Staffing category widgets related to Employees

This article gives you the description of all Employees-related widgets in the staffing category.

Employees working widget

1.Employees working(1).png

This widget shows employees who are working according to the period of time set in the widget settings. In the widget settings, the user can choose work status - Job, Shift or Work week.

Employees from this widget are counted according to the Project in which they have a job. While creating a Project, the user can connect a particular department to this project.

1.Employees working(2).png

Widget settings:

General tab contains:

  • Widget name input field
  • Data level (All, Corporation, Department group, Department and Co-worker)
  • Department (drop-down) - Dynamic (default), Choose multiple, Specific corporations/ departments/ co-workers
  • Type(checkboxes) - statuses are shown as checkboxes (Job, Shift and Work week)
  • Responsible co-worker (radio-button) - on Project, on Job and on Primary employment options. These options work only with the Co-worker data level.
  • Toggle - “Counting without absence”. If the toggle is enabled the “Exclude in calculation” section appears:
    - Toggle - “Weekends”
    - Toggle - “Vacation” (excludes employee from the counter if on vacation in selected period)
    - Toggle - “Not available” (excludes employee from the counter if not available in selected period)

Period tab contains:

  • Standard (drop-down) - Today, Yesterday, This week, Previous week, This month(default), Previous month, This quarter, Previous quarter, This year, Previous year
  • Custom period (drop-down) - Custom month, Custom quarter, Custom Year, Custom Period
    • Checkboxes *if Custom period is selected: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

Year *if Custom period is selected (drop-down) - Previous year, This year, Next year, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015

Drawer columns tab contains:

  • #
  • Name
  • Salary - under the column, we reflect the sum for this column.
  • Invoice - under the column, we reflect the sum for this column.
  • Contribution margin - under column we reflect the sum for this column.
  • Co-worker
  • Start date
  • End date

You can choose which columns will be reflected.

After choosing the criteria, you can see the selected information in the details info.

Job work status means that a candidate is added to a Job for some particular Project.

Work week status means that a user has some working days in a work week.

1.Employees working(3).png

Shift status means that an employee has some shifts.

1.Employees working(4).png

In case the user chooses All data level, there is no filtration by data level, and the widget will show all employees.

In case the user chooses the Corporation data level, then employees will be counted according to the Project, which is connected to departments that are present in selected corporations. For example, Project 1 is connected to Department 1 and Project 2 is connected to Department 2. Department 1 and 2 are connected to Corporation 1. After choosing Corporation 1 from the widget settings, the widget will show information from Projects 1 and 2.

In case the user chooses the Department group data level, then employees will be counted according to the Project, which is connected to departments that are present in the Department group. It is pretty similar to Corporation logic. For example, Project 1 is connected to Department 1 and Project 2 is connected to Department 2. Departments 1 and 2 are present in Department group 1. After choosing Department group 1 from the widget settings, the widget will show information from Projects 1 and 2.

In case the user chooses the Department data level, then employees will be counted according to Projects that are connected to the department chosen from widget settings.

In case the user chooses the Co-worker data level, then employees will be counted according to the responsible co-worker from the Project.

Responsible co-worker options (works only with co-worker data level):

In case the user chooses the On project option then Employees will be counted according to the responsible co-worker from Project.


In case the user chooses the On job option, then Employees will be counted according to the responsible co-worker from Job. While adding a candidate to a job, the user can choose a responsible co-worker for this job.

create job responsible.png

In case the user chooses the On primary employment option, then Employees will be counted according to the responsible co-worker from candidate card Employment.


Employees starting widget

2.Employees starting(1).png

This 'number' widget shows employees who are starting their employment in some period of time.

The data is fetched by the Start date of candidate employment.

Widget settings:

General tab:

  • Widget name input field
  • Data level (dropdown) - All, Corporation, Department group, Department (default) and Co-worker.

    'Data level options'(drop-down) - Dynamic (default), Choose multiple, Specific corporations/ departments/department groups ( 'Data level options' drop-down is shown after selecting the appropriate option from the Data level drop-down. The user can choose Dynamic or multiple ( Specific corporations/ departments/department groups) (data for Co-worker is fetched from Employment card → Responsible co-worker).

  • ‘Employment condition’ section ( (drop-down): All (default), Not set, Permanent employment, Temporary employee, Subcontractor, Extra/on demand.
  • ‘Employee group’ section: drop-down list with all available Employee group from the RecMan system (All by default).

The user can set the Employee group and Employment condition while creating/editing employment from the Candidate card in the RecMan:


Period tab:

  • Standard - Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday/ This week, Next week, Previous week/ This month(by default), Next month, Previous month/ This quarter, Next quarter, Previous quarter/ This year, Next year, previous year
  • Custom period (drop-down): Custom month(default), Custom quarter, Custom year, Custom period, Custom date period.
    • Custom month (checkboxes): January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December( current month by default)
    • Custom quarter(checkboxes): Q1, Q2,Q3,Q4.(current quarter by default)

    In case Custom month/Custom quarter is selected the Year (drop-down) appears (Previous year, This year, Next year ,2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015)

    • Year (drop-down):2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015
    • Custom period: The user can choose any number ( from 1 to 1000) of Days, Weeks, or Months Back in time or Forward in time
    • Custom date period: the user can choose a date From one date To another date
    • Toggle ‘Follow the current date’ (it is available when the user chooses the Custom date period)

    If the option «Follow the current date» is enabled, the date «To» should be automatically set to the current date, and the field «To» should be disabled for manual entry.

    • Toggle ‘Exclude count for sequential employments’ (The user can enable toggle an option to "Exclude count for sequential employments" and set an "Interval". This way, the system will be able to identify two employments as one if the end date of the first is close to the start date of the other (on the same employee).
      The 'Interval' input field for entering days will be displayed after turning on the 'Exclude count for sequential employments' toggle to consider employment that occurred before and after a selected period. Interval feature should only consider "sequential employments" if employments are connected to the same department

A detailed view drawer is open after clicking on the numbers from the widget in the dashboard home.

Detailed view contains next columns:

  • Employee name
  • Start date of employment
  • Starts in (count how many days are left for candidate employment. We have similar logic in the Jobs ending widget). If the user starts in 0 or minus x days, "Started" is displayed.

After clicking on the Employee name, you are redirected to the Candidate card in RecMan.

Employees ending widget

3.Employees ending(1).png

This 'number' widget shows employees who are ending their employment in some period of time.

Data is fetched by the End date of candidate employment.

Notice that some of the candidates can have Ongoing employment – in this case, we do not count these candidates in the widget calculation since they are not ending.

Widget settings:

General tab:

  • Widget name input field
  • Data level (dropdown) - All, Corporation, Department group, Department (default) and Co-worker.

    'Data level options'(drop-down) - Dynamic (default), Choose multiple, Specific corporations/ departments/department groups ( 'Data level options' drop-down is shown after selecting the appropriate option from the Data level drop-down. The user can choose Dynamic or multiple ( Specific corporations/ departments/department groups) (data for Co-worker is fetched from Employment card → Responsible co-worker).

  • ‘Employment condition’ section ( (drop-down): All (default), Not set, Permanent employment, Temporary employee, Subcontractor, Extra/on demand.
  • ‘Employee group’ section: drop-down list with all available Employee group from the RecMan system (All by default).

The user can set the Employee group and Employment condition while creating/editing employment from the Candidate card in the RecMan:


Period tab:

  • Standard - Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday/ This week, Next week, Previous week/ This month(by default), Next month, Previous month/ This quarter, Next quarter, Previous quarter/ This year, Next year, previous year
  • Custom period (drop-down): Custom month(default), Custom quarter, Custom year, Custom period, Custom date period.
    • Custom month (checkboxes): January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December( current month by default)
    • Custom quarter (checkboxes): Q1, Q2,Q3,Q4.(current quarter by default)

    In case Custom month/Custom quarter is selected the Year (drop-down) appears (Previous year, This year, Next year, 2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015)

    • Year (drop-down):2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015
    • Custom period: The user can choose any number ( from 1 to 1000) of Days, Weeks, or Months Back in time or Forward in time
    • Custom date period: the user can choose a date From one date To another date
    • Toggle ‘Follow the current date’ (it is available when the user chooses the Custom date period)

    If the option «Follow the current date» is enabled, the date «To» should be automatically set to the current date, and the field «To» should be disabled for manual entry.

    • Toggle ‘Exclude count for sequential employments’ (The user can enable toggle an option to "Exclude count for sequential employments" and set an "Interval". This way, the system will be able to identify two employments as one if the end date of the first is close to the start date of the other (on the same employee).
      The 'Interval' input field for entering days will be displayed after turning on the 'Exclude count for sequential employments' toggle to consider employment that occurred before and after a selected period. Interval feature should only consider "sequential employments" if employments are connected to the same department.

A detailed view drawer is open after clicking on the numbers from the widget in the dashboard home.

Detailed view contains next columns:

  • Employee name
  • Start date of employment
  • End date of employment
  • Ends in – count how many days are left for candidate employment. If the user ends in 0 or negative x days, "Ended" is displayed.

After clicking on the Employee name, you are redirected to the Candidate card in RecMan.

Active employees widget

4.Active employees(1).png

This widget shows Active employees per year grouped by month. The visualization of the widget is similar to Revenue per month grouped by year. Fetching data according to Candidate employment (from Candidate card). The Employee can have ongoing employment - in this case, it will be counted.

Widget settings:

General tab:

  1. Widget name section
  2. Data level section - All, Corporation, Department, Department group
  3. "Display data based on" (radio button):
  • Employment (default)
  • Job

Based on the selected option, irrelevant customized columns from the Drawer columns tab will be hidden.

After changing this setting, the Drawer columns tab name will be highlighted for ~1 sec. (the idea is to draw attention to the fact that there are some changes in the Drawer columns tab).

The graph will also display a count based on the selected option. If Employment is selected, the count will look at employment with an active date in the period. If the job is selected, the count will look at jobs with an active date in the period.

Period tab:

  1. Custom period - Select all, This year (by default), Previous year (by default), 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 checkboxes

Drawer columns tab: (Checkboxes)

Select all, Employee no(by default), Employment, Department, Employment condition, Primary employer, Occupation code, Clearing number, Year limit, Currency, Annual salary, Monthly salary, Hour salary, Vacation days, Guarantee rule, Position percentage, Working scheme, Work condition type, End reason, Start date(by default), End date(by default), Responsible co-worker, Employee group.

After choosing some year from widget settings, an additional chart is shown on the widget according to data from this year.

From the left side (Y-axis), there are shown rounded numbers of active jobs, starting from 0. From the bottom line (X-axis), there are shown months, starting from Jan and ending with Dec.

Under the bottom line (X-axis), there are shown years that were selected from the widget settings. At least one year should be checked.

A tooltip with the total number of employees is shown after hovering over the active employees' chart.

Details info:

Detail info by default contains columns "Employee name," "Employee no." "Start date," and "End date. If you click on the widget, the Details info will open. You will see all columns that you choose on the setting "Drawer columns." You will see information for the month that you clicked on the widget. You have the possibility to change the month in the details info. On the right of the name of the widget, there is a counter.

Employees working list widget

11.Employees working list(1).png

This is a list widget. This widget shows Corporations and Departments with employees who are currently working. The opposite of the name of the Corporation shows the total number of employees working in this corporation. The names of corporations are bold. Under the corporation, showed names of departments. Users can enter some departments. After entering some departments, names of co-workers will be shown. The user is able to expand some specific co-workers, and the names of employees connected to these co-workers and who are currently working will be shown on the widget.

General tab contains:

  • Widget name
  • Data level (checkboxes) - Corporation, Department, Co-worker.
  • Status section (checkboxes) - Job, Shift, Work week, At least one checkbox is checked
  • Responsible co-worker (drop-down) - On project, On job and On primary employment

Period tab contains:

  • Standard (drop-down) - Today, Yesterday(default), This week, Previous week, This month, Previous month, This quarter, Previous quarter, This year, Previous year
  • Custom period (drop-down) - Custom month, Custom quarter, Custom Year, Custom Period
    • Checkboxes *if Custom period is selected: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
  • Year *if Custom period is selected (drop-down) - Previous year, This year, Next year, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015

After adding a widget to the dashboard, the settings of this widget are set to Period - Yesterday by default. Responsible co-worker - On project by default. All checkboxes from the Status and Data level sections are checked.

Job work status means that a candidate is added to a Job for some particular Project.

Work week status means that a user has some working days in a work week.

1.Employees working(3).png

Shift status means that an employee has some shifts.

1.Employees working(4).png

Data level checkboxes:

These options respond to which data will be shown on the widget. In case only the Corporation checkbox is checked - only a list of Corporations will be shown on the widget. In case the Corporation and Department checkboxes are checked, then the Corporation and Departments will be shown on the widget. In case all checkboxes are checked, then the list of Corporations and Departments will be shown, and the user will be able to expand the department section to see employees connected to some specific co-worker. The corporation checkbox can not be unchecked.

In case the user chooses On project option, then Employees will be counted according to the responsible co-worker from the Project.


In case the user chooses the On job option, then Employees will be counted according to the responsible co-worker from Job. While adding a candidate to a job, the user can choose a responsible co-worker for this job.

create job responsible.png

In case the user chooses the On primary employment option, then Employees will be counted according to the responsible co-worker from candidate card Employment.


Employee work overview widget

19.Employee work overview(1).png

This is the first widget with this kind of info displayed on BI. This widget shows an overview of employees' work, similar to the iOS RecMan app.

This widget shows a list of employees and the status of their work for 7 days. Names of employees are shown like this - J. Smith → only the first letter of the First name is shown. Notice that in the widget settings, the full employee name is shown, for example, James Smith.


Here is the list of work statuses:

  • Logged work → work table (article_type = 1)
  • Logged absence → work table (article_type = 2)
  • Logged work + absence
  • Logged work + available
  • Logged work + absence + available
  • Available
  • Logged work + not available
  • Absence + not available
  • Logged work + absence + not available
  • Not available
  • Logged work + vacation
  • Absence + vacation
  • Vacation
  • Logged work + shift
  • Absence + shift
  • Logged work + absence + shift
  • Shift

Each status has its own icon.

On the widget, the horizontal line shows 7 days with employee work status.

Employees can be separated by Company and Project, only by Project, only by Company, or not separated at all. This can be managed in widget settings by using the Show company label and Show project label toggles.

Days in the week are shown in two different ways:

  • starting from Monday till Sunday (MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT, SUN). The current day is bold.
  • current day in the middle, 3 previous days from the left, and 3 next days from the right. In case today, Wednesday, it will look like this → SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT.

Settings for this behavior are present in widget settings → Fixed week radio button (from Mon till Sun) and Rolling week radio button (current day in the middle).

In the upper right corner, the number of the week and the '< >' arrows ( W23 < > ) are shown. Week can be scrolled to previous or next in case the Allow navigation toggle is ON from the widget settings. Use lazy loader for new data after scrolling weeks.

In the widget settings, there is an employee search field.

After hovering work status, a tooltip with the next information is shown:

For Logged hours:

  • Article: %Name of the article%
  • From - to: %From time% - %To time%
  • Break: %Time of break%
  • Qty: %Quantity of logged hours% (9h 10m)

For Logged absence:

  • Article: %Name of the article%
  • From - to: %From time% - %To time%

For Available:

  • From date - To date: %From date% - %To date%
  • From - to: %From time% - %To time%

For Not available:

  • From date - To date: %From date% - %To date%
  • From - to: %From time% - %To time%

For Vacation:

  • From date - To date: %From date% - %To date%
  • From time - To time: %From time% - %To time%

For Shift:

  • From - To: %From time%. - %To time%
  • Break: %Time of break%
  • Qty: %Quantity of logged hours% (9h 10m)

Widget settings contain only one General tab:

General tab:

  • 'Widget name' section.
  • 'Searched field' section → this section also includes employees who were added.
  • 'Display' section → Fixed week and Rolling week toggles.
  • 'Show company label' toggle – ON by default.
  • 'Show project label' toggle – ON by default.
  • 'Allow navigation' toggle – ON by default.

Employees awaiting salary widget

20.Employees awaiting salary(1).png

This widget shows the number of employees who are awaiting salary. Fetch info about employees who have approved salaries and can be invoiced (salaried).

Widget settings contain only one General tab:

  • Widget name section- the field where the user can change the widget name
  • Data level section:
    - Corporation;
    - Department group;
    - Department (dynamic data level by default);

Settings = Only data level corporation, department group and department.

Detailed view contains:

  • Employee number
  • Employee name
  • Employee Salary
  • Period

Each item in the list has redirection to the Employee page in RecMan.

Employees grouped by gender widget

21.Employees grouped by gender(1).png

This widget shows employees grouped by gender (Male, Female and Other).

The data about employee gender is fetched from the candidate card.

Widget settings contain:

General tab:

  • Widget name input field
  • “Chart type” section (drop-down): Basic pie(default), Variable radius pie, 3D pie, 3D donut.
  • Data level (drop-down) - All, Corporation, Department group, Department (default), Co-worker.
  • 'Data level options'(drop-down) - Dynamic (default), Choose multiple, Specific corporations/ departments/department groups ( 'Data level options' drop-down is shown after selecting the appropriate option from the Data level drop-down. The user can choose Dynamic or multiple ( Specific corporations/ departments/department groups)

Period tab contains:

  • Toggle ‘Employed in period’: disabled by default. If the toggle is enabled the following sections are displayed:
  • Standard (drop-down): Today, Yesterday, This week, Previous week, This month (default), Previous month, This quarter, Previous quarter, This year, Previous year.
  • Custom period (drop-down): Custom month (default), Custom quarter, Custom year, Relative period, Custom date period.
    • Custom month (checkboxes): January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December (current month by default)
    • Custom quarter (checkboxes): Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 (current quarter by default)

    In case Custom month/Custom quarter is selected the Year (drop-down) appears (Previous year, This year, Next year, 2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015)

    • Year (drop-down): Previous year, This year, Next year, 2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015
    • Custom period: The user can choose any number (from 1 to 1000) of Days, Weeks, or Months Back in time or Forward in time

Employees tab contains:

  • ‘Gender’ section - Male, Female, Other, Undefined checkboxes (all checkboxes are checked by default except Undefined)
  • ‘Active status’ section (radio button): All (default), Yes, No
  • ‘Age group’ section - 18-29 years, 30-39 years, 40-49 years, 50-59 years, 60 years or over (all checkboxes are checked by default)
  • Toggle ‘Include without date of birth’ (Unchecked by default)

After hovering over some sections, a tooltip with the Name of the section, Number of employees and Percentage is shown.

Employees by top nationality widget

22.Employees by top nationality(1).png

This widget shows employees grouped by nationality. The biggest number is shown at the top of the list.

Widget settings contain:

General tab:

  • Widget name input section
  • Data level (drop-down) - All, Corporation, Department group, Department (default), Co-worker.
  • 'Data level options' (drop-down) - Dynamic (default), Choose multiple, Specific corporations/ departments/department groups ('Data level options' drop-down is shown after selecting the appropriate option from the Data level drop-down. The user can choose Dynamic or multiple (Specific corporations/ departments/department groups)
  • "Include undefined nationality" - Toggle (Unchecked by default)
  • "Number of nationalities" input field (5 by default)

A number of nationalities input field validation - the maximum number is 50, the minimum is 1.

Period tab contains:

  • Toggle ‘Employed in period’: disabled by default. If the toggle is enabled the following sections are displayed:
  • Standard (drop-down): Today, Yesterday, This week, Previous week, This month (default), Previous month, This quarter, Previous quarter, This year, Previous year.
  • Custom period (drop-down): Custom month (default), Custom quarter, Custom year, Relative period, Custom date period.
    • Custom month (checkboxes): January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December (current month by default)
    • Custom quarter (checkboxes): Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 (current quarter by default)

    In case Custom month/Custom quarter is selected the Year (drop-down) appears (Previous year, This year, Next year, 2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015)

    • Year (drop-down): Previous year, This year, Next year, 2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015
    • Custom period: The user can choose any number (from 1 to 1000) of Days, Weeks, or Months Back in time or Forward in time

Employees tab contains:

  • ‘Active status’ section (radio button): All (default), Yes, No
  • ‘Age group’ section - 18-29 years, 30-39 years, 40-49 years, 50-59 years, 60 years or over (all checkboxes are checked by default)
  • Toggle ‘Include without date of birth’ (Unchecked by default)

Widget view: The right side shows the name of the nationality, and the left side shows the number of employees.

Detailed view drawer:

If you click on the value number, the details info opens:

  1. # number of employees.
  2. Employee name - if you click on "Name," Employee Card in RecMan opens
  3. Co-worker
  4. Department

You can change the country in the Detailed view by clicking on the drop-down menu. After that, you can see all countries specified in the widget or search for a new one.

Absent employees

26.Absent employees(1).png

This widget shows employees who have not been working for a specific period of time.

General tab contains:

  • Widget name input field
  • Data level (dropdown) - All, Corporation, Department group, Department (default), Co-worker.
  • Department (drop-down) - Dynamic (default), Choose multiple, Specific corporations/ departments/ co-workers

'Absence type' section (checkboxes):

  • Vacation
  • Leave of absence
  • National holiday
  • Self-managed
  • Unavailable

All checkboxes except Unavailable are checked by default. At least one checkbox should be selected.

In case the user chooses All data level, there is no filtration by data level, and employees are fetched from the entire system.

In case the user chooses the Corporation data level, then the data will be fetched according to the department that is connected to the candidate. For example, Candidate 1 is connected to Department 1, and Candidate 2 is connected to Department 2. Departments 2 and 1 are connected to Corporation 1. After choosing Corporation 1 from the widget settings, Candidates 1 and 2 will be shown.

In case the user chooses the Department group data level, then data will be filtered by all departments that are in the department group, where connected to the employee department is present. For example - Department group 1 contains Department 1 and Department 2. There are 3 employees, two of them connected to Department1 and one to Department2. User filtering employees using Department group 1, then 3 employees are shown.

If the user chooses Department data level, then data will be fetched according to employees connected to the chosen departments (while creating a new candidate, there is the possibility to choose a particular Department, so it will check employees connected to the chosen Department).

If the user chooses the Co-worker data level, then the data will be fetched according to the co-worker connected to the employee.

Absence can be set on the 'Log work' page.

When absences are set, candidates will see these options and will be available to log them. Users can also set the type of absence - simple Absence or self-managed.

The absent employee is shown in the Employee calendar and Logged work page( ability to add or edit the absence employee settings):

26.Absent employees(2).png



Unavailable (not availability) can be set from the ‘Work calendar’ of the employee while adding ‘Availability’ for the employee. The user can choose the Unavailable type of availability and the date and time of unavailability.

Screenshot 2024-01-29 at 09.45.21.png

Vacation can be set from the ‘Work calendar’ of the employee while adding ‘Availability’ for the employee. The user can choose the Vacation type of availability and date of vacation.

Screenshot 2024-01-29 at 09.45.54.png

National holidays can be set while adding or editing jobs. The user can choose the Holiday calendar from a drop-down menu with various types of holidays that can be set in the staffing settings in RecMan.

Screenshot 2024-01-29 at 09.57.36.png

Screenshot 2024-01-29 at 10.09.40.png

Screenshot 2024-01-29 at 10.20.19.png

Details info view drawer is open after clicking on the number of employees or period.

Detailed view drawer contains:

  1. Employee name. The user is redirected to the Employee Card in RecMan after clicking the employee name.
  2. Type (type of absent): Vacation, Leave of absence, National holiday, Self-managed and Unavailable
  3. Period: shows the period of vacation. List of periods: Today, Tomorrow, This week, Next week.
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