, the user can choose some specific (single) option from the dropdown or dynamic. Dynamic option means that information on the widget will be shown according to the logged to the system user. By default, all Included pipeline steps are checked.

In case the user chooses All data level, there is no filtration by data level, and the widget will show all Candidates. 

In case the user chooses Corporation data level, then all candidates connected to the chosen Corporation will be shown on the widget (while creating a new Candidate, there is a possibility to connect this candidate to some particular corporation, so it checks candidates who are connected to the chosen corporation, and if this candidate is in the pipeline).

In case the user chooses the Department group data level, then candidates will be filtered by all departments that are in the department group, where connected to the candidate, the department is present. For example - Department group 1 contains Department 1 and Department 2. There are 3 candidates in the pipeline, two of them connected to Department1 and one to Department2. User filtering candidates in the pipeline using Department group 1, then 3 candidates are shown.

In case the user chooses Department data level, then candidates in the pipeline will be shown according to the department to which candidates are connected (while creating a new candidate, there is an opportunity to connect this candidate to some specific department, so it will check if this candidate is in the pipeline).

In case the user chooses Co-worker data level, then the candidates in the pipeline will be shown according to the Co-worker who moved this candidate in the pipeline (the co-worker can move this candidate in the pipeline, so after filtering candidates in the pipeline, it will check candidates in the pipeline according to a co-worker who moved this candidate in the pipeline).


Included pipeline steps checkboxes - checkboxes are shown according to a particular corporation/department/department group in the widget settings.

A candidate can be added to two different pipeline categories, so he/she will be counted twice in the widget.

Candidate attributes and Project attributes dropdowns - this is additional filtration. Each candidate or project can have some attributes.
Candidates will be filtered according to these attributes. Users have the possibility to leave these options empty, and candidates will be counted only according to data level and period. Between Data level, Candidate and Project attributes - there is AND filtration. It means that candidates will be counted in the widget only in case these settings are matched to the candidate attributes from RecMan. For example, the admin added a candidate in the pipeline today, this candidate is connected to Department 1 and has Multiple choice → option 1 attribute. In case the user chooses Data level → department → Department 1 → Today and leaves Candidate\Project attributes empty in widget settings, this candidate will be counted in the widget. And if the user chooses Data level → department → Department 1 → Today and Candidate attribute → option 2, this candidate will not be counted in the widget.


In case the user chooses Candidate attributes, candidateі will be counted according to candidate attributes. And in case the user chooses Project attributes, candidates will be counted according to project attributes from Projects where candidates in the pipeline are present.

Candidates who are in the pipeline can or can not be connected to the project. When the user chooses project attributes, candidates who are not connected to the project won’t be counted in the widget.

Hired candidates widget


This widget shows all hired candidates in RecMan. Candidates could have different statuses in the RecMan system. One of the statuses is Hired.


Widget settings:

General tab contains:

  • Widget name input field
  • Data level (drop-down) - (All, Corporation, Department group, Department, Co-worker)
  • Department (drop-down) - Dynamic (default), Choose multiple, Specific corporations/ departments/ co-workers

Period tab contains:

  • Standard (drop-down): Today, Yesterday, This week(default), Previous week, This month, Previous month, This quarter, Previous quarter, This year, Previous year
  • Custom period (drop-down): Custom month, Custom quarter, Custom Year, Custom Period 
    • Checkboxes *if Custom period is selected: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
  • Year *if Custom period is selected (drop-down): Previous year, This year, Next year, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015

Attributes tab contains:

  • Candidate attributes (drop-down)
  • Project attributes (drop-down)

After adding a widget to the dashboard, the settings of this widget are set to Department → Dynamic data level by default. In case the user changes the data level to some other, then the Dynamic option is set by default. Users can choose multiple data levels, and choose a few options, which are shown as checkboxes. Also, the user can choose some specific (single) or dynamic options from the dropdown menu. Dynamic option means that information on the widget will be shown according to the logged to the system user. 

Today option is set by default as a Period.

One candidate can be hired for a few different projects, in this case, the widget should show 1 candidate. For example, Candidate 1 was hired for Project 1 and Project 2. The widget will show 1 candidate.

In case the user chooses All data level, there is no filtration by data level, and information is fetched from the entire system.

In case the user chooses Corporation data level, then all Candidates with Hired status, which are connected to the chosen corporation, will be counted in the widget (while creating a New candidate, there is a possibility to connect this candidate to the specific Corporation, so it will check candidates connected to the chosen corporation).

In case the user chooses the Department group data level, then Candidates with Hired status will be filtered by all departments that are in the department group, where connected to the hired candidate department is present. For example - Department group 1 contains Department 1 and Department 2. There are 3 hired candidates, two of them connected to Department1 and one to Department2. User filtering hired candidates using Department group 1, then 3 candidates are shown.

In case the user chooses Department data level, then hired candidates, which are connected to the chosen departments, will be counted to the widget (while creating a new candidate, there is the possibility to connect a particular Department, so it will check hired candidates which are connected to chosen Department).

In case the user chooses the Co-worker data level, then hired candidates who are connected to the chosen Co-worker will be counted to the widget (while creating a new candidate, a co-worker who is creating this candidate will be automatically connected to this candidate, so it will check hired candidates which are connected to chosen Co-worker).



Candidates can be connected to two or more departments or co-workers. Another department or co-worker can be added from the candidate page in the Ownership section. Hired candidates will be filtered only by an additional department. The department or co-worker can be removed from this section as well. 

Checkboxes – in case a user chooses multiple data levels, then Select all checkbox is shown. After unchecking the Select all checkbox, all options are unchecked, and the user can not save widget settings. At least one checkbox should be checked. The Save changes button is disabled.

Candidate attributes and Project attributes dropdowns are additional filtration. Each candidate or project can have some attributes.

Candidates will be filtered according to these attributes. Users have the possibility to leave these options empty, and candidates will be counted only according to data level and period. Between Data level, Period, Candidate and Project attributes - there is AND filtration. It means that candidates will be counted in the widget only if these settings match the candidate attributes from RecMan. For example, the admin hired a candidate today, this candidate is connected to Department 1 and has Multiple choice → option 1 attribute. In case the user chooses Data level → department → Department 1 + Period → Today and leaves Candidate\Project attributes empty in widget settings, this candidate will be counted in the widget. And if the user chooses Data level → department → Department 1 + Period → Today and Candidate attribute -> option 2, this candidate will not be counted in the widget.


In case the user chooses Candidate attributes, the candidate will be counted according to candidate attributes. And in case the user chooses Project attributes, candidates will be counted according to project attributes from Projects where hired candidates are present.

Candidate pipeline widget


This widget is similar to the Candidates in pipeline widget. Candidates could have different statuses in the RecMan system. One of the statuses is Pipeline.


This widget shows the number of candidates in the pipeline according to the included category. These categories can be managed from the RecMan system. Candidates can be added to any of these categories. Widget settings contain a list of these categories, and candidates can be filtered according to settings from this widget.

Widget settings:

General tab contains:

  • Widget name input field
  • Data level (drop-down) - (All, Corporation, Department group, Department, Co-worker)
  • Department (drop-down) - Dynamic (default), Choose multiple, Specific corporations/ departments/ co-workers
  • Included pipeline steps (checkboxes)
  • “Hide categories without candidates” toggle (in case a user chooses Department - Dynamic, Corporation - Dynamic, Department group - Dynamic and Co-worker - Dynamic, when toggle is not shown)

Attributes tab contains:

  • Candidate attributes (drop-down)
  • Project attributes (drop-down)

After adding a widget to the dashboard, the settings of this widget are set to Department → Dynamic data level by default. In case the user changes the data level to some other, then the Dynamic option is set by default. Users can choose multiple data levels and choose a few options which are shown as checkboxes. Also, the user can choose some specific (single) or dynamic options from the dropdown. The Dynamic option means that information on the widget will be shown according to the logged to the system user. 

By default, all Included pipeline steps are checked.

In this widget, filtration is based on Co-workers. It means that candidates in the pipeline are counted according to co-workers who added candidates into the pipeline.

In case the user chooses All data level, there is no filtration by data level, and the widget will show all Candidates.

In case the user chooses the Corporation data level, then candidates will be counted according to co-workers who were adding candidates into the pipeline and are present in the Corporation chosen in the widget settings. For example, in Corporation1, there are present Co-worker1 and Co-worker 2. Co-worker1 added 3 candidates into the pipeline, and Co-worker2 added 4 candidates, and when the user sets Corporation1 in the widget settings, then 7 candidates will be shown on the widget opposite to the categories where the candidates were added.

In case the user chooses the Department data level, then candidates will be counted according to co-workers who were adding candidates into the pipeline and are connected to the Department chosen from widget settings. For example, in Department1, Co-worker1 and Co-worker2 are present. Co-worker1 added 3 candidates into the pipeline, and Co-worker2 added 4 candidates, and when the user set Department1 in the widget settings, then 7 candidates will be shown on the widget opposite to the categories where the candidates were added.

In case the user chooses the Department group data level, then candidates will be filtered by all departments that are present in the department group.

In case the user chooses the Co-worker data level, then candidates will be filtered by a co-worker who added this candidate to the pipeline.

Candidate attributes and Project attributes dropdowns - this is additional filtration. Each candidate or project can have some attributes.

Candidates will be filtered according to these attributes. Users have the possibility to leave these options empty, and candidates will be counted only according to data level and period. Between Data level, Candidate and Project attributes - there is AND filtration. It means that candidates will be counted in the widget only if these settings match the candidate attributes from RecMan. For example, the admin adds a candidate in the pipeline today, this candidate is connected to Department 1 and has Multiple choice → option 1 attribute. In case the user chooses Data level → department → Department 1 → Today and leaves Candidate/Project attributes empty in widget settings, this candidate will be counted in the widget. And if the user chooses Data level → department → Department 1 → Today and Candidate attribute → option 2, this candidate will not be counted in the widget.


In case the user chooses Candidate attributes, candidateі will be counted according to candidate attributes. And in case the user chooses Project attributes, candidates will be counted according to project attributes from Projects where candidates in the pipeline are present.

Candidates who are in the pipeline can or can not be connected to the project. When the user chooses project attributes, candidates which are not connected to the project won’t be counted in the widget.

Candidate page funnel analytics


A step-by-step widget (chart) of the candidate’s interaction with the job posts. The widget demonstrates the quantitative candidates' interaction process with the job posts at each of the stages.

Chart stages:

  1. Job post views
  2. Started to apply
  3. Applied

Widget settings:

General tab contains:

  • Widget name input field
  • Data level (drop-down) - All, Corporation, Department group, Department (default).
  • 'Data level options'(drop-down) - Dynamic (default), Choose multiple, Specific corporations/ departments/department groups ('Data level options' drop-down is shown after selecting the appropriate option from the Data level drop-down. The user can choose Dynamic or multiple (Specific corporations/ departments/department groups)
  • “Chart type” section (drop-down): Classic funnel (default), Box funnel, Column funnel, Horizontal funnel
  • ‘Color scheme’ section (The user can choose the color of the chart)
    Candidate page funnel analytics(2).png

Period tab contains:

  • Standard (drop-down): Today, Yesterday, This week, Previous week, This month(default), Previous month, This quarter, Previous quarter, This year, Previous year.
  • Custom period (drop-down): Custom month(default), Custom quarter, Custom year, Custom period, Custom date period
    • Custom month (checkboxes): January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December (current month by default)
    • Custom quarter (checkboxes): Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 (current quarter by default)

      In case Custom month/Custom quarter is selected, the Year (drop-down) appears (Previous year, This year, Next year, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015)

    • Year (drop-down): Previous year, This year, Next year, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015
    • Custom period: The user can choose any number (from 1 to 1000) of Days, Weeks, or Months Back in time
    • Custom date period: the user can choose a date From one date To another date

Job post tab contains:

  • ‘Job post status’ section - checkbox list:
    1. Active
    2. Archived
    3. Expired
  • ‘Job posts’ section. Multi-selection list, with the 'Filter' search field, which allows the user to find a Job post by typing its name. Should be added scroll in case more than 10 job posts.
    Default state - “Select all" enabled. The list of Job posts is dynamic and changes according to the selected Data level from the General tab.

'Job post' tab from widget settings is highlighted by two blinks after changing data level. This animation is notifying the user that data in 'Job post' tab is changed according to the user's action from Data level section (similar to the Active employees widget in case changing the "Display data based on" option).

Detailed view drawer:

  1. Job post name
  2. Status
  3. Viewed - amount of visitors
  4. Started to apply
  5. Applied 
  6. Expire - shows the end date of the Job post

All columns have a sorting arrow; If the user clicks on the name of the columns, then information for this column is sorted alphabetically or in ascending and descending.

The detailed view is not available on TV.

Chart stages:

  1. Job post view - When candidates view the job post from the Candidate page.
  2. Started to apply - When the candidate clicks the ‘Apply Now’ button, the Applicant form opens.
  3. Applied - When the candidate fills out the form and clicks on the 'Apply and continue to CV' button.

Candidate page engagement analytics widget


The widget shows the chart with sources where candidates engaged for the Job posts. The Candidate page engagement analytics widget provides information about user-engaging sources. It displays data segmented by different sources, allowing the users to understand where the audience is coming from.

Widget settings:

General tab contains:

  • Widget name input field
  • Data level (drop-down) - All, Corporation, Department group, Department (default), Co-worker
  • 'Data level options' (drop-down) - Dynamic (default), Choose multiple, Specific corporations/departments/department groups/co-workers ('Data level options' drop-down is shown after selecting the appropriate option from the Data level drop-down. The user can choose Dynamic or multiple (Specific corporations/ departments/department groups/co-workers)
  • “Chart type” section (drop-down):
    • Basic pie (default)
    • Variable radius pie
    • 3D pie
    • 3D donut

Period tab contains:

  • Standard (drop-down): Today, Yesterday, This week, Previous week, This month (default), Previous month, This quarter, Previous quarter, This year, Previous year.
  • Custom period (drop-down): Custom month (default), Custom quarter, Custom year, Custom period, Custom date period.
  • Custom month (checkboxes): January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December (current month by default)
  • Custom quarter (checkboxes): Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 (current quarter by default)

In case Custom month/Custom quarter is selected, the Year (drop-down) appears (Previous year, This year, Next year, 2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015)

  • Year (drop-down): 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015
  • Relative period: The user can choose any number (from 1 to 1000) of Days, Weeks, or Months Back in time.
  • Custom date period: The user can choose a date From one date To another date
  • Toggle ‘Follow the current date’ (it is available when the user chooses the Custom date period)

If the option «Follow the current date» is enabled, the date «To» is automatically set to the current date, and the field «To» is disabled for manual entry.

Sources tab contains:

  • ‘Include sources’ section: The tab contains the list of dynamically appearing sources ("Include sources") where visitors come from to the job post with a toggle to include all the new sources that can appear in the widget ("Automatically include new sources"). The logic of the displaying sources for the widget is working currently: by default, all sources are enabled/included; The user can check/uncheck all of the existing sources or separately each one and choose the action to include or exclude;
  • Toggle ‘Automatically include new sources’ user can turn on the toggle, and all of the new sources that appear in the widget will be included. Default state - enabled. In case there are sources that are not mapped or sources with direct access to the job posts, an “Undefined sources” item is added.

Job post tab contains:

  • ‘Job post status’ section - checkbox list:  
  1. Active
  2. Archived
  3. Expired
  • ‘Job posts’ section:

' search for job post’  field, which allows the user to find a Job post by typing its name. 

Radio buttons: Include, Exclude (Allow users to include or exclude chosen job post.

Two blinks highlight the 'Job post' tab from widget settings after changing the data level. This animation notifies the user that data in the 'Job post' tab is changed according to the user's action from the Data level section (similar to the Active employee's widget in case changing the "Display data based on" option).

Detailed view drawer:

  1. Job post name
  2. Status
  3. Portal name 1 - % / amount of visitors
  4. Portal name 2 - % / amount of visitors
  5. Portal name 3 - % / amount of visitors
  6. Portal name … - % / amount of visitors
  7. Total - % / amount of visitors

The detailed view is not available on TV.

All columns have a sorting arrow. if the user clicks on the name of the columns, then information for this column is sorted alphabetically or ascending and descending.

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